🌟 착란하다 (錯亂 하다)


1. 어지럽고 혼란스럽다.

1. DERANGED; MENTALLY UNSOUND: Being mentally disturbed and disoriented.

🗣️ Usage Example:
  • Google translate 도시가 착란하다.
    The city is in chaos.
  • Google translate 상황이 착란하다.
    Things are mixed up.
  • Google translate 정치가 착란하다.
    Politics is a mess.
  • Google translate 사장님은 일이 복잡하고 착란하게 되었다며 힘들어하셨다.
    The boss had a hard time saying that things had become complicated and messy.
  • Google translate 여당과 야당의 대립이 심해지면서 정국이 더욱 착란하다.
    The political situation is even more chaotic as the confrontation between the ruling and opposition parties intensifies.
  • Google translate 승규는 이 일에 대해 정신이 착란하여 올바른 판단을 하지 못했다.
    Seung-gyu was distracted by this and couldn't make the right judgment.

착란하다: deranged; mentally unsound,さくらんする【錯乱する】,se troubler, délirer, se confondre,confuso,مختبل,самуурах, будлих,xáo trộn, lộn xộn,คลุ้มคลั่ง, ขาดสติ, เสียสติ, ยุ่งเหยิง, บ้า, วิกลจริต, ฟั่นเฟือน,bingung, terganggu, kacau,,错乱,

🗣️ Pronunciation, Application: 착란하다 (창난하다) 착란한 (창난한) 착란하여 (창난하여) 착란해 (창난해) 착란하니 (창난하니) 착란합니다 (창난함니다)
📚 Derivative: 착란(錯亂): 어지럽고 혼란스러움.









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