🌷 Initial sound: ㅁㅁ


메모 (memo) : 잊지 않거나 다른 사람에게 전하기 위해 어떤 내용을 간단하게 글로 적음. 또는 그렇게 적은 글. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 MEMO: The act of writing down in simple words something that one should not forget or deliver to another person, or such a writing.

몇몇 : (강조하는 말로) 많지 않은 막연한 수. ☆☆ Numeral
🌏 SOME; SEVERAL: (emphasizing form) An unknown number that is not big.

멍멍 : 개가 짖는 소리. ☆☆ Adverb
🌏 BOW-WOW: A word imitating the sound of a dog barking.

몇몇 : (강조하는 말로) 많지 않은 막연한 수의. ☆☆ Determiner
🌏 SOME; SEVERAL: (emphasizing form) An indefinite, small number of.

몸매 : 몸의 전체적인 모양새. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BODY FIGURE; BODY SHAPE: The way one's body looks or appears.

멀미 : 자동차, 배, 비행기 등을 탈 때, 그 흔들림 때문에 생기는 어지럽고 메스꺼운 증세. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 MOTION SICKNESS; TRAVEL SICKNESS: The state of being dizzy and nauseated because of the motions that occur when riding in a car, ship, airplane, etc.

문명 (文明) : 사람의 물질적, 기술적, 사회적 생활이 발전한 상태. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CIVILIZATION: An advanced state of material, technological and social life for humans.

미만 (未滿) : 일정한 수량이나 정도에 이르지 못함. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING UNDER; BEING BELOW: The state of not reaching a certain quantity or amount.

매매 (賣買) : 물건을 팔고 사는 일. Noun
🌏 TRANSACTION: The act of selling and buying things.

명목 (名目) : 공식적으로 알리기 위해 실제와 다르게 겉으로만 내세우는 이름. Noun
🌏 BEING SOMETHING IN NAME ONLY; BEING NOMINAL: A name that is not real but used ostensibly for official representation.

묘미 (妙味) : 어느 것에서만 느낄 수 있는 특별한 재미. Noun
🌏 CHARM: A special fascination or amusement felt only about a certain thing.

멸망 (滅亡) : 망하여 없어짐. Noun
🌏 COLLAPSE; DESTRUCTION; DOWNFALL: The state of an organization, country, planet, etc., which collapses and ceases to exist.

명문 (名門) : 훌륭한 가풍으로 이름난 좋은 집안. Noun
🌏 GOOD FAMILY; NOBLE FAMILY; PRESTIGIOUS FAMILY: A family recognized as having honorable family traditions.

말문 (말 門) : 말을 하기 위해 여는 입. Noun
🌏 MOUTH FOR SPEAKING: A mouth that is opened for the purpose of speaking.

면모 (面貌) : 사람이나 사물의 겉모습. Noun
🌏 APPEARANCE; FACE: A person or thing's outer appearance or figure.

미모 (美貌) : 아름답게 생긴 얼굴. Noun
🌏 BEAUTIFUL FACE; PRETTY FEATURES: A face that is lovely to look at.

문맹 (文盲) : 배우지 못하여 글을 읽거나 쓸 줄을 모름. 또는 그런 사람. Noun
🌏 ILLITERACY: The state of not knowing how to read or write because one has not learned to do so, or such a person.

문무 (文武) : 문관과 무관. Noun
🌏 SCHOLAR AND SOLDIER: A compound noun meaning civil and military officials.

문민 (文民) : 군부 세력과 관계없는 일반 국민. Noun
🌏 CIVILIAN: An ordinary person who is not related to military authorities.

미망 (迷妄) : 세상의 형편이나 실정을 잘 몰라서 혼란스러운 것. 또는 그런 상태. Noun
🌏 ILLUSION; DELUSION; FALLACY: A feeling of being confused due to lack of knowledge of the world or reality, or such a state.

