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유기 (有機農) : 화학 비료나 농약을 쓰지 않고 생물의 작용으로 만들어진 것만을 사용하는 방식의 농업. Noun
🌏 ORGANIC FARMING: Farming that uses only things made through the metabolic process of living organisms, not using chemical fertilizers or agricultural pesticides.

(酪農) : 소, 양, 염소 등의 가축을 길러 젖을 짜고, 그 젖으로 우유, 버터, 치즈 등의 유제품을 만드는 산업. Noun
🌏 DAIRY; DAIRY FARMING: The industry of growing and milking livestock such as cows, sheep, goats, etc., and producing dairy products such as milk, butter, cheese, etc.

(弄) : 실없이 놀리거나 장난으로 하는 말. Noun
🌏 NONG: joke: A remark intended to sound fun or to tease someone.

(營農) : 농사일을 운영하고 관리함. Noun
🌏 FARMING: The practice of running and managing a farm.

(化膿) : 상처가 난 피부나 몸속 장기에 고름이 생김. Noun
🌏 SUPPURATION; PUS; FESTERING: A state in which pus forms over the wounded skin or an organ in the body.

(富農) : 농사지을 땅을 많이 가지고 있어서 농사를 크게 짓고 수입이 많아 생활이 넉넉한 농가나 농민. Noun
🌏 RICH FARMER: A well-off farmer who does farming on a large scale as he/she has a large farmland, or such a farm family.

(都農) : 도시와 농촌. Noun
🌏 CITY AND COUNTRY; BEING URBAN AND RURAL: A collective term for cities and countries, or being urban and rural.

(離農) : 농민이 농사를 그만두고 농촌을 떠남. 또는 그런 현상. Noun
🌏 RURAL EXODUS; RURAL FLIGHT: The act of giving up farming and leaving a farm village; such a phenomenon.

(籠) : 옷이나 이불, 베개 등을 넣어 두는 가구. Noun
🌏 CLOSET; CHEST: Furniture that is used to store clothes, bedclothes, pillows, etc.

- (農) : ‘농사’, ‘농민’의 뜻을 더하는 접미사. Affix
🌏 -NONG: A suffix used to mean farming or a farmer.

자작 (自作農) : 자기 땅에 자기가 직접 짓는 농사. 또는 그런 사람. Noun
🌏 OWNER FARMER; INDEPENDENT FARMER; INDEPENDENT FARMING: Farming that one does in person on one's own land; such a person.

(貧農) : 가난한 농촌의 집안이나 농민. Noun
🌏 POOR FARMER; POOR FARM FAMILY: A family or farmer of a poor rural community.

(촛 膿) : 초가 탈 때 녹아서 흘러내리는 기름. Noun
🌏 CANDLE DRIPPINGS; DRIP WAX: Wax dripping from a lit candle.

소작 (小作農) : 일정한 돈을 내고 다른 사람의 땅을 빌려서 짓는 농사. 또는 그런 농민. Noun
🌏 TENANT FARMER; TENANT FARMING: One who farms land owned by another and pays rent, or such farming.

(欌籠) : → 장롱 Noun

자영 (自營農) : 자신의 땅에서 농사를 짓고 직접 관리하는 농민. Noun
🌏 INDEPENDENT FARMER: A farmer who does farming on his/her own land and manages it in person.

(歸農) : 도시에서 살던 사람이 하던 일을 그만두고 농사를 지으려고 농촌으로 감. Noun
🌏 RETURN TO THE FARM: A move out of the city, after quitting a job, to a rural area to start farming.

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