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구 (親舊) : 사이가 가까워 서로 친하게 지내는 사람. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 FRIEND: A person that one is close to and in an amicable relationship with.

절 (親切) : 사람을 대하는 태도가 상냥하고 부드러움. 또는 그런 태도. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 KINDNESS; HOSPITALITY: The state of treating someone gently and in a friendly manner, or such an attitude.

척 (親戚) : 부모나 배우자와 혈연관계가 있는 사람. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 RELATIVE: A person who is related by blood to one's parents or spouse.

하다 (親 하다) : 가까이 사귀어 서로 잘 알고 정이 두텁다. ☆☆☆ Adjective
🌏 CLOSE: Being on good terms with someone one knows well and feels close to.

- (親) : ‘혈연관계로 맺어진’의 뜻을 더하는 접두사. ☆☆ Affix
🌏 CHIN-: A prefix used to mean "related by blood."

딸 (親 딸) : 자기가 낳은 딸. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BIOLOGICAL DAUGHTER: The daughter to whom one gave birth.

아들 (親 아들) : 자기가 낳은 아들. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BIOLOGICAL SON: The son to whom one gave birth.

아버지 (親 아버지) : 자기를 낳아 준 아버지. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BIOLOGICAL FATHER: The father who begot a child.

어머니 (親 어머니) : 자기를 낳아 준 어머니. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BIOLOGICAL MOTHER: The mother who gave birth to a child.

언니 (親 언니) : 같은 부모에게서 태어난 언니. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 ONE'S ELDER SISTER: The elder sister to whom the same parents gave birth.

오빠 (親 오빠) : 같은 부모에게서 태어난 오빠. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 ONE'S OLDER BROTHER: The older brother to whom the same parents gave birth.

정 (親庭) : 결혼한 여자가 본래 살던, 그 가족들이 사는 집. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 THE FORMER HOME OF A MARRIED WOMAN: The house a woman lived in before her wedding, where her parents and siblings live.

교 (親交) : 친하고 가깝게 사귐. 또는 그렇게 사귄 정. Noun
🌏 FRIENDSHIP: The state of being close to someone; or the attachment forming in such a manner.

근감 (親近感) : 사이가 매우 가까운 느낌. Noun
🌏 FRIENDLINESS: A sense of closeness to someone.

근하다 (親近 하다) : 사이가 매우 가깝다. Adjective
🌏 CLOSE: A relationship being very close.

밀 (親密) : 사이가 매우 친하고 가까움. Noun
🌏 CLOSENESS; INTIMACY: The state of a relationship with someone being very friendly and close

밀감 (親密感) : 사이가 매우 친하고 가까운 느낌. Noun
🌏 SENSE OF CLOSENESS; INTIMACY: The feeling that a relationship with someone is very friendly and close.

분 (親分) : 아주 가깝고 두터운 정. Noun
🌏 CLOSENESS; FRIENDSHIP: A very close and strong bond with someone.

숙하다 (親熟 하다) : 친하여 익숙하고 허물이 없다. Adjective
🌏 FAMILIAR; FRIENDLY: Being close to and familiar with someone, from whom one hides nothing.

족 (親族) : 주로 이름의 성이 같고 촌수가 가까운 사람. Noun
🌏 RELATIVE: A person who is close in degree of kinship, usually who has the same family name as one's own family name.

지 (親知) : 서로 친하여 가깝게 지내는 사람. Noun
🌏 CLOSE FRIEND: A person whom one is close to and familiar with.

화 (親和) : 서로 친하게 잘 어울림. Noun
🌏 HARMONY; FRIENDSHIP; AFFINITY: The state of being on friendly terms and in harmony with one another.

화력 (親和力) : 다른 사람들과 친하게 잘 어울리는 능력. Noun
🌏 SOCIABILITY; AFFINITY: An ability to get along and be on good terms with others.

