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: 둥글거나 둥글넓적하며 익기 전에는 떫지만 익으면 단맛이 나는 주황색 과일. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 PERSIMMON: An orange-colored, round or roundish flat fruit, which is astringent when unripe but sweet when ripe.

: 껍질은 연한 갈색이며 속은 연한 노란색인, 땅속에서 자라는 둥근 덩이 모양의 줄기. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 POTATO: A ball-shaped stem growing underground with pale yellow flesh and light brown skin.

: 머리나 몸을 물로 씻다. ☆☆☆ Verb
🌏 WASH; BATHE: To wash one's hair or body with water.

기 (感氣) : 보통 기침, 콧물, 두통, 오한의 증상이 있는, 전염성이 있는 병. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 COLD: A contagious disease that generally comes with symptoms such as coughing, runny nose, headache and chills.

기약 (感氣藥) : 감기를 치료하는 데 쓰이는 약. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 COLD MEDICINE: Medicine used to treat colds.

사 (感謝) : 고맙게 여김. 또는 그런 마음. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 GRATITUDE; APPRECIATION; THANKS: An act of feeling thankful for something, or such a mind.

다 : 눈꺼풀로 눈을 덮다. ☆☆☆ Verb
🌏 CLOSE; SHUT EYES: To cover one's eyes with one's eyelids.

다 : 어떤 물체를 다른 물체에 말거나 빙 두르다. ☆☆ Verb
🌏 WIND; COIL; TWINE: To roll or wrap one object around another.

상 (鑑賞) : 예술 작품이나 경치 등을 즐기고 이해하면서 평가함. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 APPRECIATION: The act of enjoying, understanding, and assessing a piece of art or scenery.

상문 (感想文) : 어떤 물건이나 현상을 보거나 듣고 나서 느낀 것을 쓴 글. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 REVIEW: A piece of writing about one's feelings from seeing or hearing an object or phenomenon.

싸다 : 둘러서 덮다. ☆☆ Verb
🌏 COVER; WRAP: To surround something to cover it.

각 (感覺) : 눈, 코, 귀, 혀, 피부를 통하여 자극을 느낌. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 SENSE; SENSATION; FEELING: One's physical perception of a stimulus through one's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin.

시 (監視) : 사람을 단속하거나 상황을 통제하기 위하여 주의 깊게 지켜봄. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 SURVEILLANCE; OBSERVATION; WATCH: An act of monitoring closely to control a person or situation.

정 (感情) : 일이나 대상에 대하여 마음에 일어나는 느낌이나 기분. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 EMOTION; FEELING; SENTIMENT: A feeling or mood one has toward a certain incident or person.

추다 : 보거나 찾지 못하도록 가리거나 숨기다. ☆☆ Verb
🌏 HIDE; COVER; CONCEAL: To cover or hide something so it cannot be seen and found.

히 (敢 히) : 두렵거나 어렵지만 그래도. ☆☆ Adverb
🌏 DARINGLY; BOLDLY: Although one feels scared or uncomfortable.

동적 (感動的) : 강하게 느껴 마음이 움직이는. ☆☆ Determiner
🌏 MOVING; TOUCHING; STIRRING: Felt strongly enough to cause one to take action.

소 (減少) : 양이나 수가 줄어듦. 또는 양이나 수를 줄임. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 REDUCTION: Quantity or a number reduction.

동 (感動) : 강하게 느껴 마음이 움직임. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 STRONG FEELINGS; STRONG IMPRESSION; DEEP EMOTION: The state of feeling of being touched by something very deeply, or such an emotional state.

독 (監督) : 일이나 사람이 잘못되지 않도록 살피고 단속함. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 SUPERVISION; OVERSIGHT; INSPECTION: The act of monitoring and controlling things or people so that nothing goes wrong.

동적 (感動的) : 강하게 느껴 마음이 움직이는 것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 MOVING; TOUCHING; STIRRING: A moving of the heart or spirit due to strong feelings.

옥 (監獄) : 죄를 지은 사람을 가두어 두는 곳. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 PRISON: A place to detain a person who broke the law.

정적 (感情的) : 느낌이나 기분에 의한 것. Noun
🌏 BEING EMOTIONAL: The state of being based on a feeling or emotion.

면 (減免) : 세금이나 학비, 형벌 등을 줄이거나 면제함. Noun
🌏 REDUCTION; EXEMPTION: An act of reducing or exempting someone from taxes, tuition or punishments.

성적 (感性的) : 감성에 관한 것. Noun
🌏 BEING SENSITIVE; BEING SENSIBLE: The state related to sensitivity.

사 (監査) : 단체나 조직의 업무 등을 감독하고 어떠한 비리나 문제가 있는지 조사함. Noun
🌏 INSPECTION; INVESTIGATION: The act of supervising the operation of a group or organization and inspecting for any corruption or problems.

상 (感傷) : 슬프거나 쓸쓸하게 느낌. 또는 그런 마음. Noun
🌏 SENTIMENTALITY: Feeling sad or lonely, or a sad, lonely state of mind.

수 (甘受) : 괴롭고 힘든 일을 달갑게 받아들임. Noun
🌏 PUTTING UP WITH; ENDURING: An act of accepting something painful or difficult willingly.

수성 (感受性) : 외부의 자극을 느끼는 성질이나 심리적인 능력. Noun
🌏 SENSITIVITY; SENSIBILITY: Quality or psychological ability to feel external stimuli.

쪽같이 : 남이 알 수 없을 정도로 꾸미거나 고친 흔적이 없이. Adverb
🌏 SEAMLESSLY; PERFECTLY: Without leaving any trace of decorating or mending that can be noticed.

