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교 (學校) : 일정한 목적, 교과 과정, 제도 등에 의하여 교사가 학생을 가르치는 기관. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 SCHOOL: An institution where teachers teach students in accordance with a certain purpose, curriculum, or policy, etc.

기 (學期) : 한 학년 동안을 학업의 필요에 따라 구분한 기간. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 SEMESTER; TERM: One of the divisions of an academic year.

년 (學年) : 학교 교육에서 일 년 동안의 학습 과정의 단위. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 SCHOOL YEAR: The unit for the annual learning process in school education.

생 (學生) : 학교에 다니면서 공부하는 사람. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 STUDENT; LEARNER: A person who studies in a school.

생증 (學生證) : 어떤 학교에 소속된 학생임을 증명하는 문서. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 STUDENT IDENTIFICATION: A document proving that one is a student at a certain school.

원 (學院) : 일정한 목적, 교과 과정, 제도 등에 의하여 교사가 학생을 가르치는 기관. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 SCHOOL: An institution where teachers teach students in accordance with a certain purpose, curriculum, or policy, etc.

과 (學科) : 교수나 연구를 위해 나눈 학술의 분과. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 MAJOR; DEPARTMENT: A division of a field of study for teaching or research in a college, etc.

력 (學歷) : 학교를 다닌 경력. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 LEVEL OF EDUCATION; ACADEMIC BACKGROUND: The level of education one completes.

문 (學問) : 어떤 분야를 체계적으로 배워서 익힘. 또는 그런 지식. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 LEARNING; STUDY: The act of studying a certain field systematically; or such knowledge.

부모 (學父母) : 학생을 자녀로 둔 부모. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 PARENTS; PARENTS OF STUDENTS: Parents whose children are students.

비 (學費) : 학교에 다니고 공부를 하는 데에 드는 비용. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 TUITION; SCHOOL EXPENSES: Expenses for attending and studying in a school.

습 (學習) : 배워서 익힘. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 LEARNING; STUDY: To study and learn something.

용품 (學用品) : 필기도구나 공책 등과 같이 공부할 때 필요한 물품. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 STATIONERY; WRITING SUPPLIES: Supplies necessary for studying such as notebooks, pencils, etc.

자 (學者) : 특정 학문을 아주 잘 아는 사람. 또는 학문을 연구하는 사람. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 SCHOLAR: A person who knows a field of study very well; or a person who carries out academic research.

계 (學界) : 학문 연구를 직업으로 하는 학자 또는 교수들의 활동 분야. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC CIRCLES; ACADEMIA: A field of activity of scholars or professors carrying out academic research as a job.

대 (虐待) : 정신적으로나 육체적으로 몹시 괴롭히고 못살게 굶. Noun
🌏 ABUSE; MISTREATMENT: The act of harassing and distressing another physically or mentally.

문적 (學問的) : 학문과 관련되어 있거나 학문으로서의 방법이나 체계가 서 있는. Determiner
🌏 ACADEMIC; LEARNED; SCHOLARLY: Something related to academic study or its method or such a system academically established.

문적 (學問的) : 학문과 관련되어 있거나 학문으로서의 방법이나 체계가 서 있는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING ACADEMIC; BEING LEARNED; BEING SCHOLARLY: A state in which something is related to academic studies or in which its method or system has been academically established.

번 (學番) : 대학교나 대학원에서, 입학 연도와 학과에 따라 학생에게 부여한 고유 번호. Noun
🌏 STUDENT ID NUMBER: A unique number assigned to each student in a university or graduate school according to his/her major and year of entrance to the school.

벌 (學閥) : 학교 교육을 받아서 얻게 된 사회적 지위나 신분. 또는 출신 학교의 사회적 지위나 등급. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC BACKGROUND; EDUCATIONAL BACKGKROUND: The social status or position one earns by receiving school education; or the social status or level of his/her school.

살 (虐殺) : 사람을 매우 모질고 잔인하게 마구 죽임. Noun
🌏 MASSACRE; SLAUGHTER: The act of killling people indiscriminately, cruelly and heartlessly.

술 (學術) : 학문과 기술. Noun
🌏 ACADEMICS AND ACADEMIC TECHNIQUES; BEING ACADEMIC; BEING SCIENTIFIC: A compound noun for academic knowledge and techniques.

식 (學識) : 배워서 얻은 지식. Noun
🌏 KNOWLEDGE; INTELLIGENCE: The knowledge acquired by learning.

업 (學業) : 주로 학교에서 지식을 배우기 위해 공부하는 일. Noun
🌏 LEARNING; STUDIES: The act of studying to acquire knowledge, usually in school.

