🌟 만백성 (萬百姓)


1. 나라 안의 모든 백성.

1. SEMUA RAKYAT, SELURUH RAKYAT: semua rakyat dalam suatu negara

🗣️ Contoh:
  • 만백성의 군주.
    The monarch of the whole nation.
  • 만백성의 어머니.
    Mother of the 10,000 people.
  • 만백성의 주인.
    Master of the 10,000 people.
  • 만백성을 거느리다.
    Have the whole nation under one's command.
  • 만백성을 다스리다.
    Regulate the 10,000 people.
  • 그 왕은 정의롭고 덕망이 높으며 백성의 생활을 늘 염려해 만백성의 사랑을 받았다.
    The king was loved by all the people for his righteous, high-profile, and for his constant concern for the lives of the people.
  • 높은 벼슬에 있던 김 씨는 아무리 출세해도 도를 어기지 않는 까닭에 만백성의 신망을 잃지 않았다.
    Kim, who was in a high government position, did not lose the confidence of the people because he did not violate the law no matter how high he was in the world.

🗣️ Pelafalan, Penggunaan: 만백성 (만ː백썽)







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