🌟 이탓저탓


1. 이런저런 일을 변명이나 핑계로 삼음.

1. ALL KINDS OF EXCUSES; UNDER ONE PRETEXT OR ANOTHER: An act of making all kinds of excuses for doing something.

🗣️ Usage Example:
  • Google translate 이탓저탓을 늘어놓다.
    Blame this and that.
  • Google translate 이탓저탓을 하다.
    Blame this and that.
  • Google translate 이탓저탓 말이 많다.
    There's a lot to say about this and that.
  • Google translate 이탓저탓 변명하다.
    This and that excuse.
  • Google translate 이탓저탓 핑계를 대다.
    Give this and that excuse.
  • Google translate 약속을 어긴 친구는 이탓저탓만 하며 사과조차 하지 않았다.
    The friend who broke his promise blamed one thing or another and did not even apologize.
  • Google translate 동생은 성적이 떨어진 것에 대해서 이탓저탓 핑계만 늘어놓았다.
    My brother made one excuse or another for his poor grades.
  • Google translate 쟤가 먼저 시비를 걸어서 싸운 거예요.
    He started the fight.
    Google translate 이탓저탓 변명하지 말고 네 잘못을 반성하도록 해.
    Don't make excuses for this and that, but reflect on your mistakes.

이탓저탓: all kinds of excuses; under one pretext or another,,une raison ou une autre,una excusa u otra,بسبب هذا وهذه,энэ тэр, ийм тийм, энэ тэр зүйлээр шалтаглах, энэ тэр гэж шалтаг тоочих, ийм тийм гэж шалтаглах,cớ này cớ nọ, cớ này cớ kia,การแก้ตัวอย่างโน้นอย่างนี้, การอ้างอย่างนั้นอย่างนี้,begini dan begitu, ini dan itu,то одна причин, то другая,怪这怪那,埋怨这埋怨那,

🗣️ Pronunciation, Application: 이탓저탓 (이탇쩌탇) 이탓저탓이 (이탇쩌타시) 이탓저탓도 (이탇쩌탇또) 이탓저탓만 (이탇쩌탄만)
📚 Derivative: 이탓저탓하다: 이런저런 일을 변명이나 핑계로 삼다.









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