🌾 End:


: 사람이나 동물의 머리와 몸통을 잇는 잘록한 부분. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 NECK: The narrow part of the human or animal body that connects the head and the torso.

(題目) : 글이나 영화, 공연 등에서, 중심이 되는 내용을 나타내기 위해 붙이는 이름. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 TITLE: A name used to represent the main idea of a text, film, performance, etc.

(木) : 월요일을 기준으로 한 주의 넷째 날. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 THURSDAY: The fourth day of the week, starting with Monday.

뒷골 : 큰길 뒤로 난 좁은 길. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BACK STREET; BACK ALLEY: A narrow street behind a large road.

(科目) : 가르치거나 배워야 할 지식을 분야에 따라 나눈 갈래. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 SUBJECT: Division of knowledge needed for teaching or learning according to categories.

(注目) : 관심을 가지고 주의 깊게 살핌. 또는 그 시선. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 ATTENTION: The act of looking at something carefully with attention, or such a look.

: 집들 사이에 있는 길고 좁은 공간. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 ALLEY: A long and narrow path between houses.

건널 : 철로와 도로가 교차하는 곳에 도로를 이용하던 사람들이 철로를 건널 수 있게 만들어 놓은 곳. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 RAILROAD CROSSING: The intersecting point of a road, where cars and pedestrians on the road cross the railroad.

: 손과 팔이 이어지는 부분. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 WRIST: The part that connects the hand and the arm.

: 다리와 발이 서로 이어지는 부분. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 ANKLE: The part that joins the leg and the foot.

: 물건이 많이 팔리는 시기. Noun
🌏 BUSIEST SEASON; PEAK SEASON: A period when goods sell well.

(項目) : 법률이나 규정 등의 각각의 부분. Noun
🌏 CLAUSE; ARTICLE; ITEM: Each of many sections of a law or rule, etc.

(和睦) : 서로 뜻이 맞고 정다움. Noun
🌏 HARMONY; CONCORD; PEACE: A state of agreeing with each other and being friendly toward each other.

(種目) : 여러 가지 종류에 따라 나눈 항목. Noun
🌏 ITEM; DISCIPLINE; EVENT: Any of the categories into which something is classified.

(品目) : 물품의 이름을 순서대로 쓴 것. Noun
🌏 LIST OF ITEMS: A list of item names in a certain order.

(名目) : 공식적으로 알리기 위해 실제와 다르게 겉으로만 내세우는 이름. Noun
🌏 BEING SOMETHING IN NAME ONLY; BEING NOMINAL: A name that is not real but used ostensibly for official representation.

(德目) : 도덕적, 윤리적으로 실현해야 할 이상의 종류. Noun
🌏 VIRTUE: Kind of moral and ethical ideals to be realized.

(眼目) : 어떤 것의 가치를 판단하거나 구별할 수 있는 능력. Noun
🌏 APPRECIATIVE EYE; GOOD EYE: The ability of someone to judge or tell the value of something.

(反目) : 서로 시기하고 미워함. Noun
🌏 ENMITY; HOSTILITY; ANTAGONISM: The feeling of hating and envying each other.

(樹木) : 살아 있는 나무. Noun
🌏 TREE: A living tree.

: 상체를 굽혀 엎드린 채로 다른 사람의 도움을 받아 허리에서부터 목까지 물로 씻는 일. Noun
🌏 DEUNGMOK: The act of splashing water onto the back of another person lying face downward with his/her arms and legs upright overhead and on the ground.

(裸木) : 잎이 다 떨어지고 가지만 앙상하게 남은 나무. Noun
🌏 BARE TREE; LEAFLESS TREE: A tree that has branches and twigs without any leaves left.

(枯木) : 죽어서 마른 나무. Noun
🌏 DEAD TREE: A tree that has died and dried up.

(頭目) : 도둑의 무리와 같이 좋지 못한 무리의 우두머리. Noun
🌏 CHIEF OF BANDITS; GANG LEADER: The head of a criminal group, such as gangsters or thieves.

(曲目) : 악곡이나 노래의 제목. Noun
🌏 MUSIC TITLE: The title of a song or a piece of music.

아랫 : 온돌방에서 불을 때는 곳과 가까운 쪽의 방바닥. Noun
🌏 ARAENMOK: warmer part of an ondol room: The warmer part of the floor of an ondol room, a room with underfloor heating, near the fireplace underneath.

