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(病) : 생물체의 몸에 이상이 생겨 생물체가 정상적인 활동을 하지 못하고 괴로움을 느끼게 되는 현상. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 DISEASE: The abnormal state of a living organism's body that hinders normal activities and causes pain.

(甁) : 주로 액체나 가루를 담는 데 쓰는, 목이 길고 좁은 그릇. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 BOTTLE: A container with a long, narrow neck, used mainly for holding liquid or powder.

(꽃 甁) : 꽃을 꽂아 놓는 병. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 VASE: A bottle used to hold flowers.

(問病) : 병에 걸리거나 다친 사람을 찾아가 위로함. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 VISITING A SICK PERSON: The act of visiting and comforting a sick or injured person.

(눈 病) : 눈에 생기는 병. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 EYE DISEASE: A disease that occurs in the eye.

(疾病) : 몸에 생기는 온갖 병. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 ILLNESS: Diseases of the body.

(술 甁) : 술을 담는 병. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 LIQUOR BOTTLE: A bottle that holds liquor.

백혈 (白血病) : 정상적인 백혈구가 적어지고 비정상적인 백혈구가 많아져 고열이나 빈혈, 출혈 등을 일으키는 병. Noun
🌏 LEUKEMIA: A disease that leads to high fever, anemia, blooding, etc. due to the decrease of normal white blood cells along with the increase of abnormal ones.

유전 (遺傳病) : 색맹이나 혈우병처럼 유전에 의해 자손에게 전해지는 병. Noun
🌏 HEREDITARY DISEASE: A disease such as color-blindness or hemophilia, that is inherited to offspring.

(重病) : 목숨이 위험할 정도로 몹시 아픈 병. Noun
🌏 SERIOUS ILLNESS; SEVERE ILLNESS: A grave illness that may cause the patient to die.

불치 (不治病) : 잘 낫지 않거나 고치지 못하는 병. Noun
🌏 INCURABLE DISEASE; TERMINAL ILLNESS: A disease that is not easily treated or cured.

(萬病) : 모든 병. Noun
🌏 EVERY DISEASE: All kinds of illness.

(鬪病) : 병을 고치려는 의지를 가지고 병과 싸움. Noun
🌏 FIGHTING AGAINST A DISEASE: An act of fighting a disease with a strong will to recover.

당뇨 (糖尿病) : 오줌에 당분이 비정상적으로 많이 섞여 나오는 병. Noun
🌏 DIABETES: A disease in which urine contains an abnormally high level of sugar.

난치 (難治病) : 고치기 어려운 병. Noun
🌏 INCURABLE DISEASE: A disease that is difficult to be cured.

성인 (成人病) : 고혈압, 당뇨병, 동맥 경화증 등 중년 이후의 사람들에게 생기는 여러 가지 병. Noun
🌏 ADULT DISEASE; LIFESTYLE DISEASE: Diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and arteriosclerosis that occur in people in their middle age and older.

(發病) : 병이 나거나 병에 걸림. Noun
🌏 OCCURRENCE OF DISEASE: A state in which one becomes ill or catches a disease.

전염 (傳染病) : 다른 사람에게 옮아가기 쉬운 병. Noun
🌏 INFECTIOUS DISEASE: A disease that is easily spread to others.

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