🌟 재정난 (財政難)


1. 개인이나 단체에서, 지출이 수입보다 지나치게 많아 적자를 메우기 어려운 상태.

1. KESULITAN KEUANGAN, MASALAH KEUANGAN: kondisi sulit untuk menutupi kerugian karena terlalu banyaknya pengeluaran dibandingkan pemasukan baik secara perorangan atau dalam suatu organisasi

🗣️ Contoh:
  • Google translate 심각한 재정난.
    Serious financial difficulties.
  • Google translate 심한 재정난.
    A severe financial difficulty.
  • Google translate 재정난 악화.
    Worsening financial difficulties.
  • Google translate 재정난 타개.
    Break through financial difficulties.
  • Google translate 재정난을 극복하다.
    Overcome financial difficulties.
  • Google translate 재정난을 이기다.
    Overcome financial difficulties.
  • Google translate 재정난을 해결하다.
    Solve financial difficulties.
  • Google translate 재정난에 빠지다.
    Get into financial trouble.
  • Google translate 재정난에 직면하다.
    Face financial difficulties.
  • Google translate 재정난에 처하다.
    Be in financial straits.
  • Google translate 재정난에 허덕이다.
    Be in financial straits.
  • Google translate 사업체는 재정난을 이기지 못하고 정부에 파산 신청을 했다.
    The business failed to overcome its financial difficulties and filed for bankruptcy with the government.
  • Google translate 회사의 재정난이 악화되어 그는 직원들의 인건비도 주지 못했다.
    The company's financial difficulties have worsened, and he has not even given his employees labor costs.
  • Google translate 대형 마트가 들어서자 작은 가게들은 심한 재정난으로 문을 닫아야 했다.
    When the large mart entered, the small shops were forced to close due to severe financial difficulties.
  • Google translate 김 사장, 자금 좀 있나? 우리 회사가 재정난으로 부채만 늘어나고 있어.
    Mr. kim, do you have any funds? our company's debt is only increasing due to financial difficulties.
    Google translate 미안하네. 우리 사업도 지지부진해.
    I'm sorry. our business is slow, too.

재정난: financial difficulty,ざいせいなん【財政難】,difficulté financière,dificultad financiera,عجز في الميزانية,санхүүгийн бэрхшээл, санхүүгийн хүндрэл,sự nợ nần, sự khó khăn về tài chính,ความยากลำบากทางการเงิน,kesulitan keuangan, masalah keuangan,финансовые трудности,财政困难,

🗣️ Pelafalan, Penggunaan: 재정난 (재정난)

🗣️ 재정난 (財政難) @ Contoh







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