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젤라틴 (gelatin) Nomina

1. 차갑게 식히면 말랑말랑한 형태로 굳는, 동물의 뼈, 가죽, 힘줄 따위에서 얻는 단백질의 하나.

1. GELATIN: A type of protein that is obtained from the bones, skin, sinews, etc., of an animal and becomes jelly-like when cooled.

@ Penjelasan Arti

젤리 (jelly): 1. 과일즙에 젤라을 넣어 말랑말랑하게 만든 과자. [ JELLY: A soft, sweet food made by adding gelatin to fruit juice. ] Nomina

🗣️ @ Contoh