(放牧) : 가축을 우리에 가두지 않고 풀밭에 풀어 놓고 기르는 것. Noun
🌏 GRAZING; PASTURING: The act of tending livestock out loose in a pasture without keeping them in a cage.

: 온돌방에서 아궁이로부터 먼 쪽의 방바닥. Noun
🌏 WINMOK: colder part of an ondol room: The colder part of the floor of an ondol room, a room with underfloor heating, which is the farthest end from the fireplace underneath.

(布木) : 베와 무명. Noun
🌏 LINEN AND COTTON: A compound noun meaning linen and cotton.

(遊牧) : 소나 양과 같은 가축이 먹을 풀과 물을 찾아 옮겨 다니면서 삶. Noun
🌏 NOMADISM: A life of roaming to places to find grass and water for livestock such as cows and sheep.

: 가운데가 동글게 들어가 있는 모양. Adverb
🌏 CONCAVELY: With the middle of something hollowed in a circle.

산천초 (山川草木) : 산과 시내, 풀과 나무 등의 모든 자연. Noun
🌏 TREES AND PLANTS; NATURE; LANDSCAPE: Collective terms for mountains and streams, and plants and trees, meaning all of nature.

(副木) : 팔다리가 부러지거나 다쳤을 때, 팔다리를 움직이지 못하도록 고정하기 위해 임시로 대는 나무. Noun
🌏 SPLINT: A piece of wood temporarily fixed to arms or legs when they are broken or injured to make sure that they do not move.

(뗏 木) : 통나무를 나란히 이어서 물에 띄워 사람이나 물건을 운반할 수 있도록 만든 것. Noun
🌏 RAFT: An object made to float by joining logs side by side to carry a person or object.

(罪目) : 저지른 죄의 종류. Noun
🌏 CHARGE: The type of a crime committed.

(苗木) : 다른 곳으로 옮겨 심기 위하여 키우는 어린 나무. Noun
🌏 SAPLING: A young tree grown to transplant somewhere else.

: 물이 흘러 들어오거나 나가는 지점. Noun
🌏 FORK OF A RIVER: A point at which the water flows in or out.

(指目) : 특정 사람이나 사물이 어떠하다고 꼭 집어서 가리킴. Noun
🌏 CHOICE; DESIGNATION: The act of singling out or pointing out someone or something.

(細目) : 자세하게 나눈 조항이나 목록. Noun
🌏 DETAILS; ITEMS; SUBDIVISIONS: A detailed list of items or provisions.

진면 (眞面目) : 본디 그대로의 상태. Noun
🌏 TRUE WORTH; INNATE STATE: The state of something as it is.

교수요 (敎授要目) : 어떤 과목에서 가르쳐야 할 주제별 항목. Noun
🌏 SYLLABUS: Items that a subject needs to cover.

교과 (敎科目) : 학교에서 학생들에게 가르치는 과목. Noun
🌏 SUBJECT: A subject taught to students at school.

(校牧) : 기독교 학교에서 예배와 종교 교육을 맡은 목사. Noun
🌏 CHAPLAIN: A priest who is in charge of worship and religious education in a Christian school.

(喬木) : 줄기가 곧고 굵으며 키가 크고 주로 위쪽에서 가지가 퍼져 자라는 나무. Noun
🌏 FOREST TREE: A tall tree with straight, thick stems and of which the branches grow widely and spread mostly at the upper part.

(古木) : 오래된 큰 나무. Noun
🌏 OLD TREE: An old, big tree.

조목조 (條目條目) : 각각의 항목. Noun
🌏 DETAIL: Each item.

(伐木) : 산이나 숲에 있는 나무를 벰. Noun
🌏 LOGGING; LUMBERING: The work or business of cutting down trees in a mountain or forest.

: → 윗목 Noun

(巨木) : 매우 굵고 큰 나무. Noun
🌏 BIG TREE: A very thick, large tree.

(條目) : 법률이나 규정 등의 각각의 부분. Noun
🌏 PROVISION: Each part of a law, regulation, etc.

(廣木) : 솜에서 뽑은 실로 만든 폭이 넓은 천. Noun
🌏 COTTON CLOTH: A wide cloth made with strands of cotton.

소제 (小題目) : 큰제목 아래 붙여진 작은 제목. Noun
🌏 SUBTITLE; SUBHEADING: A small title beneath a big title.

(原木) : 베어 낸 그대로의 나무. Noun
🌏 HARDWOOD; LOG; SOLID WOOD: The unprocessed, raw piece of wood.

