🌷 Initial sound: ㄷㄱㅈ


다국적 (多國籍) : 여러 나라가 참여하거나 여러 나라의 것이 함께 섞여 있음. 또는 그런 것. Noun
🌏 MULTINATIONAL: Many nations participating or being mixed, or something from or participated by many nations.

단계적 (段階的) : 일의 순서나 과정에 따르는. Determiner
🌏 PHASED: Following the order or process of work.

단계적 (段階的) : 일의 순서나 과정에 따르는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING IN STAGES: A state of following the order or process of work.

대가족 (大家族) : 식구가 많은 가족. Noun
🌏 LARGE FAMILY: A family with many members.

단기전 (短期戰) : 짧은 기간 동안 벌어지는 전쟁이나 경기. Noun
🌏 SHORT-TERM COMPETITION; SHORT-TERM BATTLE: A battle or sports game that continues for a short period of time.

다각적 (多角的) : 여러 부문이나 방면에 걸친 것. Noun
🌏 MANY-SIDED; MULTILATERAL; DIVERSIFIED: Existing in many different fields or areas.

달구지 : 소나 말이 끄는, 짐을 싣는 수레. Noun
🌏 CART: A wagon for carrying a load, which is pulled by a cow or horse.

독과점 (獨寡占) : 어떤 상품의 생산이나 유통을 혼자 또는 아주 적은 수의 기업만이 차지함. Noun
🌏 MONOPOLY OR OLIGOPOLY: A state in which a single or a few companies own and control the production or distribution of a product.

담금질 : 쇠 같은 금속을 단단하게 하기 위해 불에 뜨겁게 달구어 물에 담가 식힘. Noun
🌏 TEMPERING; HARDENING: The act of heating metal such as iron in fire and putting it in water to cool it in order to harden it.

당국자 (當局者) : 어떤 일을 직접 맡아 처리하는 자리에 있는 사람. Noun
🌏 RELEVANT OFFICER; OFFICER IN CHARGE: A person who is in charge of and directly deals with something.

당구장 (撞球場) : 당구를 칠 수 있도록 시설을 갖추어 놓은 업소. Noun
🌏 BILLIARD HALL; POOL ROOM: A commercial place with facilities for customers to play pool.

다각적 (多角的) : 여러 부문이나 방면에 걸친. Determiner
🌏 MANY-SIDED; MULTILATERAL; DIVERSIFIED: Relating to many different fields or areas.

대관절 (大關節) : 여러 말 할 것 없이 중요한 점만 말해서. Adverb
🌏 COME TO THE POINT: Only touching on key points, leaving out unnecessary things.

단기적 (短期的) : 짧은 기간에 걸친. Determiner
🌏 SHORT-TERM: Lasting for a short period.

대결장 (對決場) : 대결을 하는 곳. Noun
🌏 STAGE FOR CONTEST; ARENA FOR FIGHT: A place where one confronts another.

단기적 (短期的) : 짧은 기간에 걸친 것. Noun
🌏 SHORT TERM: Lasting for a short period.

대극장 (大劇場) : 규모가 큰 극장. Noun
🌏 BIG THEATER; GRAND THEATER: A large-scaled theater.

대갓집 (大家 집) : 대대로 큰 권세와 부를 가진 큰 집. 또는 그런 집안. Noun
🌏 DISTINGUISHED FAMILY; WEALTHY FAMILY: A large household with power and wealth for generations, or the family.

단골집 : 정해 놓고 늘 찾는 가게. Noun
🌏 FAVORITE SHOP; FAVORITE HANG-OUT: A shop, bar, diner, etc., where one regularly stops by.

Introducing (introducing family) (41) Inviting and visiting (28) Greeting (17) Education (151) Pop culture (52) Talking about one's mistakes (28) Making a phone call (15) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Economics and business administration (273) Describing a dish (119) Health (155) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Using public institutions (59) Using a pharmacy (10) Describing events, accidents, disasters (43) History (92) Religion (43) Life in the workplace (197) Dietary culture (104) Marriage and love (28) Exchanging personal information (46) Watching a movie (105) Expressing day of the week (13) Social system (81) Sports (88) Expressing gratitude (8) Politics (149) Describing food (78) Life in Korea (16) Describing physical features (97)