🌟 중앙 (中央)

☆☆☆   คำนาม  

1. 어떤 장소나 물체의 중심이 되는 한가운데.

1. ศูนย์กลาง, ใจกลาง, ส่วนกลาง: ตรงกลางที่เป็นศูนย์กลางของสถานที่หรือวัตถุใด ๆ

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • 무대 중앙.
    Center of the stage.
  • 중앙.
    Center of the wall.
  • 사무실 중앙.
    Center of the office.
  • 줄의 중앙.
    The center of the line.
  • 중앙의 구멍.
    A hole in the middle.
  • 중앙이 우묵하다.
    The center is hollow.
  • 중앙을 바라보다.
    Look at the center.
  • 중앙에 놓다.
    Center it.
  • 중앙에 있다.
    It's in the center.
  • 아파트 중앙에 놀이터가 있어서 아이들이 모이기가 좋다.
    There's a playground in the middle of the apartment, so it's good for children to get together.
  • 음주 차량이 도로의 중앙에 있는 분리대를 들이박는 큰 사고를 냈다.
    A drunk vehicle caused a major accident, hitting a separator in the middle of the road.
  • 선생님. 이 책들을 모두 어디에 둘까요?
    Sir. where should i put all these books?
    건너편 책상의 중앙에 놔두렴.
    Put it in the center of the desk across the street.

2. 중심이 되는 중요한 곳.

2. ศูนย์กลาง, ใจกลาง, ส่วนกลาง: สถานที่สำคัญที่เป็นศูนย์กลาง

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • 중앙 도서관.
    Central library.
  • 중앙 박물관.
    Central museum.
  • 중앙 본부.
    Central headquarters.
  • 중앙 우체국.
    Central post office.
  • 중앙 컴퓨터.
    Central computer.
  • 중앙 회의.
    Central meeting.
  • 중앙 도서관은 다양하고 많은 책들을 소장하고 있다.
    The central library has a wide variety of books.
  • 중앙 선거 위원회에서 선거 후보들의 선거법 위반 여부를 조사한다.
    The central election commission investigates election candidates for election violations.

3. 정부가 있어 나라의 중심이 되는 도시.

3. เมืองหลวง: เมืองที่เป็นศูนย์กลางของประเทศเทศชาติซึ่งมีรัฐบาล

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • 중앙 방송국.
    Central broadcasting station.
  • 중앙 정계.
    Central political circles.
  • 중앙 집권.
    Central power.
  • 중앙의 귀족.
    Central aristocrat.
  • 중앙의 각 부처.
    Each department in the center.
  • 그 공무원은 야망이 커서 지방이 아닌 중앙에서 근무하고 싶었다.
    The official was ambitious and wanted to work in the center, not in the provinces.
  • 민준은 큰 실수 때문에 중앙에서 밀려나 지방 부서로 옮기게 되었다.
    Minjun was pushed out of the center because of a big mistake and moved to a local department.

🗣️ การออกเสียง, การประยุกต์ใช้: 중앙 (중앙)
📚 ประเภท: ตำแหน่งที่ตั้งและทิศทาง   การบอกตำแหน่งที่ตั้ง  

🗣️ 중앙 (中央) @ คำอธิบายความหมาย

🗣️ 중앙 (中央) @ ตัวอย่าง





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