맴매 : (어린아이의 말로) 잘못한 아이를 때리는 도구. Noun
🌏 STRIKING STICK: (children's term) A tool for striking a child who did something wrong.

말미 : 일정한 직업이나 일 등에 매인 사람이 다른 일을 하기 위해 얻는 시간적 여유. Noun
🌏 TIME OFF: A break given to a person who is tied down to a job, work, etc,. in order for him/her to do another thing.

물망 (物望) : 많은 사람이 인정하거나 우러러보는 것. Noun
🌏 POPULAR EXPECTATION; POPULAR SUPPORT: The respect or admiration by many people.

몽매 (夢寐) : 잠을 자면서 꿈을 꿈. 또는 그 꿈. Noun
🌏 DREAMING WHILE ASLEEP: An act of dreaming while a person is sleeping, or the dreams that he/she has.

미몽 (迷夢) : 무엇에 홀린 듯 정신을 차리지 못하고 헛된 희망에 빠져 있는 상태. Noun
🌏 ILLUSION; DELUSION: A state where a person does not come to his/her senses and remains in false hope as if bewitched.

마마 (媽媽) : 바이러스에 감염되어 일어나며 열이 몹시 나고 온몸에 발진이 생기는 전염병. Noun
🌏 SMALLPOX: A contagious disease caused by a viral infection, whose symptoms include high fever, a rash all over the body, etc.

몰매 : 여러 사람이 한꺼번에 때리는 매. Noun
🌏 MOB BEATING: Beating by a bunch of people all at once.

만물 (萬物) : 세상에 있는 모든 것. Noun
🌏 EVERYTHING: All things in the world.

마멸 (磨滅) : 마찰로 인해서 조금씩 닳아 없어짐. Noun
🌏 BEING WORN OUT: A state in which a part of something is getting worn out little by little from being repeatedly rubbed against something else.

무명 : 목화솜으로 만든 실로 짠 천. Noun
🌏 COTTON: Fabric made from cotton woven thread.

무마 (撫摩) : 타일러서 마음을 달램. Noun
🌏 APPEASING; COAXING; SOOTHING: An act of persuading and soothing another person's mind.

밀매 (密賣) : 사고파는 일이 금지된 물건을 몰래 팖. Noun
🌏 ILLICIT TRADE; ILLEGAL TRAFFICKING: The act of secretly selling goods which are banned from trading.

문맥 (文脈) : 서로 이어져 있는 문장의 앞뒤 의미 관계. Noun
🌏 CONTEXT: The semantic relationship between adjacent sentences.

물밑 : (비유적으로) 어떤 일이 은밀하게 이루어지는 상태. Noun
🌏 BEING BEHIND-THE-SCENES: (figurative) A state in which something is being promoted clandestinely.

민물 : 강이나 호수와 같이 짜지 않은 물. Noun
🌏 FRESHWATER: Water that is not salty like rivers or lakes.

밀물 : 바닷물이 주기적으로 밀려 들어와서 해수면이 높아지는 현상. 또는 그 바닷물. Noun
🌏 RISING TIDE; FLOOD TIDE: A phenomenon where the sea level rises due to the cyclical inward rush of sea water, or such sea water.

목말 : 다른 사람의 어깨 위에 두 다리를 벌리고 올라타는 일. Noun
🌏 RIDING ON SOMEONE'S SHOULDERS: The act of spreading one's legs and getting on someone else's shoulders.

마모 (磨耗) : 마찰이 일어난 부분이 닳아서 작아지거나 없어짐. Noun
🌏 WEAR AND TEAR; ABRASION: A state in which a part of something gets smaller or worn out after being repeatedly rubbed against something else.

먹물 : 벼루에 먹을 갈아 만든 검은 물. Noun
🌏 MEONGMUL: ink; Indian ink: Dark black liquid made by grinding an inkstick on an inkstone.

뭇매 : 여러 사람이 한꺼번에 때리는 매. Noun
🌏 BEATING FROM ALL SIDES: Beating by several people at one time.

