🌟 출발역 (出發驛)


1. 기차 등을 타고 목적지를 향해 떠나는 역.

1. สถานีต้นสาย, สถานีต้นทาง, สถานีเริ่มต้น, สถานีออกเดินทาง: สถานีที่ขึ้นรถไฟ หรือสิ่งอื่น แล้วออกไปยังจุดที่เป็นเป้าหมาย

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • Google translate 지하철 출발역.
    Subway departure station.
  • Google translate 기차의 출발역.
    The train's departure station.
  • Google translate 출발역과 도착역.
    Departure station and arrival station.
  • Google translate 출발역 변경.
    Changing the starting station.
  • Google translate 출발역이 바뀌다.
    The starting station is changed.
  • Google translate 출발역에서 만나다.
    Meet me at the departure station.
  • Google translate 출발역으로 돌아가다.
    Back to the departure station.
  • Google translate 내가 탄 열차는 출발역인 서울역에서 도착역인 공항까지 직통했다.
    My train went direct from seoul station, the departure station, to the airport, the arrival station.
  • Google translate 안내원은 이미 끊은 표는 출발역을 변경할 수 없다고 말했다.
    The guide said that tickets already hung cannot be changed at the departure station.
  • Google translate 우리가 탄 열차는 출발역을 나선지 얼마 되지 않아 고장으로 멈췄다.
    Our train stopped short of leaving the departure station.
  • Google translate 서울에서 부산으로 가고 싶은데, 무인 기계에서 어떻게 표를 끊죠?
    I want to go from seoul to busan, how can i get a ticket from an unmanned machine?
    Google translate 출발역을 서울로, 도착역을 부산으로 입력하면 돼요.
    You can enter the departure station for seoul and the arrival station for busan.

출발역: departure station,しゅっぱつえき【出発駅】,gare de départ,estación de salida, estación de partida,محطّة الانطلاق,хөдлөх буудал, явах буудал,ga xuất phát, ga khởi hành,สถานีต้นสาย, สถานีต้นทาง, สถานีเริ่มต้น, สถานีออกเดินทาง,stasiun keberangkatan,станция отправления,始发站 ,起点站,出发站,

🗣️ การออกเสียง, การประยุกต์ใช้: 출발역 (출발력) 출발역이 (출발려기) 출발역도 (출발력또) 출발역만 (출발령만)







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