환경 (親環境) : 자연환경을 손상시키지 않으며 그대로의 상태와 잘 어울리는 일. Noun
🌏 BEING ECO-FRIENDLY: The state of not damaging the natural environment and harmonizing with the natural state.

사람은 다리 오그리고 자도 맞은 사람은 다리 펴고 잔다 : 남에게 피해를 준 사람은 마음이 불안하지만 피해를 당한 사람은 오히려 마음이 편하다.
🌏 THOSE WHO HAVE HIT A PERSON SLEEPING WITH THEIR LEGS BENT, BUT THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN HIT SLEEPING WITH THEIR LEGS STRETCHED OUT: Those who have done damage to somebody feel uneasy, while to whom damage has been done are more at ease.

가 (親家) : 아버지 쪽 집안. Noun
🌏 PATERNAL FAMILY; RELATIVES ON ONE'S FATHER'S SIDE: One's relatives or extended family on one's father's side.

고죄 (親告罪) : 모욕죄와 같이 피해자나 법률에서 정한 사람이 고소해야만 공소를 제기할 수 있는 범죄. Noun
🌏 OFFENSE SUBJECT TO COMPLAINT: A crime that can only be prosecuted if the victim or someone specified by the law sues the offender, such as contempt.

구 따라 강남 간다 : 하고 싶지 않거나 하려고 하지 않은 일을 다른 사람에게 이끌려 자기도 하게 된다.
🌏 FOLLOW ONE'S FRIEND TO THE SOUTH OF THE RIVER: To be guided by someone and do something unplanned or against one's will.

구는 옛 친구가 좋고 옷은 새 옷이 좋다 : 오래 사귄 친구일수록 정이 깊어서 좋다.
🌏 GOOD FRIENDS ARE THOSE WHO ARE OLD, AND GOOD CLOTHES ARE THOSE THAT ARE NEW: An old friend is good because you have become deeply attached to him/her.

권 (親權) : 부모가 미성년인 자식에 대해 보호와 감독을 내용으로 하는 신분상, 재산상의 권리와 의무. Noun
🌏 CUSTODY; PARENTAL RIGHT: A parent's right and obligation, in terms of status and property, to protect and control his/her child who is under age.

권자 (親權者) : 친권을 행사할 권리와 의무를 가진 사람. Noun
🌏 PERSON WITH PARENTAL RIGHTS: A person who has the right and obligation to exercise parental rights.

동생 (親 동생) : 같은 부모에게서 태어난 동생. Noun
🌏 ONE'S YOUNGER SIBLING: The younger brother or sister to whom the same parents gave birth.

모 (親母) : 자기를 낳아 준 어머니. Noun
🌏 BIOLOGICAL MOTHER: The mother who gave birth to a child.

목 (親睦) : 서로 친하여 화목함. Noun
🌏 AMITY; FRIENDSHIP: The state of getting along and being harmonious.

목계 (親睦契) : 서로 친하고 화목하게 지내기 위해서 하는 계. Noun
🌏 PRIVATE FUND OF FRIENDSHIP: A private fund raised at social gatherings to promote and keep friendship among members.

목회 (親睦會) : 서로 친하고 화목하게 지내기 위해서 하는 모임. Noun
🌏 SOCIAL GATHERING; GET-TOGETHER: A gathering of people to get along and become friends with one another.

밀하다 (親密 하다) : 사이가 매우 친하고 가깝다. Adjective
🌏 CLOSE; INTIMATE: A relationship with someone being very friendly and close.

부 (親父) : 자기를 낳아 준 아버지. Noun
🌏 BIOLOGICAL FATHER: The father who begot a child.

부모 (親父母) : 자기를 낳아 준 아버지와 어머니. Noun
🌏 BIOLOGICAL PARENTS: The father and mother who begot or gave birth to a child.

삼촌 (親三寸) : 친아버지의 형제. Noun
🌏 ONE'S PATERNAL UNCLE: A brother of one's father.

