
☆☆   คำนาม  

1. 건물, 기차 안, 책장 등을 용도에 따라 일정한 크기나 모양으로 나누어 둘러 막은 공간.

1. ช่อง, ห้อง, ชั้น: ที่ว่างที่ล้อมรอบกั้นโดยแบ่งอาคาร ภายในรถไฟ ตู้หนังสือ เป็นต้น ออกเป็นรูปร่างหรือขนาดที่กำหนดไว้ตามลักษณะการใช้งาน

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • Google translate 기차의 앞 .
    The front compartment of the train.
  • Google translate 책장 아래 .
    A compartment under the bookcase.
  • Google translate 우리는 좁은 기차 에서 점심을 김밥으로 해결했다.
    We solved lunch with gimbap in the narrow train compartment.
  • Google translate 그 책은 책장의 맨 위의 에 높게 꽂혀 있어서 잘 읽지 않는다.
    The book is stuck high in the top compartment of the bookshelf and does not read well.
  • Google translate 그 서류가 어디 있다고?
    Where's the document?
    Google translate 서랍 맨 아래 에 있어.
    It's in the bottom drawer.

칸: box; partition; cell; car,くうかん【空間】。たな【棚】,compartiment, case,vagón, casilla, cajón, cuarto,رفّ، طابق، مقصورة، حجرة,тасалгаа, тавиур,gian, toa, ngăn,ช่อง, ห้อง, ชั้น,ruang, sisi kosong, gerbong,Отделение; ограждение; купе; ящик,厢,层,空当,

2. 사방을 둘러막은 선의 안.

2. ช่อง, ช่องสี่เหลี่ยม: ข้างในของเส้นที่กั้นสี่ทิศทาง

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • Google translate 네모 .
    Nemo khan.
  • Google translate .
  • Google translate 을 채우다.
    Fill in the compartments.
  • Google translate 원고지에 글을 쓸 때, 쉼표나 마침표 다음 은 비우지 않는다.
    When writing on the manuscript paper, do not empty the space after the comma or period.
  • Google translate 선생님은 답안지의 이 모자랄 경우에는 뒷면에 쓰라고 하셨다.
    The teacher told me to write on the back of the answer sheet if it lacked space.
  • Google translate 설문지를 읽어 보시고 해당되는 에 표시하시면 돼요.
    Read the questionnaire and mark it in the appropriate column.
    Google translate 어떤 표시를 하면 되나요?
    What should i mark?
คำพ้องความหมาย 박스(box): 물건을 넣어 둘 수 있도록 나무나 종이 등으로 만든 네모난 통., 물건을…

🗣️ การออกเสียง, การประยุกต์ใช้: ()



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