(草木) : 풀과 나무. Noun
🌏 TREES AND PLANTS; VEGETATION: A compound noun for trees and plants.

막다른 골 : 더 이상 어떻게 할 수 없는 절망적인 상태.
🌏 A DEAD-END ALLEY: A situation where one can no longer do something.

먹자골 : 음식점이 여럿 모여 있는 거리. Noun
🌏 FOOD ALLEY: A street where restaurants are concentrated.

(面目) : 사람이나 사물의 겉모습. Noun
🌏 APPEARANCE; CHARACTERISTIC: The appearance of a person or thing.

버팀 (버팀 木) : 무엇이 쓰러지지 않도록 받쳐 세우는 나무. Noun
🌏 WOODEN SUPPORT: A tree that props up something to keep it from falling down.

골목골 : 여러 골목. Noun
🌏 EVERY ALLEY: Many alleys.

: 팔과 손이 이어지는 팔의 끝부분. Noun
🌏 WRIST: The lower part of the arm that connects the hand and the arm.

(灌木) : 키가 작으며 아랫부분에서 가지가 많이 나와 큰 줄기와 가지의 구별이 확실하지 않은, 무궁화나 진달래 등과 같은 나무. Noun
🌏 SHRUB; BUSH: A short tree such as the rose of Sharon, azalea, etc., with lots of branches growing from the lower part, so that the distinction between the trunk and the branches is not clear.

(土木) : 흙과 나무. Noun
🌏 SOIL AND TREE: A compound noun for soil and tree.

(要目) : 중요한 항목. Noun
🌏 PRINCIPAL ITEM; MAIN TOPIC: An important item.

(盲目) : 사실을 옳게 보거나 판단하지 못한 채로 무조건 행동하는 일. Noun
🌏 BLINDNESS: The attitude of acting without viewing or judging the situation correctly.

(親睦) : 서로 친하여 화목함. Noun
🌏 AMITY; FRIENDSHIP: The state of getting along and being harmonious.

: 한꺼번에 몰아서 함. Noun
🌏 ALL AT A TIME; ALL IN A SINGLE TRANSACTION: A state of dealing with many things in one stroke.

(耳目) : 귀와 눈. Noun
🌏 EAR AND EYE: The ear and eye.

(雜木) : 다른 나무와 함께 섞여서 자라는 여러 가지 나무. Noun
🌏 ASSORTED TREES; MISCELLANEOUS TREES: Various kinds of trees that mingle with each other and grow together.

(材木) : 나무로 된 건축물이나 가구, 악기, 예술품 등을 만드는 데 쓰는 나무. Noun
🌏 WOODEN MATERIAL: Wood used in building a wooden structure or making furniture, musical instruments, artworks, etc.

전공과 (專攻科目) : 전문적으로 공부하거나 연구하는 과목. Noun
🌏 MAJOR COURSE: A course that is studied or researched professionally.

(椄木/接木) : 어떤 나무에 다른 나무의 가지나 눈을 따다 붙임. 또는 그 나무. Noun
🌏 GRAFT: The act of picking a bud or branch of a plant and uniting it with another plant, or a tree produced by such union.

(角木) : 둘레를 모가 나게 만든 긴 목재. Noun
🌏 LUMBER: Long wood cut in quadrangular shape.

조목조 (條目條目) : 각각의 항목마다 다. Adverb
🌏 ONE BY ONE; IN DETAIL: On each and every item.

구기 종 (球技種目) : 공을 사용하는 모든 종류의 운동 경기. None
🌏 BALL GAME: All athletic games that use balls.

구들 : 불을 때는 아궁이 가까운 쪽에 있어 가장 따뜻한 방바닥의 부분. Noun
🌏 GUDEULMOK: The warmest part of the floor, which is closest to the stoked furnace.

: 큰길에서 좁은 길로 들어가는 부분. Noun
🌏 CORNER; STREET CORNER: The point in a wide road leading to a narrow street.

Mass media (47) Describing physical features (97) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Law (42) Comparing cultures (78) Talking about one's mistakes (28) The arts (23) Environmental issues (226) The arts (76) Greeting (17) Cultural differences (47) Press (36) Performance & appreciation (8) Expressing day of the week (13) Hobbies (48) Dating and getting married (19) Economics and business administration (273) Watching a movie (105) Ordering food (132) Dietary culture (104) Weekends and holidays (47) Using public institutions (library) (6) Hobby (103) Describing a dish (119) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Science & technology (91) Describing location (70) Mentality (191) Expressing date (59) Weather and season (101)