위 (學位) : 학사, 석사, 박사 등과 같이 어떤 분야의 학문을 전문적으로 공부하여 일정한 수준에 오른 사람에게 대학에서 주는 자격. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC DEGREE; DEGREE: A qualification granted by a university to a person who specializes in the study of a certain academic field and who reaches a certain degree level, such as bachelors, masters, or PhDs.

점 (學點) : 대학 또는 대학원에서 학생이 들어야 하는 수업의 양을 계산하는 단위. Noun
🌏 CREDIT: The unit for calculating the number of hours spent on classes a student is required to take in undergraduate or graduate school.

창 (學窓) : 공부하는 교실이나 학교. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL; CAMPUS: A school or campus at which one studies.

(鶴) : 목과 다리가 길고 몸통이 희며 꼬리가 검은 큰 새. Noun
🌏 CRANE: A large, white bird with a long neck, long legs, and black tail.

교 교육 (學校敎育) : 학교에서 받는 교육. None
🌏 SCHOOL EDUCATION; SCHOOLING: The education received in school.

교 구경도 못하다 : 학교에서 제대로 된 교육을 전혀 받지 못하다.
🌏 HAVE NEVER EVEN SIGHTSEEN A SCHOOL: To not receive formal school education.

교 근처에도 못[안] 가 보다 : 정규 교육을 전혀 받지 못하다.
🌏 HAVE NOT EVEN COME NEAR A SCHOOL: To not receive formal education.

교(는) 구경도 못하다 : 정규 교육을 전혀 받지 못하다.
🌏 HAVE NEVER EVEN SIGHTSEEN A SCHOOL: To not receive formal education.

교생활 (學校生活) : 학생이 학교에서 학생으로서 활동하며 지내는 생활. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL LIFE; STUDENT LIFE: A student's life in school.

교장 (學校長) : 초, 중, 고등학교에서 각 학교의 교육과 행정을 책임지고 학교를 대표하는 직위. 또는 그 직위에 있는 사람. Noun
🌏 PRINCIPAL: A representative position in elementary school, middle school, or high school, responsible for the education and administration at the school, or the person in such a position.

구적 (學究的) : 학문 연구에 온 정신을 기울여 열중하는. Determiner
🌏 ACADEMIC; SCHOLARLY; INTELLECTUAL: Being devoted to carrying out academic studies.

구적 (學究的) : 학문 연구에 온 정신을 기울여 열중하는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING ACADEMIC; BEING SCHOLARLY; BEING INTELLECTUAL: A state of being devoted to carrying out academic studies.

구파 (學究派) : 학문 연구 또는 공부에 열중하는 사람. 또는 그런 사람들의 집단. Noun
🌏 BEING SCHOLARLY; BEING ACADEMIC; STUDYING HARD: A person who is aborbed in doing academic research or studying; or a group of such persons.

군 (學群) : 입시 제도에 의해 지역별로 나누어 놓은 중학교나 고등학교의 무리. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL DISTRICT; EDUCATIONAL DISTRICT: Groups of middle or high schools clustered based on regional districts according to the system of the university entrance exam.

군단 (學軍團) : 복무를 지원한 대학생에게 군사 교육과 훈련을 실시하여 졸업 후 장교로 임명하는 군사 교육단. Noun
🌏 ROTC; RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS: A training corps for providing military training and drills to college students who have applied for service in the army, and then appointing those students as commissioned officers after their graduation.

급 (學級) : 한 교실에서 공부하는 학생의 집단. Noun
🌏 CLASS: A group of students studying in the same classroom.

급 문고 (學級文庫) : 각 학급에 갖추어 둔 책. 또는 그 책을 모아 둔 곳. None
🌏 CLASS LIBRARY; CLASSROOM LIBRARY; BOOKS IN CLASS: A collection of books kept in each classroom; or a place for keeping such books.

내 (學內) : 학교 안. Noun
🌏 BEING IN SCHOOL; BEING WITHIN THE CAMPUS: The inside of the school.

대하다 (虐待 하다) : 정신적으로나 육체적으로 몹시 괴롭히고 못살게 굴다. Verb
🌏 ABUSE; MISTREAT: To harass and distress another physically or mentally.

도 (學徒) : 학교에 다니면서 공부하는 사람. Noun
🌏 STUDENT: A person studying in a school.

력 (學力) : 교육을 통해 얻은 지식이나 기술 등의 능력. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC ABILITY; ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: One's ability including knolwedge or skills that one has acquired through learning in school.

령 (學齡) : 초등학교에 들어가야 할 나이. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL AGE: The age for entering elementary school.

령기 (學齡期) : 초등학교에서 의무 교육을 받아야 할 나이의 시기. Noun
🌏 COMPULSARY SCHOOL AGE: The age when one is required to be enrolled in elementary school.

