ㅇㄱㅈㄱ (
: 분명하게 정해지지 않은 여러 장소나 위치.
🌏 BEING HERE AND THERE; BEING PLACE TO PLACE; EVERYWHERE: A variety of places or locations that are not clearly specified.
ㅇㄱㅈㄱ (
: 분명하게 정해지지 않은 여러 장소.
🌏 HERE AND THERE: A variety of places or locations that are not clearly specified.
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: 크기가 다른 작은 것들이 고르지 않게 많이 모여 있는 모양.
🌏 IN A HUDDLE: In a state in which small things of different sizes are gathered, forming irregular shapes.
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: 분명하게 정해지지 않은 여러 가지 사물이나 일.
🌏 THIS AND THAT; EVERYTHING; THIS, THAT, AND THE OTHER: Various things or matters that are not certainly defined.
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유가 증권
: 어음, 수표, 채권, 상품권 등 법적으로 재산권을 표시한 증권.
품사 없음
🌏 SECURITIES; STOCKS AND BONDS: The security on which its legal property right is indicated, such as a note, check, bond, gift certificate, etc.
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: 분명하게 정해지지 않은 여러 장소나 위치.
🌏 BEING HERE AND THERE; BEING PLACE TO PLACE; EVERYWHERE: A variety of places or locations that are not clearly specified.
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: 우거지를 넣고 끓인 국.
🌏 UGEOJIGUK; UGEOJITGUK: A soup made with the green leaves of cabbage.
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을 가지고
: 앞의 말이 도구나 수단, 방법, 재료가 됨을 나타내는 표현.
품사 없음
🌏 EUL GAJIGO: An expression used to indicate that the preceding statement is a tool, means, method, or material for something.
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인공 장기
: 인간의 콩팥이나 심장 등이 못 쓰게 되었을 때, 대신 쓰기 위해 만든 기계적 장치.
품사 없음
🌏 ARTIFICIAL ORGAN: A mechanical device that has been made to substitute for a human's body organ such as a kidney, the heart, etc., when it cannot function properly.