🌟 귀순 (歸順)


1. 적군이나 적국의 사람이 공격하려는 뜻을 버리고 스스로 상대의 편이 되어 복종함.

1. SOMETIMIENTO, DEFECCIÓN, DESERCIÓN, SUMISIÓN: Actitud desleal que consiste en someterse al enemigo u oponente y se une a él, al abandonar la obligación de atacar.

🗣️ Ejemplo:
  • Google translate 귀순 간첩.
    A defection spy.
  • Google translate 귀순 용사.
    The soldier who defected to the south.
  • Google translate 귀순 의사.
    The doctor who defected to the south.
  • Google translate 귀순을 권유하다.
    Encourage defection.
  • Google translate 귀순을 종용하다.
    Urge defection.
  • Google translate 귀순을 하다.
    Defect to the south.
  • Google translate 북한의 공산당 당원 중 한 명이 귀순 의사를 밝히고 남한으로 건너왔다.
    One of the members of the north's communist party expressed his intention to defect to the south.
  • Google translate 국민들은 독재자의 억압에서 벗어나려고 자유 세계로의 귀순을 시도했다.
    The people attempted to defect to the free world to escape the oppression of the dictator.
  • Google translate 전쟁 중에 잡힌 포로들은 지금 어떤 상태인가?
    What are the conditions of prisoners captured during the war now?
    Google translate 귀순을 하라면 하겠다며 대신 목숨만은 살려 달라고 애원하고 있습니다.
    They're begging for their lives to be spared, saying they'll do it if they want them to defect.

귀순: defection,きじゅん【帰順】,défection,sometimiento, defección, deserción, sumisión,ارتداد العدو عن الغزو,бууж өгөх, дагаар орох,sự quy hàng, sự quy phục,การกลับมาสวามิภักดิ์, การเปลี่ยนฝ่ายมาสวามิภักดิ์, การย้ายมาสวามิภักดิ์,pembelotan,дезертирство; капитуляция,归顺,投诚,

🗣️ Pronunciación, Uso: 귀순 (귀ː순)
📚 Palabra derivada: 귀순하다(歸順하다): 적군이나 적국의 사람이 공격하려는 뜻을 버리고 스스로 상대의 편이 …





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