🌟 만백성 (萬百姓)
1. 나라 안의 모든 백성.
1. ALL PEOPLE: All the people in a country.
만백성의 군주.
The monarch of the whole nation. -
만백성의 어머니.
Mother of the 10,000 people. -
만백성의 주인.
Master of the 10,000 people. -
만백성을 거느리다.
Have the whole nation under one's command. -
만백성을 다스리다.
Regulate the 10,000 people. -
그 왕은 정의롭고 덕망이 높으며 백성의 생활을 늘 염려해 만백성의 사랑을 받았다.
The king was loved by all the people for his righteous, high-profile, and for his constant concern for the lives of the people. -
높은 벼슬에 있던 김 씨는 아무리 출세해도 도를 어기지 않는 까닭에 만백성의 신망을 잃지 않았다.
Kim, who was in a high government position, did not lose the confidence of the people because he did not violate the law no matter how high he was in the world.
🗣️ Pronunciation, Application: • 만백성 (
🌷 ㅁㅂㅅ: Initial sound 만백성
ㅁㅂㅅ (
: 학업과 품행이 뛰어나서 다른 학생의 본보기가 될 만한 학생.
🌏 MODEL STUDENT: An exemplary student who is outstanding in his/her studies and conduct. -
ㅁㅂㅅ (
: 누런 흰색을 띠며 뭉친 보리밥 모양을 한 천연석.
🌏 ELVAN: A yellowish white natural form of quartz rock often in the shape of a boiled barley and rice ball. -
ㅁㅂㅅ (
: 나라 안의 모든 백성.
🌏 ALL PEOPLE: All the people in a country. -
ㅁㅂㅅ (
: 어떤 일에 대한 대가가 없음.
🌏 BEING UNPAID: The state of not getting paid for one's work. -
ㅁㅂㅅ (
: 초자연적인 능력이 있어 신기한 일을 하는 기술을 가진 사람.
🌏 WIZARD; SORCERER: A person who has supernatural powers and is skilled at amazing people. -
ㅁㅂㅅ (
: (비유적으로) 무엇인가를 애타게 기다리는 사람.
🌏 MANGBUSEOK: legendary faithful wife, turned to stone waiting for her husband: (figurative) A person who waits with great longing for someone else. -
ㅁㅂㅅ (
: 몸에 좋은 약이나 음식 등을 먹어서 몸의 영양을 보충함.
🌏 INVIGORATION OF THE BODY; NURTURING OF THE BODY: An act of replenishing nutrients in one's body by taking medicine or food that is good for improving health. -
ㅁㅂㅅ (
: 교도소의 규칙을 잘 지켜 다른 죄수들의 본보기가 되는 죄수.
🌏 MODEL PRISONER: An exemplary prisoner who obeys the prison rules well.
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