토끼해에 태어난 사람의 띠.
Year of the Rabbit in the Chinese zodiac: The Chinese zodiac sign of a person who was born in the Year of the Rabbit.
용례 :
토끼띠 의 해가 되다.
Become the year of the rabbit.
토끼띠 의 해에 태어나다.
Born in the year of the rabbit.
토끼띠 의 해가 가고 용띠의 해가 왔다.
The year of the rabbit has gone and the year of the dragon has come.
토끼띠 의 해에 태어난 지수는 호랑이띠인 오빠와 한 살 차이가 났다.
Born in the year of the rabbit, jisoo was one year apart from her brother, who was born in the year of the tiger.
엄마, 민준이가 무슨 띠죠?
Mom, what year is minjun in?
토끼띠 인 너보다 두 살 어리니 뱀띠구나.
You're two years younger than you, the year of the rabbit, so born in the year of the snake.
발음, 활용:
: 토끼해에 태어난 사람의 띠.
🌏 TOKKITTI : Year of the Rabbit in the Chinese zodiac: The Chinese zodiac sign of a person who was born in the Year of the Rabbit.