미명 (美名) : 그럴듯하게 내세운 명분. Noun
🌏 GOOD NAME; PRETEXT; GUISE: An ostensible cause that appears plausible.

무명 (無名) : 이름이 없거나 이름을 알 수 없음. Noun
🌏 BEING UNKNOWN; BEING NAMELESS; BEING ANONYMOUS: A state of being without a name or unable to know by name.

미물 (微物) : 작고 보잘것없는 벌레나 짐승. Noun
🌏 SMALL CREATURE: A tiny and unimportant thing like bug or animal.

망명 (亡命) : 정치, 사상 등을 이유로 받는 탄압이나 위협을 피하기 위해 몰래 자기 나라를 떠나 다른 나라로 감. Noun
🌏 ASYLUM; EXILE; FLIGHT FROM ONE'S OWN COUNTRY: Leaving one's own country secretly for another country, to avoid suppression or threats one faces due to a political belief, ideology, etc.

밑면 (밑 面) : 물건의 바닥을 이루는 면. Noun
🌏 BASE SIDE; BASE PLANE: The base side of an object.

메밀 : 늦여름부터 초가을 사이에 흰 꽃이 피고, 검은빛의 세모난 열매는 가루를 내어 국수나 묵을 만들어 먹는 곡식. Noun
🌏 BUCKWHEAT: A crop that blooms white flowers from late summer to early fall, and of which the black triangular fruit is ground and made into noodles or muk, a type of jelly in Korean cuisine.

면면 (面面) : 여러 사람. 또는 여러 사람의 얼굴. Noun
🌏 EACH AND EVERY ONE; ALL FACES: A number of people or their faces.

맨몸 : 아무것도 입지 않은 벌거벗은 몸. Noun
🌏 NAKED BODY: A nude body wearing no clothes.

만무 (萬無) : 어떤 일이 일어날 가능성이 전혀 없음. Noun
🌏 BEING OUT OF THE QUESTION; NO POSSIBILITY: No possibility of something happening.

명멸 (明滅) : 불빛 등이 켜졌다 꺼지거나 밝아졌다 어두워졌다 함. Noun
🌏 GLIMMERING; FLICKERING: A state in which a light, etc., is on and off, or brightens and then goes dim.

명물 (名物) : 어떤 지역에서 유명한 사물이나 특산물. Noun
🌏 SPECIALTY; LOCAL PRODUCT: A certain region's famous thing or special product.

맹물 : 아무것도 넣지 않은 물. Noun
🌏 PLAIN WATER: Water to which nothing has been added.

몽매 (蒙昧) : 세상의 이치를 잘 모르고 어리석음. Noun
🌏 IGNORANCE: The state of not knowing the ways of the world and being foolish.

매몰 (埋沒) : 땅속에 깊이 파묻히거나 파묻음. Noun
🌏 BURYING; BEING BURIED: Burying someone or something, or being buried deep in the ground.

명망 (名望) : 이름이 널리 알려져 사람들이 존경하고 따르는 것. Noun
🌏 RENOWN: A situation in which a person is well-known and respected and followed by many people.

목마 (木馬) : 주로 어린이의 오락이나 말 타는 연습 등에 쓰며 나무를 깎아 말의 모양으로 만든 물건. Noun
🌏 WOODEN HORSE; ROCKING HORSE: A thing carved like a horse out of wood, mainly used for entertaining a child or practicing riding a horse, etc.

면목 (面目) : 사람이나 사물의 겉모습. Noun
🌏 APPEARANCE; CHARACTERISTIC: The appearance of a person or thing.

명맥 (命脈) : 사라지거나 끊어지지 않고 이어지는 전통. Noun
🌏 EXISTENCE; LIFE; LEGACY: A surviving tradition that has not disappeared and is not disconnected from the present.

모면 (謀免) : 꾀를 써서 또는 운 좋게 어려운 상황이나 책임 등에서 벗어남. Noun
🌏 EVASION: The act of getting out of a difficult situation or responsibility with one's wits or luck.

