🌷 Initial sound:


(八) : 칠에 일을 더한 수. ☆☆☆ Numeral
🌏 EIGHT: The number that is the sum of seven and one.

(八) : 여덟의. ☆☆☆ Determiner
🌏 EIGHT: Being the number eight.

(票) : 어떤 권리가 있음을 증명하는 쪽지. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 TICKET: A note that certifies that the holder of the note has a certain right.

: 잠이 깊이 들거나 피곤한 몸을 충분히 편하게 쉬는 모양. ☆☆☆ Adverb
🌏 SOUNDLY: A word describing an act of falling asleep or taking a good rest to recover from fatigue.

: 사람이나 동물의 몸 안의 혈관을 돌며 산소와 영양분을 공급하고, 노폐물을 운반하는 붉은색의 액체. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 BLOOD: A red liquid that moves along the blood vessels in the human or animal body to supply oxygen and nutrients and transport waste matter.

: 어깨에서 손목까지의 신체 부위. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 ARM: The body part from the shoulder to the wrist.

(表) : 어떤 내용을 일정한 형식과 순서에 따라 보기 좋게 나타낸 것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 TABLE: A certain content presented nicely after being organized in a regular form and order.

: 줄기가 연하고, 대개 한 해를 지내면 죽는 식물. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 GRASS; HERB; WEED: A plant with a tender stem that usually dies after one year.

(評) : 좋고 나쁨, 잘하고 못함, 옳고 그름 등을 평가함. 또는 그런 말. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CRITICISM; COMMENT; REVIEW: An act of evaluating whether something is good or bad, well-done or poorly-done, right or wrong, etc., or such a remark.

: 잎은 둥근기둥 모양으로 속이 비고 끝이 뾰족하게 길며, 독특한 냄새와 맛이 있어 양념으로 자주 쓰이는 채소. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 GREEN ONION; SCALLION: A vegetable whose long, pointy, cylindrical leaves are empty in the center, and which is often used as garnish or seasoning due to its unique smell and flavor.

: 쌀이나 밀가루 등에서 빼낸, 천이나 옷 등을 빳빳하게 만들거나 무엇을 붙일 때 쓰는 끈끈한 물질. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 STARCH; ADHESIVE: A sticky substance made from rice or wheat that is used as an adhesive or to starch clothes, etc.

(便) : 무엇이 나아가거나 향하는 방향. ☆☆ Bound Noun
🌏 DIRECTION: A bound noun used to indicate a direction something advances into or is headed.

(fan) : 운동 경기나 특정 예술 장르, 또는 운동선수나 배우, 가수 등을 열광적으로 좋아하는 사람. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 FAN: A person who passionately loves a sport, specific art genre, or an athlete, actor, singer, etc.

: 윗옷의 겨드랑이 밑의 가슴과 등을 두르는 부분의 넓이. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CHEST WIDTH: The area of an upper garment below the armpits that covers the chest and back.

: 보통 정도를 훨씬 넘게. ☆☆ Adverb
🌏 QUITE; VERY MUCH: In a degree greatly exceeding normal.

(標) : 준거가 될 만한 흔적. Noun
🌏 MARK; SIGN; TOKEN: A sign which becomes a standard or criterion.

: 활발한 기운이나 힘 있는 기세. Noun
🌏 SPIRIT; HEART: An animated energy or strong vigor.

(篇) : 형식이나 내용, 성질 등이 다른 글을 구별하여 나타내는 말. Bound Noun
🌏 PYEON: A bound noun used to separately indicate a piece of writing in a specific form, content, characteristic, etc.

(板) : 평평하고 넓게 만든 나뭇조각. Noun
🌏 BOARD: A flat, wide piece of wood.

(肺) : 동물과 사람의 가슴 속 양쪽에 있는, 숨을 쉬게 하는 기관. Noun
🌏 LUNGS: The respiratory organs that are located in both sides of the human or animal chest.

(幅) : 평면이나 넓은 물체의 가로 길이. Noun
🌏 WIDTH; BREADTH: The horizontal length of a plane figure or a wide object.

(敗) : 어떤 일을 실패함. 또는 싸움이나 경기 등에서 짐. Noun
🌏 FAILURE; LOSS; DEFEAT: A failure in doing something, or an act of losing a fight, game, etc.

