🌷 Initial sound: ㅇㅁㅈ


의무적 (義務的) : 마땅히 해야 하는 것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING MANDATORY; BEING OBLIGATORY; BEING COMPULSORY: The quality of having to be done as a matter of duty.

이미지 (image) : 마음 속에 떠오르는 사물에 대한 생각이나 느낌. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 IMAGE: An impression of or feeling about something that crosses one's mind.

의무적 (義務的) : 마땅히 해야 하는. ☆☆ Determiner
🌏 MANDATORY; OBLIGATORY; COMPULSORY: Having to be done as a matter of duty.

운명적 (運命的) : 이미 운명으로 정해져 있는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING PREDETERMINED; BEING DESTINED: The state of having already been determined as one's destiny.

운명적 (運命的) : 이미 운명으로 정해져 있는. Determiner
🌏 PREDETERMINED; DESTINED: Already determined as one's destiny.

이면지 (裏面紙) : 한쪽 면만 쓰고 다른 면은 비어 있는 종이. 또는 그 비어 있는 면. Noun
🌏 REUSABLE PAPER; SCRAP PAPER: Paper that is used only on one side with the other side left blank; the unused clean side.

이물질 (異物質) : 순수하지 않거나 정상적이 아닌 물질. Noun
🌏 FOREIGN BODY; IMPURITY; EXTRANEOUS MATTER: A substance that is not pure or normal.

야맹증 (夜盲症) : 눈에 이상이 있어 밤에는 사물이 잘 보이지 않는 증상. Noun
🌏 NIGHT BLINDNESS: A symptom that a certain object is not clearly visible at night due to problems with the eyes.

야만적 (野蠻的) : 문명의 수준이 낮고 미개한 것. Noun
🌏 BEING BARBARIAN; BEING SAVAGE: The state of being uncivilized and primitive.

이민자 (移民者) : 자기 나라를 떠나서 다른 나라로 가서 사는 사람. Noun
🌏 MIGRANT: A person who leaves one's own country and goes to another country to live.

일면적 (一面的) : 한 방면으로 치우치는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING ONE-SIDED; BEING ONE-DIMENSIONAL: A state of leaning in one direction.

응모자 (應募者) : 모집에 응한 사람. Noun
🌏 APPLICANT: A person who has signed up for a contest, etc.

암묵적 (暗默的) : 자기의 생각이나 의견을 겉으로 드러내지 않는 것. Noun
🌏 SILENT; TACIT: Not revealing one's thought or opinion.

오미자 (五味子) : 붉은 색이고 신 맛이 강하며 주로 약이나 차의 재료로 쓰이는, 작고 둥근 열매. Noun
🌏 FRUIT OF SCHISANDRA CHINENSIS: A small round fruit which is reddish, sour, and mainly used to make a medicine or tea.

야만적 (野蠻的) : 문명의 수준이 낮고 미개한. Determiner
🌏 BARBAROUS; UNCIVILIZED: Being uncivilized and primitive.

의문점 (疑問點) : 확실히 알 수 없거나 믿지 못할 만한 부분. Noun
🌏 DOUBTFUL POINT; DOUBT; QUESTION: A part that one cannot understand completely or trust.

암매장 (暗埋葬) : 남이 모르게 시체를 땅에 묻음. Noun
🌏 SECRET BURIAL: Burying a dead body in the ground secretly.

암묵적 (暗默的) : 자기의 생각이나 의견을 겉으로 드러내지 않는. Determiner
🌏 TACIT: Not revealing one's thought or opinion.

유망주 (有望株) : (비유적으로) 어떤 분야에서 앞으로 잘될 가능성이 많은 사람. Noun
🌏 PROSPECT: (figurative) A person who has a high potential of succeeding in a field in the future.

임명제 (任命制) : 직위나 임무를 제한된 신분이나 조건을 갖춘 사람에게 맡기는 제도. Noun
🌏 APPOINTMENT SYSTEM: A system in which a position or work is assigned to someone with a specified status or qualifications.

악마적 (惡魔的) : 악마와 같은 것. Noun

악마적 (惡魔的) : 악마와 같은. Determiner
🌏 DEVILISH; DIABOLIC: Being like a devil.

움막집 (움 幕 집) : 추위나 비바람을 막기 위해 땅을 파고 위에 거적 등을 얹고 흙을 덮어 임시로 지은 집. Noun
🌏 UNDERGROUND SHED; DUGOUT HUT: A temporary shelter built in order to prevent cold or the wind and rain by digging a hole in the ground, putting straw mats on it, and then covering it with soil.

이모작 (二毛作) : 같은 땅에서 한 해에 두 가지 농작물을 차례로 심어 거두는 일. Noun
🌏 DOUBLE-CROPPING: An act of planting and harvesting two kinds of crops, one after the other, on the same land in the same year.

이민족 (異民族) : 언어나 풍습 등이 다른 민족. Noun
🌏 OTHER PEOPLE; OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS: Other ethnic groups that have different languages, customs, etc., from one ethnic group.

일면적 (一面的) : 한 방면으로 치우치는. Determiner
🌏 ONE-SIDED; ONE-DIMENSIONAL: Leaning in one direction.

임명장 (任命狀) : 어떤 사람에게 일정한 직위나 임무를 맡긴다는 내용을 적은 문서. Noun
🌏 CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT: A document stating that one has appointed someone to a certain position or work.

응모작 (應募作) : 모집에 응한 작품. Noun
🌏 ENTRY: A work that has been submitted to a contest, etc.

외면적 (外面的) : 겉으로 드러난 모양에만 관계된 것. Noun
🌏 BEING EXTERNAL: The state of being only related to the outward appearance of something or someone.

외면적 (外面的) : 겉으로 드러난 모양에만 관계된. Determiner
🌏 EXTERIOR; EXTERNAL: Being only related to the outward appearance of something or someone.

Occupation & future path (130) Purchasing goods (99) Hobbies (48) Expressing day of the week (13) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Expressing date (59) Law (42) Expressing time (82) Politics (149) Expressing gratitude (8) Watching a movie (105) Geological information (138) Cultural differences (47) Making a promise (4) Human relationships (255) Inviting and visiting (28) Talking about one's mistakes (28) Weekends and holidays (47) Mass media (47) Social system (81) Describing a dish (119) Making a phone call (15) Life in Korea (16) Human relationships (52) Philosophy, Ethics (86) Family events (during national holidays) (2) School life (208) Residential area (159)