서 (親書) : 직접 쓴 편지. Noun
🌏 PERSONALLY HANDWRITTEN LETTER: A letter written in one's own handwriting.

선 (親善) : 서로 친하고 가까워 사이가 좋음. Noun
🌏 FRIENDSHIP; AMITY: The state of two or more persons being on good terms, as they are friendly and close.

선 경기 (親善競技) : 서로 친하고 사이좋은 관계를 유지하거나 만들기 위해서 하는 경기. None
🌏 FRIENDLY MATCH: A sport game held to maintain or create a mutually close and friendly relationship between teams.

손녀 (親孫女) : 자기 아들의 딸. Noun
🌏 ONE'S GRANDDAUGHTER: The daughter of one's son.

손자 (親孫子) : 자기 아들의 아들. Noun
🌏 ONE'S GRANDSON: The son of one's son.

숙 (親熟) : 친하여 익숙하고 허물이 없음. Noun
🌏 FAMILIARITY: The state of being close to and familiar with someone, from whom one hides nothing.

애하다 (親愛 하다) : 매우 가깝고 친하게 여기며 사랑하다. Verb
🌏 LOVE; FEEL AFFECTION FOR: To feel close and attached to, and love someone.

일 (親日) : 일본을 가깝게 여기어 친하게 지냄. Noun
🌏 BEING PRO-JAPANESE: An act of feeling close to Japan or Japanese people and forming a friendly relationship with Japan or Japanese people.

일파 (親日派) : 일제 강점기에, 일본의 편에 서서 그들이 사람을 죽이거나 돈과 물건을 빼앗는 것을 도운 무리. Noun
🌏 PRO-JAPANESE COLLABORATORS: During the period of Japanese occupation of Korea, a group of people who assisted Japanese soldiers, etc., when they killed people and extorted money and other property.

자 (親子) : 자기가 낳은 자식. Noun
🌏 BIOLOGICAL CHILD: The child to whom one gave birth.

자식 (親子息) : 자기가 낳은 자식. Noun
🌏 BIOLOGICAL CHILD: The child to whom one gave birth.

절하다 (親切 하다) : 사람을 대하는 태도가 상냥하고 부드럽다. Adjective
🌏 KIND; HOSPITABLE: Treating someone gently and softly.

절히 (親切 히) : 사람을 대하는 태도가 상냥하고 부드럽게. Adverb
🌏 KINDLY; NICELY: With an attitude that is gentle and soft, when treating someone.

정아버지 (親庭 아버지) : 결혼한 여자의 아버지. Noun
🌏 FATHER OF A MARRIED WOMAN: The father of a woman who is married.

정어머니 (親庭 어머니) : 결혼한 여자의 어머니. Noun
🌏 MOTHER OF A MARRIED WOMAN: The mother of a woman who is married.

정집 (親庭 집) : 결혼한 여자가 본래 살던, 그 가족들이 사는 집. Noun
🌏 THE FORMER HOME OF A MARRIED WOMAN: The house a woman lived in before her wedding, where her parents and siblings live.

필 (親筆) : 손으로 직접 쓴 글씨. Noun
🌏 HANDWRITING: The letters written with one's own hands.

할머니 (親 할머니) : 아버지의 어머니. Noun
🌏 GRANDMOTHER ON FATHER'S SIDE: The mother of one's father.

할아버지 (親 할아버지) : 아버지의 아버지. Noun
🌏 GRANDFATHER ON FATHER'S SIDE: The father of one's father.

형 (親兄) : 같은 부모에게서 태어난 형. Noun
🌏 ONE'S ELDER BROTHER: The older brother to whom the same parents gave birth.

형제 (親兄弟) : 같은 부모에게서 태어난 형제. Noun
🌏 ONE'S BROTHER: The brother to whom the same parents gave birth.

히 (親 히) : 직접 자기 몸으로. Adverb
🌏 IN PERSON: Personally.

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