맥 (學脈) : 학문적으로 서로 통하거나 이어져 내려오는 줄기. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC GENEALOGY; SCHOLARLY LINEAGE: The academic tradition or lineage shared or handed down by a certain group of scholars.

문하다 (學問 하다) : 어떤 분야를 체계적으로 배워서 익히다. Verb
🌏 STUDY; LEARN: To study a certain field systematically.

보 (學報) : 학술 성과에 대해 기관이나 학회에서 발행하는 학술지. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC JOURNAL: A journal published by an institution or society to promote academic achievements.

보사 (學報社) : 주로 대학에서, 학교 안의 소식이나 학생들의 의견 등을 싣는 학보를 만드는 기관. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL NEWSPAPER; COLLEGE NEWSPAPER: An institution, usually within a university, which publishes a school newspaper covering campus news or students' opinions, etc.

부 (學部) : 대학원과 상대하여 쓰는 말로, 대학. Noun
🌏 UNDERGRADUATE; COLLEGE: College, a word used to constrast with graduate school.

부형 (學父兄) : 학생의 보호자. Noun
🌏 PARENTS; PARENTS OF STUDENTS: The guardians of students or people who care for students.

사 (學士) : 학술 연구에 온 힘을 기울이는 사람. Noun
🌏 SCHOLAR: A person devoted to carrying out academic research.

살되다 (虐殺 되다) : 사람이 매우 모질고 잔인하게 마구 죽임을 당하다. Verb
🌏 BE MASSACRED; BE SLAUGHTERED: For people to be killed indiscriminately, cruelly and heartlessly.

살하다 (虐殺 하다) : 사람을 매우 모질고 잔인하게 마구 죽이다. Verb
🌏 MASSACRE; SLAUGHTER: To kill people indiscriminately, cruelly and heartlessly.

생복 (學生服) : 각 학교에서 학생들이 입도록 특별히 정한 옷. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL UNIFORM: Clothing specially chosen for students to wear at school.

생회 (學生會) : 학생이 중심이 되어 어떤 일을 의논하여 결정하고 실행하는 조직이나 모임. Noun
🌏 STUDENT'S ASSOCIATION; STUDENT COUNCIL: An organization within a school, or a meeting in which students discuss problems, make decisions, and perform certain tasks.

설 (學說) : 학술적 문제에 대하여 주장하고 내세우는 이론. Noun
🌏 THEORY: A theory one introduces and supports regarding an academic issue.

수고대 (鶴首苦待) : 학의 목처럼 목을 길게 빼고 간절하게 기다림. Noun
🌏 LOOKING FORWARD TO; WAITING EAGERLY FOR: The act of looking forward to something as if one were a crane stretching out its neck.

수고대하다 (鶴首苦待 하다) : 학의 목처럼 목을 길게 빼고 간절하게 기다리다. Verb
🌏 LOOK FORWARD TO; WAIT EAGERLY FOR: To look forward to something as if one were a crane stretching out its neck.

술적 (學術的) : 학문과 기술에 관한. Determiner
🌏 ACADEMIC; SCIENTIFIC; SCHOLARLY: Involving academic knowledge and techniques.

술적 (學術的) : 학문과 기술에 관한 것. Noun
🌏 BEING ACADEMIC; BEING SCIENTIFIC; BEING SCHOLARLY: A state of involving academic knowledge and techniques.

술지 (學術誌) : 학문, 기술, 예술 분야에 관한 전문적인 글을 싣는 잡지. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC JOURNAL; JOURNAL: A collection of professional articles on academic, scientific, and artistic subjects.

술회의 (學術會議) : 학문과 기술에 관한 내용을 토의하는 모임. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC CONFERENCE; CONFERENCE; SEMINAR: A meeting for the discussion of topics in areas of academic knowledge and techniques.

습되다 (學習 되다) : 배워서 익히게 되다. Verb
🌏 BE STUDIED; BE LEARNED: To be studied and learned.

습시키다 (學習 시키다) : 배워서 익히게 하다. Verb
🌏 MAKE SOMEONE STUDY: To make someone gain knowledge by studying or practicing certain techniques.

습자 (學習者) : 배워서 익히는 사람. Noun
🌏 LEARNER; STUDENT: A person who learns by studying something.

습장 (學習帳) : 배운 내용을 적는 공책. Noun
🌏 EXERCISE BOOK: A notebook used for writing down what one has learned.

습지 (學習紙) : 학생이 일정한 양을 학습할 수 있도록 정기적으로 집으로 배달되는 문제지. Noun
🌏 HOMESCHOOLING WORKBOOK; HOMESCHOOLING WORKSHEETS: A workbook or worksheets regularly delivered to a student's home so as to allow student to work on them for a certain amount of time each day.

