🌟 주관화하다 (主觀化 하다)
🗣️ Pronunciation, Application: • 주관화하다 (
🌷 ㅈㄱㅎㅎㄷ: Initial sound 주관화하다
ㅈㄱㅎㅎㄷ (
: 일이 빨리 끝나지 않고 오래 이어지다. 또는 이어지게 하다.
🌏 BE PROLONGED; PROLONG: For something to be not concluded soon but continue for a long period of time, or to cause something to continue. -
ㅈㄱㅎㅎㄷ (
: 어떤 일이 자기만의 생각이나 관점으로 다루어지다. 또는 어떤 일을 자기만의 생각이나 관점을 가지고 다루다.
🌏 INTERNALIZE: For something to be dealt with based on one's own thoughts or perspectives, or to deal with something based on one's own thoughts or perspectives. -
ㅈㄱㅎㅎㄷ (
: 한 번 헤어지거나 떨어졌던 둘 이상의 사물이나 사람이 서로 관계를 맺어 다시 하나가 되다.
🌏 REUNITE; GET BACK TOGETHER: For two or more persons or things that have parted ways or been separated to form a new relationship with each other and become one again.
• Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) • Life in the workplace (197) • Politics (149) • Language (160) • Weather and season (101) • Life in Korea (16) • Using the hospital (204) • Exchanging personal information (46) • Comparing cultures (78) • Residential area (159) • Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) • Geological information (138) • Law (42) • Social system (81) • Making a promise (4) • Describing food (78) • Hobby (103) • Expressing gratitude (8) • Describing location (70) • Education (151) • Making a phone call (15) • Travel (98) • Describing personality (365) • Expressing time (82) • Talking about one's mistakes (28) • Appearance (121) • Health (155) • Religion (43) • Economics and business administration (273) • Using public institutions (library) (6)