: 삶아서 죽을 쑤거나 떡이나 빵에 넣어서 먹는, 맛이 구수한 짙은 자주색의 곡식. Noun
🌏 RED BEAN: A dark purple grain with savory flavor that is used as an ingredient in porridge, rice cake, or bread.

(敗) : 운동 경기에서, 진 횟수를 세는 단위. Bound Noun
🌏 NUMBER OF LOSSES: In a sports game, a bound noun that serves as a unit for counting the number of losses.

: 풍선이나 폭탄 등이 갑자기 시끄럽게 터지는 소리. Adverb
🌏 BOOM; POP: A word imitating the sound made when a balloon, bomb, etc., explodes suddenly and loudly.

: 약간 넓은 범위를 한 바퀴 도는 모양. Adverb
🌏 ROUND; AROUND: In the manner of going around in a slightly wider circle.

(坪) : 땅 넓이의 단위. Bound Noun
🌏 PYEONG: A bound noun that serves as a unit for measuring an area of land.

(便) : 사람이 오고 가거나 물건을 부치는 데 이용하는 기회나 수단. Bound Noun
🌏 PYEON: A bound noun used to mean an opportunity or means used by a travelling person to send a parcel.

(牌) : 같이 어울려 다니는 사람들의 무리. Noun
🌏 GROUP; PARTY: A group of people who hang out together.

(派) : 이념, 주의, 사상, 행동 등의 차이에 따라 갈라진 사람들의 집단. Noun
🌏 FACTION; PARTY: A group of people divided over a philosophy, belief, thought, behavior, etc.

(版) : 그림이나 글씨 등을 새겨 찍는 데 쓰는 나무나 쇠붙이로 된 조각. Noun
🌏 BLOCK: A piece of wood or metal on which images or words are engraved for printing.

(弊) : 남에게 손해를 끼치거나 남을 귀찮게 하는 일. Noun
🌏 TROUBLE: An act of causing damage to someone or bothering someone.

(包) : 일정한 양으로 싼 인삼을 세는 단위. Noun
🌏 PO: pack; bag: A unit to count ginseng packaged in a set quantity.

: 갑자기 매우 힘차게 내지르는 소리. 또는 그 모양. Adverb
🌏 OUT LOUD: A word imitating the sound made when one yells suddenly and strongly, or describing such a scene.

: 처해 있는 상황이나 형편. Bound Noun
🌏 SITUATION: The situation or circumstances that one faces.

: 좁은 범위를 한 바퀴 도는 모양. Adverb
🌏 ROUND AND ROUND: A word describing an act of turning around a small area once.

(編) : 어떤 사람이나 단체가 책을 만들었음을 나타내는 말. Noun
🌏 BEING COMPILED; BEING EDITED: The state of a book being made by a certain person or organization.

(便) : 여러 무리로 나누었을 때 그 하나하나의 쪽. Noun
🌏 PARTY; SIDE: One of each group, when a bigger group is divided into two or several smaller groups.

(form) : 사람이 어떤 동작을 할 때에 취하는 자세. Noun
🌏 FORM: A posture that one takes when performing an action.

(pop) : 오늘날 많은 사람들이 즐겨 부르는 통속적인 서양 음악. Noun
🌏 WESTERN POPULAR SONG: Contemporary, popular western music which many people enjoy singing.

(牌) : 어떤 사물의 이름, 성분, 특징 등을 표시해 놓은 종이나 나무 등의 작은 조각. Noun
🌏 TAG; LABEL: A small piece of paper or small wood piece on which the name, ingredients, characteristics, etc., of a certain object are indicated.

(風) : 사람에게서 느껴지는 분위기나 멋. Noun
🌏 LOOK; IMAGE: A peculiar mood or flair felt in a person.

: 갑자기 매우 힘차게 내지르는 소리. 또는 그 모양. Adverb
🌏 OUT LOUD: A word imitating the sound made when one yells suddenly and strongly, or describing such a scene.

: 말이나 행동에서 드러나는 태도나 됨됨이. Bound Noun
🌏 ATTITUDE: A bound noun indicating the attitude or personality that is seen in one's speech or behavior.