축 (減縮) : 어떤 것의 수나 양을 줄임. Noun
🌏 REDUCTION: An act of reducing the number or quantity of something.

하다 (減 하다) : 길이, 넓이, 부피 등이 원래보다 작아지다. Verb
🌏 BE REDUCED; BECOME SMALLER: For length, width, volume, etc., of something to become smaller than as it was.

량 (減量) : 양이나 무게를 줄임. Noun
🌏 WEIGHT REDUCTION; WEIGHT LOSS: Reducing volume or weight.

격스럽다 (感激 스럽다) : 마음에 느끼는 감동이 크다. Adjective
🌏 IMPRESSED; TOUCHED: Feeling or being touched by something very deeply.

상적 (感傷的) : 작은 일에도 쉽게 슬퍼하거나 감동하는 것. 또는 그런 감정을 불러일으키는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING SENTIMENTAL; BEING EMOTIONAL: The state of feeling sad or easily moved by small things, or things that evoke such emotions.

언이설 (甘言利說) : 남을 속이기 위하여, 남의 비위를 맞추거나 상황이 이로운 것처럼 꾸민 말. Noun
🌏 SWEET TALK: Lies to deceive someone, to flatter someone or to give the impression of a favorable situation.

안 (勘案) : 여러 사정을 살펴서 생각함. Noun
🌏 ALLOWANCE; CONSIDERATION: An act of thinking while considering a variety of different factors.

원 (減員) : 사람 수를 줄임. 또는 그 사람 수. Noun
🌏 LAYOFF; DOWNSIZING: Reduction in the number of people or the reduced number.

촉 (感觸) : 어떤 것이 피부에 닿아서 생기는 느낌. Noun
🌏 TOUCH; FEEL: A sensation from an object touching the skin.

돌다 : 어떤 것의 주위를 감듯이 빙빙 돌다. Verb
🌏 HANG: To circle around a certain thing as if winding it.

기다 : 무엇의 둘레에 실이나 끈 등이 말리거나 둘러지게 되다. Verb
🌏 BE WOUND; BE TWINED; BE COILED: For a string or thread to be rolled or wrapped around something.

성 (感性) : 자극에 대해 마음이나 감각이 느끼고 반응하는 성질. Noun
🌏 SENSITIVITY; SENSIBILITY: A status where the feelings or mind feel and respond to stimulus.

탄사 (感歎詞) : 느낌이나 부름, 응답 등을 나타내는 말의 품사. Noun
🌏 INTERJECTION: A part of speech referring to a word that expresses a feeling, an act of calling or responding, etc.

회 (感懷) : 마음속에 일어나는 지난 일에 대한 생각이나 느낌. Noun
🌏 REMINISCENCE: Thoughts or feelings on the past.

지 (感知) : 느끼어 앎. Noun
🌏 SENSING: The act of detecting something through the senses.

탄 (感歎/感嘆) : 마음속 깊이 크게 느낌. Noun
🌏 ADMIRATION; WONDER: The state of feeling positive about something.

미롭다 (甘味 롭다) : 맛이 달다. Adjective
🌏 SWEET; SWEET-FLAVORED: A sweet taste.

(感) : 어떤 일에 대한 느낌이나 생각. Noun
🌏 FEELING; SENSE: A feeling or thought about a certain thing.

성적 (感性的) : 감성에 관한. Determiner
🌏 SENSITIVE; SENSIBLE: Related to sensitivity.

정적 (感情的) : 느낌이나 기분에 의한. Determiner
🌏 EMOTIONAL: Related to feelings and emotions instead of logic.

명 (感銘) : 잊을 수 없는 큰 감동을 느낌. 또는 그런 감동. Noun
🌏 IMPRESSION: A state of being deeply touched, or such a feeling.

상적 (感傷的) : 작은 일에도 쉽게 슬퍼하거나 감동하는. 또는 그런 감정을 불러일으키는. Determiner
🌏 SENTIMENTAL; EMOTIONAL: Feeling sorrow or being moved easily; or things that invoke such emotions.

당 (堪當) : 어떤 일을 맡아 자기 능력으로 해냄. Noun
🌏 COPING WITH; MANAGING: The act of managing something with one's own ability.

금 (監禁) : 자유롭게 드나들지 못하도록 일정한 곳에 가둠. Noun
🌏 CONFINEMENT; IMPRISONMENT; DETENTION: An act of confining within a location and denying the ability to enter or exit at will.

염 (感染) : 나쁜 버릇, 풍습, 가치관, 환경 등이 영향을 주어 똑같이 하게 함. Noun
🌏 INFECTION; CONTAMINATION: A bad habit, custom, values, environment, etc., affecting someone adversely to make him/her equally bad, impure, or immoral.

격 (感激) : 마음에 깊이 느끼어 매우 감동함. 또는 그 감동. Noun
🌏 STRONG FEELINGS; STRONG IMPRESSION; DEEP EMOTION: The state of feeling of being touched by something very deeply, or such an emotional state.

Cultural differences (47) Using public institutions (59) Using transportation (124) The arts (23) Describing events, accidents, disasters (43) Apologizing (7) Describing physical features (97) Weather and season (101) Politics (149) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Talking about one's mistakes (28) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Economics and business administration (273) Hobbies (48) Geological information (138) Describing a dish (119) Inviting and visiting (28) Mentality (191) Purchasing goods (99) Language (160) Religion (43) Climate (53) The arts (76) Occupation & future path (130) Life in the workplace (197) Making a promise (4) Exchanging personal information (46) Law (42) Pop culture (52) Expressing day of the week (13)