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텔 (hotel) : 시설이 잘 되어 있고 규모가 큰 고급 숙박업소. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 HOTEL: A decent accommodation which is usually large-sized and well-equipped with facilities.

(號) : 순서나 차례를 나타내는 말. ☆☆☆ Bound Noun
🌏 HO: A bound noun used to indicate the order or sequence of something.

랑이 (虎狼 이) : 누런 갈색의 몸에 검은 줄무늬가 있고, 다른 동물을 잡아먹고 사는 몸집이 큰 동물. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 TIGER: A big, carnivorous animal that has yellowish brown coat and black stripes.

수 (湖水) : 땅으로 둘러싸인 큰 못. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 LAKE: A large pond surrounded by land.

감 (好感) : 어떤 대상에 대하여 느끼는 좋은 감정. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 GOOD FEELING; FAVORABLE IMPRESSION; FEELING FAVORABLY: A good feeling toward a certain object.

기심 (好奇心) : 새롭고 신기한 것을 좋아하거나 모르는 것을 알고 싶어 하는 마음. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CURIOSITY; INQUISITIVENESS: A state of liking something new and amazing or a desire to learn something one does not know.

두 : 껍데기는 단단하며 속살은 지방이 많고 맛이 고소한, 호두나무의 열매. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 WALNUT: The fruit of a walnut with a savory-flavored, fatty flesh wrapped in a hard shell.

박 : 잎이 크고 종 모양의 노란 꽃이 피며 크고 둥근 열매를 맺는 덩굴풀. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 PUMPKIN: A trailing vine with large leaves which produces yellow flowers and big, round fruits.

실 (號室) : 일정한 번호가 매겨진 방. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 ROOM: A room which a certain number is assigned to.

주머니 (胡 주머니) : 옷에 천 등을 덧대어 돈이나 물건 등을 넣을 수 있도록 만든 부분. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 POCKET: A part made of cloth, etc., that is attached to a piece of garment for keeping money, things, etc., in.

흡 (呼吸) : 숨을 쉼. 또는 그 숨. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BREATHING; BREATH: Breathing or breath.

(戶) : 집을 세는 단위. Bound Noun
🌏 HO: A bound noun that serves as a unit for counting the number of houses.

의적 (好意的) : 어떤 대상을 좋게 생각하는. Determiner
🌏 FAVORABLE; FRIENDLY; AMICABLE: Showing a good feeling toward a certain object.

들갑 : 가볍고 조심성이 없으며 야단스러운 말이나 행동. Noun
🌏 FUSS; UPROAR; MAKING A BIG DEAL; OVERREACTION: An act of acting or speaking in an imprudent, careless, and boisterous manner.

소 (呼訴) : 자신의 어렵거나 억울한 사정을 다른 사람에게 알려 도움을 청함. Noun
🌏 APPEAL; PLEADING; PLEA: An act of asking another for help by describing one's situation to someone such as unfair treatment, difficulties, etc.

우 (豪雨) : 오랜 시간 내리는 많은 양의 비. Noun
🌏 HEAVY RAIN; DOWNPOUR: Rain that falls heavily for a long time.

응 (呼應) : 상대방의 부름이나 물음에 대답하거나 요구에 맞춰 행동함. Noun
🌏 RESPONSE; ANSWER; RECEPTION: An act of answering someone's call or question, or meeting one's demands, etc.

의 (好意) : 친절한 마음씨. 또는 어떤 대상을 좋게 생각하는 마음. Noun
🌏 GOODWILL; FAVOR: Kind heart or a good feeling toward a certain object.

의적 (好意的) : 어떤 대상을 좋게 생각하는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING FAVORABLE; BEING FRIENDLY; BEING AMICABLE: A state of showing a good feeling toward a certain object.

전 (好轉) : 일의 형편이나 상황이 좋은 방향으로 바뀜. Noun
🌏 IMPROVEMENT; GETTING BETTER: A state in which things or a situation take a turn for the better.

젓하다 : 외딴 곳에 있어 고요하다. Adjective
🌏 QUIET; SECLUDED: Quiet, being in a remote area.

조 (好調) : 상황이나 조건이 좋은 상태. Noun
🌏 GOOD CONDITION; FAVORABLE PROGRESS: A good situation or a state of good conditions.

출 (呼出) : 전화나 전신 등을 통해 상대방을 부르는 일. Noun
🌏 CALL; SUMMONS: An act of calling someone to come by phone or telegraph.

칭 (呼稱) : 이름을 지어 부름. 또는 그 이름. Noun
🌏 NAME; TITLE; ADDRESS: An act of naming a person or object and calling him/her or it by name; or the name.

칭어 (呼稱語) : 사람이나 사물을 부르는 말. ‘아버지’, ‘어머니’, ‘여보’ 등이 있다. Noun
🌏 TERM OF ADDRESS: A word used to call a person or object, such as "father", "mother", "darling", etc.

평 (好評) : 좋게 평함. 또는 그런 평가. Noun
🌏 GOOD REVIEW; FAVORABLE RECEPTION: The act of evaluating someone or something positively; or such an evaluation.

프 (Hof) : 한 잔씩 잔에 담아 파는 생맥주. 또는 그 생맥주를 파는 술집. Noun
🌏 DRAFT BEER; DRAFT-BEER BAR: Draft beer sold by the glass; or a bar serving draft beer.

화 (豪華) : 사치스럽고 화려함. Noun
🌏 LUXURY; SUMPTUOUSNESS; FLASHINESS: A state of being luxurious and fancy.

황 (好況) : 매매나 거래에 나타나는 경제 활동 상태가 좋음. 또는 그런 상황. Noun
🌏 BOOM; PROSPERITY; SUCCESS: A state in which economic activities as seen in trade or transactions are strong; or such a situation.

흡기 (呼吸器) : 사람이나 동물의 몸에서 숨을 쉬는 일을 맡은 기관. Noun
🌏 RESPIRATORY ORGAN: An organ in charge of breathing in the bodies of animals or humans.

되다 : 매우 심하다. Adjective
🌏 SEVERE; HARSH: Very severe.

Directions (20) Making a phone call (15) Social system (81) Using public institutions (library) (6) Housework (48) History (92) Mentality (191) Life in Korea (16) Geological information (138) Purchasing goods (99) Economics and business administration (273) Ordering food (132) Religion (43) Apologizing (7) Using public institutions (59) Hobby (103) Describing a dish (119) Expressing day of the week (13) Family events (during national holidays) (2) Describing food (78) Pop culture (82) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Marriage and love (28) Environmental issues (226) Occupation & future path (130) The arts (76) Daily life (11) Greeting (17) Comparing cultures (78) Dating and getting married (19)