🌾 End:


햄버 (hamburger) : 둥근 빵 사이에 고기와 채소와 치즈 등을 끼운 음식. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 HAMBURGER: Food made by putting meat, vegetables, cheese, etc., between two round buns.

: 말하는 사람과 듣는 사람으로부터 멀리 있는 것을 가리키는 말. ☆☆☆ Pronoun
🌏 THAT: The word used to indicate an object that is away from the speaker and the listener.

자전 (自轉車) : 사람이 올라타고 두 발로 발판을 밟아 바퀴를 굴려서 나아가는 탈것. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 BICYCLE: A vehicle that is moved by a person riding on it, who rolls its wheels by pushing pedals with his/her feet.

(過去) : 지나간 때. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 PAST: A time that has passed

: 어떤 사물이나 현상, 또는 사실. ☆☆☆ Bound Noun
🌏 THING: A bound noun used to refer to a certain thing or phenomenon, or fact.

: 듣는 사람에게 가까이 있거나 듣는 사람이 생각하고 있는 것을 가리키는 말. ☆☆☆ Pronoun
🌏 A pronoun used to indicate something close to the listener or something the listener has in mind.

: 말하는 사람에게 가까이 있거나 말하는 사람이 생각하고 있는 것을 가리키는 말. ☆☆☆ Pronoun
🌏 THIS: A pronoun that is used to refer to something that is close to the speaker or that the speaker is thinking of.

(根據) : 생활이나 활동 등의 근본이 되는 곳. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BASE; STRONGHOLD: A place that serves as the base of one's life or activity.

(選擧) : 일정한 조직이나 집단에서 투표를 통해 대표자나 임원을 뽑음. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 ELECTION: The act of choosing a representative or executive of an organization or group through a vote.

(證據) : 어떤 사건이나 사실을 확인할 수 있는 근거. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 EVIDENCE: A proof used to verify an event or fact.

(除去) : 없애 버림. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 REMOVAL: The act of getting rid of something.

분리수 (分離收去) : 쓰레기를 종류별로 따로 모아서 거두어 감. Noun
🌏 GARBAGE RECYCLING: The method of collecting garbage by dividing it by type.

(住居) : 일정한 곳에 자리 잡고 삶. 또는 그런 집. Noun
🌏 HABITATION: The act of settling down and living in a place, or housing for such settlement.

(大擧) : 한꺼번에 많이. Adverb
🌏 IN A GROUP; IN GREAT NUMBERS: In large amounts at the same time.

(大擧) : 한꺼번에 많은 수. Noun
🌏 GREAT NUMBER; LARGE NUMBER: A state of being in great numbers at the same time.

(撤去) : 건물이나 시설을 무너뜨려 없애거나 걷어치움. Noun
🌏 DEMOLISHMENT: An act of removing or clearing away a building or facility by knocking it down.

(列擧) : 여러 가지 예나 사실 등을 하나하나 죽 늘어놓음. Noun
🌏 LISTING; ENUMERATION: The act of mentioning several examples, facts, etc., one by one.

(同居) : 같은 집이나 같은 방에서 함께 삶. Noun
🌏 LIVING TOGETHER: The act of living together in the same house or room.

(檢擧) : 수사 기관이 법을 어기거나 범죄를 저지른 사람을 잡아서 가두는 일. Noun
🌏 ARREST; ROUND-UP; APPREHENSION: The catching and locking up by law enforcement of a person who has broken the law or committed a crime.

(蟄居) : 밖에 나가서 활동하지 않고 집 안에만 틀어박혀 있음. Noun
🌏 SECLUDED LIFE; STICKING TO HOME: The state of staying home only, not doing anything outside.

간접 선 (間接選擧) : 일반 선거인에 의하여 선출된 중간 선거인이 후보자를 뽑는 선거. None
🌏 INDIRECT ELECTION: An election where the publicly elected intermediate voters select among the candidates.

