🌟 천부적 (天賦的)


1. 태어날 때부터 지닌 것.

1. BEING INNATE; BEING INHERENT: The state of existing from birth.

🗣️ Usage Example:
  • Google translate 천부적인 권리.
    Natural rights.
  • Google translate 천부적인 능력.
    Natural ability.
  • Google translate 천부적인 소질.
    A natural disposition.
  • Google translate 천부적인 재능.
    Natural talent.
  • Google translate 천부적으로 받다.
    Receive by nature.
  • Google translate 천부적으로 타고나다.
    Born by nature.
  • Google translate 예술가는 노력보다 천부적인 능력을 타고나야 한다고 본다.
    I think an artist should be born with natural abilities rather than effort.
  • Google translate 최연소로 대학에 입학한 그의 천부적인 지적 능력이 많은 관심을 받았다.
    His natural intellectual ability to be the youngest to enter college received much attention.
  • Google translate 너 그 책 읽어 봤어? 그 작가의 글은 정말 감동적이야.
    Have you read the book? the writer's writing is really touching.
    Google translate 독자들에게 감동이 되는 글을 쓰는 천부적인 능력을 지닌 것 같아.
    I think he has the natural ability to write touching stories for his readers.

천부적: being innate; being inherent,てんぷてき【天賦的】,quelque chose d'inné,nato, congénito, connatural,فطريّ,төрөлхийн, байгалиас заяасан,(sự) thiên phú,โดยกำเนิด, โดยพรสวรรค์, ที่มีมาแต่กำเนิด,bawaan sejak lahir, talenta, alami,врождённый; природный; с рождения,天赋的;先天的,

🗣️ Pronunciation, Application: 천부적 (천부적)
📚 Derivative: 천부(天賦): 하늘이 주어서 태어날 때부터 지니고 있음.
📚 Category: The arts  







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