(霸) : 남을 재치 있고 약삭빠르게 속이는 꾀. Noun
🌏 WIT; TRICK: A trick with which one deceives someone in a witty and clever manner.

: (옛날에) 엽전을 세던 단위. Bound Noun
🌏 PUN: (archaic) A bound noun that serves as a unit for counting yeopjeon or brass coins.

: 어떤 일에 드는 힘이나 수고. Noun
🌏 EFFORTS; RESOURCES; LABOR: Energy or effort that is required to perform a certain task or job.

: 비웃는 태도로 입을 비죽 벌리고 입김을 내뿜을 때 나는 소리. 또는 그 모양. Adverb
🌏 PAH; HUH: A word imitating the sound made when one opens a part of one’s mouth and breathes out with a sneering attitude, or describing such a scene.

(fa) : 서양 음악에서, 장음계의 넷째 음의 계이름. Noun
🌏 FA: The fourth major note in western music.

: 갑자기 짧게 웃음을 터뜨리는 소리. Adverb
🌏 WITH LAUGHTER: A word imitating a sudden, short burst of laughter.

(pen) : 잉크나 먹 등을 찍어서 글씨를 쓰는 기구. Noun
🌏 PEN: An implement used to write letters after dipping it into ink or a mixture of water and ground ink stick.

(pack) : 밀가루, 달걀, 황토 등에 각종 약품이나 영양제, 과일 등을 반죽해서 얼굴 등에 바르거나 붙이는 미용법. 또는 그런 화장품. Noun
🌏 PACK: A method of skin care, in which one applies or attaches to one's skin, etc., a mixture or dough of various chemicals, nutritional supplements, fruits, etc., made on a base of flour, eggs, red clay, etc.; or such a cosmetic product.

(pool) : 헤엄을 치면서 놀거나 수영 경기를 할 수 있도록 시설을 갖춘 곳. Noun
🌏 POOL: A place complete with facilities that allow one to spend time swimming or hold a swimming competition.

(匹) : 말이나 소를 세는 단위. Noun
🌏 PIL: A bound noun that serves as a unit for counting the number of horses or cattle.

(疋) : 일정한 길이로 말아 놓은 베, 무명, 비단 등의 천을 세는 단위. Bound Noun
🌏 PIL: roll: A bound noun that serves as a unit for counting the number of rolls of fabric, such as hemp cloth, cotton, silk, etc., which come in certain widths and lengths.

(pin) : 쇠붙이 등으로 바늘처럼 가늘고 뾰족하게 만든 물건. Noun
🌏 PIN: A thin, sharpened object like a needle, made of iron, etc.

: 지쳐서 기운 없이 가볍게 쓰러질 때 나는 소리. 또는 그 모양. Adverb
🌏 A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of collapsing feebly, being exhausted and lacking energy.

: 사물이 몹시 빠르게 공기를 가르며 지나가는 소리. 또는 그 모양. Adverb
🌏 SWISH; WHOOSH: A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of an object darting swiftly through the air.

: 일이 벌어진 자리나 장면. Noun
🌏 OCCASION; SCENE: The place or scene of an event.

(fan) : 날개가 빙글빙글 돌아가면서 공기를 안에서 밖으로 내보내어 탁한 공기를 맑게 바꾸거나 열을 식히는 기계 장치. Noun
🌏 FAN: A machine with spinning blades, used to freshen the air and to cool a room by sending the inside air out.

(pan) : 음식물을 볶거나 지지는 데 쓰는, 자루가 달린 접시 모양의 얕은 냄비. Noun
🌏 PAN: A shallow pot with a handle, used to stir-fry or panfry food.

Making a phone call (15) Language (160) Philosophy, Ethics (86) Comparing cultures (78) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Education (151) Law (42) Dating and getting married (19) Weather and season (101) Using a pharmacy (10) Expressing time (82) Using public institutions (59) Expressing day of the week (13) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Daily life (11) Greeting (17) Science & technology (91) Human relationships (255) Sports (88) Family events (57) Marriage and love (28) Economics and business administration (273) Describing events, accidents, disasters (43) Residential area (159) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Mass media (47) Making a promise (4) Travel (98) Describing clothes (110) Watching a movie (105)