(隱居) : 세상을 피해 숨어서 지냄. Noun
🌏 SECLUDED LIFE: The state of living quietly, hiding from the world.

(別 거) : 흔하지 않은 이상한 것. Noun
🌏 SOMETHING; PARTICULAR THING: A thing that is strange, not common.

(抗拒) : 순순히 따르지 않고 맞서서 대들거나 반대함. Noun
🌏 RESISTANCE; DEFIANCE; DISOBEDIENCE: An act of challenging or opposing another person or object without obeying him or her or it passively.

부정 선 (不正選擧) : 정당하지 못한 수단이나 방법으로 치러진 선거. None
🌏 CORRUPT ELECTION: An election that was executed using unfair means or methods.

: (낮잡아 이르거나 귀엽게 이르는 말로) 말하는 사람에게 가까이 있거나 말하는 사람이 생각하고 있는 것을 가리키는 말. Pronoun
🌏 THIS: (either disparaging or endearing) A pronoun that is used to refer to something that is close to the speaker or that the speaker is thinking of.

(起居) : 일정한 곳에 머물며 먹고 자는 등의 일상생활을 함. 또는 그 생활. Noun
🌏 DAILY LIFE; LIVING: Living, eating, and sleeping in one place or the life itself.

보궐 선 (補闕選擧) : 임기 중에 의원이 사망이나 사직 등을 하여 빈자리가 생겼을 때 그 자리를 채우기 위해 비정기적으로 하는 선거. None
🌏 SPECIAL ELECTION; ELECTION TO FILL A VACANCY: An election held irregularly to fill an opening caused by a representative's death, resignation, etc.

(逝去) : (높임말로) 죽음. Noun
🌏 DEATH; DECEASE; DEMISE: (honorific) Death.

보통 선 (普通選擧) : 선거인의 자격에 재산, 신분, 성별, 교육 정도 등의 제한을 두지 않고, 성인이 되면 누구에게나 선거권이 주어지는 선거. None
🌏 POPULAR ELECTION; UNIVERSAL ELECTION; COMMON ELECTION: An election for which any adult is given the right to vote, regardless of their property, status, gender, education level, etc.

세발자전 (세발 自轉車) : 주로 어린아이들이 타는, 바퀴가 세 개 달린 작은 자전거. Noun
🌏 TRICYCLE: A small bicycle with three wheels mainly ridden by children.

공명선 (公明選擧) : 부정이 없이 공정하고 떳떳하게 치르는 선거. Noun
🌏 CLEAN ELECTION: An election held fairly without any corruption.

공수래공수 (空手來空手去) : 인생은 빈손으로 왔다가 빈손으로 가는 것이므로 재물에 욕심을부릴 필요가 없음. Noun
🌏 COME EMPTY, RETURN EMPTY: Greed for wealth is unnecessary because in life one comes and goes empty-handed.

(掃去) : 좋지 않은 것을 모두 없앰. Noun
🌏 ERADICATION; ERASURE: The act of getting rid of everything bad.

(科擧) : 고려와 조선 시대에 실시했던 관리를 뽑기 위한 국가 시험. Noun
🌏 GWAGEO: civil service examination: A national examination to select public servants during the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty.

(別居) : 한 가족이나 부부가 따로 떨어져 삶. Noun
🌏 LEGAL SEPARATION; LIMITED DIVORCE: A state in which husband and wife or family members live separately.

직접 선 (直接選擧) : 선거인이 피선거인을 직접 뽑는 선거. None
🌏 DIRECT ELECTION: An election where voters select directly among the candidates.

: (낮잡아 이르거나 귀엽게 이르는 말로) 듣는 사람에게 가까이 있거나 듣는 사람이 생각하고 있는 것을 가리키는 말. Pronoun
🌏 GOGEO: (either endearing or disparaging) A pronoun used to indicate something close to the listener, or something the listener has in mind.

