🌟 교화되다 (敎化 되다)
1. 가르침을 받아 좋은 방향으로 나아가게 되다.
1. BE EDUCATED; BE EDIFIED: To be taught to do or behave the right way.
교화된 범법자.
A reformed criminal. -
교화된 범죄자.
A reformed criminal. -
교화된 학생.
A reformed student. -
살인자가 교화되다.
The murderer is enlightened. -
죄인이 교화되다.
The sinner is enlightened. -
뿌리 깊은 폭력성을 가진 재소자들은 교화되기 힘들어 보였다.
Inmate with deep-rooted violence seemed hard to edify. -
감옥에서 교화된 죄수는 출소 후에 새로운 인생을 살겠다고 다짐했다.
The purged prisoner in prison vowed to live a new life after being released from prison. -
그 버릇없던 아이가 어떻게 저렇게 교화됐을까요?
How did the spoiled kid become so edified?
♕청소년 수련회에 다녀오더니 완전히 다른 애가 됐어요.
I went to a youth retreat and i became a completely different kid.

🗣️ Pronunciation, Application: • 교화되다 (
) • 교화되다 (교ː화뒈다
📚 Derivative: • 교화(敎化): 가르쳐서 좋은 방향으로 나아가게 함.
• Using public institutions (library) (6) • Introducing (introducing family) (41) • Describing a dish (119) • Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) • Expressing emotion/feelings (41) • The arts (76) • Architecture (43) • Travel (98) • Social issues (67) • Climate (53) • Greeting (17) • Describing personality (365) • Appearance (121) • Directions (20) • Talking about one's mistakes (28) • Using transportation (124) • Hobby (103) • Family events (57) • Using the hospital (204) • The arts (23) • Law (42) • Economics and business administration (273) • Pop culture (82) • Describing food (78) • Mentality (191) • Health (155) • Using public institutions (59) • Daily life (11) • Expressing day of the week (13) • Philosophy, Ethics (86)