습하다 (學習 하다) : 배워서 익히다. Verb
🌏 STUDY; LEARN: To learn by studying something.

연 (學緣) : 같은 학교를 나옴으로써 생기는 인연. Noun
🌏 OLD BOY NETWORK; SCHOOL TIES: Social connections formed among graduates of the same school.

예회 (學藝會) : 주로 학생들의 작품을 전시하거나 준비한 공연 등을 발표하는 특별 교육 활동. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL TALENT SHOW; SCHOOL FESTIVAL: A special educational activity in which students exhibit their literary or artistic works, or present their performances, etc.

우 (學友) : 학교에서 같이 공부하는 친구. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL FRIEND; CLASSMATE: A friend studying in the same school.

위 논문 (學位論文) : 주로 석사 학위나 박사 학위를 취득하기 위해 제출하는 논문. None
🌏 DISSERTATION; THESIS: A paper, usually submitted to earn one's master's or doctoral degree.

자금 (學資金) : 학교에 다니고 공부를 하는 데에 드는 비용. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL EXPENSES; TUITION: Expenses for attending and studying in a school.

자적 (學者的) : 학자의 자질이나 자세를 갖춘 것. Noun
🌏 BEING SCHOLARLY; BEING LEARNED; BEING ERUDITE: A state of having the qualification or attitude of a scholar.

자적 (學者的) : 학자의 자질이나 자세를 갖춘. Determiner
🌏 SCHOLARLY; LEARNED; ERUDITE: Having the qualification or attitude of a scholar.

장 (學長) : 단과 대학의 사무 전체를 관리하고 책임을 지는 위치에 있는 사람. Noun
🌏 DEAN: A person who manages and takes responsibility for the overall administration of a college or school within a university.

적 (學籍) : 학교에 보관하여 두는 학생에 관한 기록. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL REGISTER; STUDENT RECORDS: Records of students' academic profiles kept at a school.

적부 (學籍簿) : 학교에서, 학생의 이름, 주소, 성적, 입학, 졸업 등의 기록을 적어 놓은 종이. Noun
🌏 STUDENT RECORD: In a school, documents containing such student information as name, address, grade, entrance date, graduation date, etc.

정 (虐政) : 몹시 모질고 잔인한 정치. Noun
🌏 TYRANNY; DICTATORSHIP; DESPOTISM: An extremely heartless and cruel rule by a king, government, etc.

제 (學制) : 학교 또는 교육에 관한 제도. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL SYSTEM; EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: A system related to school or education.

질 (瘧疾) : 모기에게 물려서 감염되며, 갑자기 고열이 나고 설사와 구토 등의 증상을 보이는 전염병. Noun
🌏 MALARIA: The infectious disease contracted by being bitten by a mosquito that causes symptoms such as a sudden high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.

질을 떼다 : 괴롭거나 어려운 상황을 벗어나느라 진땀을 빼거나 그러한 상황에 완전히 질려 버리다.
🌏 GET RID OF MALARIA; GET RID OF A NUISANCE; HAVE HAD IT: To have a gruelling time addressing a painful or difficult situation or be sick and tired of such a situation.

칙 (學則) : 학교의 학과, 교과 과정, 입학, 졸업, 상벌 등에 관한 규칙. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL REGULATIONS; STATUTES: The rules at school regarding courses, curriculum, admissions, graduation, reward and punishment, etc.

파 (學派) : 학문적 주장이나 견해가 같거나 비슷한 사람들의 집단. Noun
🌏 SCHOOL; SCHOOL OF THOUGHT: A group of people who share a common or similar academic opinion or view.

풍 (學風) : 학문의 태도나 경향. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC TRADITION; ACADEMIC TENDENCY: Academic attitude or tendency.

회 (學會) : 학문을 깊이 있게 연구하고 더욱 발전하도록 하기 위해 공부하는 사람들이 만든 모임. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC SOCIETY; ACADEMY: A meeting organized by people who pursue academic studies for in-depth research and development of a certain field.

The arts (23) Human relationships (52) Describing location (70) Purchasing goods (99) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Describing events, accidents, disasters (43) Language (160) Describing personality (365) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Using a pharmacy (10) Greeting (17) Using public institutions (59) Ordering food (132) Marriage and love (28) Science & technology (91) Apologizing (7) Hobby (103) Geological information (138) History (92) Housework (48) Hobbies (48) Environmental issues (226) Using transportation (124) Inviting and visiting (28) Press (36) Social issues (67) Travel (98) Family events (during national holidays) (2) Weather and season (101) Social system (81)