(準據) : 사물의 정도나 성격 등을 알기 위한 근거나 기준. Noun
🌏 CRITERION; REFERENCE: Evidence or a yardstick needed to figure out the degree or characteristics of something.

(依據) : 어떤 사실이나 원리 등에 근거함. Noun
🌏 BEING BASED; BEING GROUNDED: The state of being based on a certain fact, principle, etc.

(薦擧) : 사람을 소개하거나 추천함. Noun
🌏 RECOMMENDATION: An act of introducing or recommending someone.

(義擧) : 정의를 위하여 옳은 일을 일으킴. Noun
🌏 HEROIC DEED; PATRIOTIC DEED: An act of rising and doing the right thing for justice.

(論據) : 이론이나 주장의 근거. Noun
🌏 GROUNDS OF AN ARGUMENT: The basis of a theory or argument.

두발자전 (두발 自轉車) : 바퀴가 두 개 달린 자전거. Noun
🌏 TWO-WHEELED BICYCLE: A bicycle with two wheels.

(Ringer) : 생리적인 기능을 유지할 수 있도록 몸속에 체액 대신 넣는 액체. Noun
🌏 INTRAVENOUS DRIP: Liquid infused into a vein of the body in place of body fluid in order to maintain physiological functions.

재선 (再選擧) : 선거가 무효가 되었을 때, 또는 당선인이 없거나 결격 사유가 드러났을 때 다시 실시하는 선거. Noun
🌏 BY-ELECTION: An election that is held again when the original election has been nullified, there is no winner or the winner has been disqualified.

총선 (總選擧) : 국회 의원 전체를 한꺼번에 뽑는 선거. Noun
🌏 GENERAL ELECTION: The election through which all the members of the National Assembly are elected at once.

: 듣는 사람에게 가까이 있거나 듣는 사람이 생각하고 있는 것을 가리키는 말. Pronoun
🌏 THIS; THAT: A pronoun used to indicate something close to the listener, or something the listener has in mind.

(快擧) : 통쾌하고 장한 일. Noun
🌏 SPLENDID FEAT: A delightful and proud achievement.

(退去) : 있던 자리에서 물러나거나 떠남. Noun
🌏 LEAVING; RESIGNATION: An act of leaving a place where one has stayed or resigning a job.

: 거기. Pronoun
🌏 THERE: There.

(收去) : 거두어 감. Noun
🌏 PICKUP; COLLECTION: The act of collecting and taking away.

(占據) : 어떤 장소를 차지하여 자리를 잡음. Noun
🌏 OCCUPATION: The act of occupying a place and settling there.

: (낮잡아 이르거나 귀엽게 이르는 말로) 말하는 사람과 듣는 사람으로부터 멀리 있는 것을 가리키는 말. Pronoun
🌏 THAT: (disparaging or endearing) The word used to indicate an object that is away from the speaker and the listener.

(暴擧) : 몹시 거칠고 사나운 행동. Noun
🌏 VIOLENCE: Very rough and fierce behavior.

(急遽) : 매우 서둘러 급하게. Adverb
🌏 IN HASTE; HURRIEDLY: Very quickly in a hurry.

급정 (急停車) : 자동차나 기차 등이 갑자기 멈추어 섬. 또는 갑자기 멈추어 서게 함. Noun
🌏 SUDDEN STOP: The act of suddenly stopping a car, train, etc., or making such a vehicle stop abruptly.

Exchanging personal information (46) Health (155) Geological information (138) Introducing (introducing family) (41) Performance & appreciation (8) Expressing gratitude (8) Making a phone call (15) Occupation & future path (130) Apologizing (7) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Law (42) Social system (81) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Dating and getting married (19) Inviting and visiting (28) Using public institutions (59) Environmental issues (226) Cultural differences (47) Human relationships (255) Human relationships (52) Talking about one's mistakes (28) Housework (48) Family events (during national holidays) (2) Economics and business administration (273) Using the hospital (204) Sports (88) Expressing time (82) Watching a movie (105) Science & technology (91)