목물 : 상체를 굽혀 엎드린 채로 다른 사람의 도움을 받아 허리에서부터 목까지 물로 씻는 일. Noun
🌏 MONGMUL: The act of splashing water onto the back of another person with his/her face facing the ground and arms and legs stretched out in a V shape.

말미 (末尾) : 어떤 것의 맨 끝부분. Noun
🌏 END: The end part of something.

명문 (名文) : 매우 잘 쓴, 좋은 글. Noun
🌏 BEAUTIFUL PASSAGE; LITERARY GEM: A very well-written, superb piece of writing.

만민 (萬民) : 모든 사람. Noun
🌏 EVERYONE: All people.

맹목 (盲目) : 사실을 옳게 보거나 판단하지 못한 채로 무조건 행동하는 일. Noun
🌏 BLINDNESS: The attitude of acting without viewing or judging the situation correctly.

막말 : 말조심을 하지 않고 입에서 나오는 대로 함부로 하는 말. Noun
🌏 BLUNT WORDS: Rough words that are spoken without thinking.

맴맴 : 매미가 우는 소리. Adverb
🌏 CHIRP: A word imitating the sound that a cicada makes.

매물 (賣物) : 팔려고 내놓은 물건. Noun
🌏 SALE ARTICLE: An object for sale.

만면 (滿面) : 얼굴 전체. Noun
🌏 FACE: The whole face.

맘마 : (어린아이의 말로) 밥. Noun
🌏 FOOD: (children's term) Food.

문물 (文物) : 정치, 경제, 학문, 종교, 예술과 같은 문화의 산물. Noun
🌏 PRODUCTS OF CULTURE: A discipline or field that arises from culture, such as politics, economics, education, religion and the arts.

매미 : 1.2~8 센티미터 정도의 몸에 투명한 날개가 있고 수컷이 나무에 붙어 시끄럽게 우는 여름 곤충. Noun
🌏 CICADA: A 1.2~8 centimeter-sized summer insect with transparent wings on its body, of which the male clings to trees and makes a loud sound.

모멸 (侮蔑) : 업신여기고 깔봄. Noun
🌏 CONTEMPT: The attitude or feeling of belittling and looking down on someone.

망막 (網膜) : 눈 안쪽에 있으며 빛을 받아들이는 중요한 기관으로 시각 신경이 퍼져 있는 막. Noun
🌏 RETINA: A layer inside the eye with optic nerves, which is an important organ that receives light.

미명 (未明) : 날이 다 밝기 전. Noun
🌏 BEING BEFORE DAWN: A time before day breaks.

미문 (未聞) : 이전까지 듣지 못함. 또는 이전까지 없었음. Noun
🌏 BEING UNPRECEDENTED; BEING UNHEARD-OF: A state in which something has not been heard of before, or has not happened before.

묘목 (苗木) : 다른 곳으로 옮겨 심기 위하여 키우는 어린 나무. Noun
🌏 SAPLING: A young tree grown to transplant somewhere else.

물목 : 물이 흘러 들어오거나 나가는 지점. Noun
🌏 FORK OF A RIVER: A point at which the water flows in or out.

미문 (美文) : 문장의 표현이 아름다운 글. Noun
🌏 ELEGANT PROSE; FLOWERY PROSE: A piece of writing with beautiful expressions.

Expressing time (82) Describing location (70) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Daily life (11) Language (160) Greeting (17) Describing food (78) Performance & appreciation (8) Expressing day of the week (13) Housework (48) Making a phone call (15) Using a pharmacy (10) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Making a promise (4) Apologizing (7) Appearance (121) Religion (43) Marriage and love (28) Human relationships (52) School life (208) Architecture (43) Science & technology (91) Describing personality (365) Comparing cultures (78) Social issues (67) Pop culture (52) Life in Korea (16) Hobbies (48) Economics and business administration (273) Cultural differences (47)