🌷 Initial sound: ㄷㅊㅈ


독창적 (獨創的) : 다른 것을 모방하지 않고 새롭게 독특한 것을 만들어 낸 것. Noun
🌏 BEING CREATIVE: The state or quality of making a new, distinctive thing without copying others.

독창적 (獨創的) : 다른 것을 모방하지 않고 새롭고 독특하게 만들어 낸. Determiner
🌏 CREATIVE: Making something in a new and distinctive way, not imitating others.

대체적 (大體的) : 어떤 일이나 내용을 큰 흐름을 따라 전체적으로 본 것. Noun
🌏 BEING GENERAL; BEING BROAD; ROUGH OVERVIEW: Viewing a certain subject or content in the context of the whole.

대체적 (大體的) : 어떤 일이나 내용을 큰 흐름을 따라 전체적으로 본. Determiner
🌏 GENERAL; BROAD; ROUGH: Viewing a certain subject or content in the context of the whole.

대출증 (貸出證) : 도서관에서 도서를 빌릴 수 있는 자격이 있거나 빌린 사실이 있음을 증명하는 종이나 카드. Noun
🌏 LIBRARY CARD: The paper or card proving that one is qualified to check out books or has a previous record of checking out books from a library.

도착지 (到着地) : 이르러 닿는 장소. Noun
🌏 DESTINATION: The place you are headed for when you travel.

단초적 (端初的) : 어떤 사건이나 일의 시작, 또는 사건이나 일이 일어나게 된 동기가 되는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING THE BEGINNING; BEING THE MOTIVE: Something that is the beginning or motive of an incident or some business.

단체전 (團體戰) : 단체끼리 승부를 가리는 운동 경기. Noun
🌏 TEAM SPORT; TEAM COMPETITION: A sport game in which teams compete to win.

단초적 (端初的) : 어떤 사건이나 일의 시작, 또는 사건이나 일이 일어나게 된 동기가 되는. Determiner
🌏 SERVING AS THE BEGINNING; SERVING AS THE MOTIVE: Being the beginning of an incident or matter, or the cause of an incident or matter.

독촉장 (督促狀) : 정해진 날까지 하기로 된 일을 하지 않았을 때, 약속을 지키고 의무를 다하라고 재촉하는 문서. Noun
🌏 REMINDER: A document that presses one to keep a promise or fulfill a duty when the deadline has passed.

당첨자 (當籤者) : 추첨에서 뽑힌 사람. Noun
🌏 LOT WINNER; PRIZE WINNER: A person who has drawn the lucky number.

대칭적 (對稱的) : 대칭이 되는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING SYMMETRICAL: A state of symmetry.

대칭적 (對稱的) : 대칭이 되는. Determiner
🌏 SYMMETRICAL: Being in a symmetry.

독차지 (獨 차지) : 혼자서 다 가짐. Noun
🌏 MONOPOLIZING: Exclusive possession.

대축제 (大祝祭) : 축하하여 벌이는 매우 큰 행사. Noun
🌏 GRAND FESTIVAL: A very big festival to celebrate a happy occasion.

단층집 (單層 집) : 한 층으로 된 집. Noun
🌏 ONE-STORIED HOUSE: A house with a single story.

Dietary culture (104) Making a phone call (15) Inviting and visiting (28) Marriage and love (28) Using public institutions (59) Describing events, accidents, disasters (43) Mentality (191) Appearance (121) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Weekends and holidays (47) Describing location (70) Talking about one's mistakes (28) Social issues (67) Introducing (introducing family) (41) Watching a movie (105) Politics (149) Climate (53) Sports (88) Weather and season (101) Greeting (17) Purchasing goods (99) Architecture (43) Using a pharmacy (10) Cultural differences (47) Law (42) Hobby (103) Human relationships (255) Expressing day of the week (13) Describing clothes (110) Residential area (159)