🌟 복고적 (復古的)


1. 과거의 모양, 제도, 사상, 풍습 등으로 돌아가려는.

1. 复古的: 想恢复过去的模样、制度、思想、习俗等的。

🗣️ 配例:
  • Google translate 복고적 경향.
    Retroactive tendency.
  • Google translate 복고적 느낌.
    A retro feeling.
  • Google translate 복고적 문화.
    Retro culture.
  • Google translate 복고적 성향.
    Retroactive propensity.
  • Google translate 복고적 취향.
    Retro taste.
  • Google translate 복고적 향수.
    Retro perfume.
  • Google translate 복고적 화풍.
    Retro style of painting.
  • Google translate 르네상스는 복고적 사고에 기반을 둔 문예 부흥 운동이었다.
    The renaissance was a literary revival movement based on retro thinking.
  • Google translate 할머니 댁에는 옛 가구와 소품이 많아서 복고적 분위기가 난다.
    There are many old furniture and props in my grandmother's house, so it has a retro atmosphere.
  • Google translate 19세기에는 실학적 화풍이 시들고 복고적 화풍이 다시 유행하였다.
    In the 19th century, the practical painting style waned and the retro painting style became popular again.

복고적: retro,ふっこてき【復古的】。ふっこちょうの【復古調の】。レトロな,(dét.) rétrograde,retrógrado,رجعي,хуучныг сэргээх гэж буй, хуучин байдалдаа орох гэж буй.,phục hồi, khôi phục,ที่เป็นการฟื้นฟู, ที่เป็นการนำกลับมาใหม่, ที่เป็นการกลับสู่แบบเดิม,restorasi, pemugaran, pemulihan,реставрационный,复古的,

🗣️ 发音, 活用: 복고적 (복꼬적)
📚 派生词: 복고(復古): 과거의 모양, 제도, 사상, 풍습 등으로 돌아감.







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