🌷 Initial sound: ㅇㅂㅈ


아버지 : 자기를 낳아 준 남자를 이르거나 부르는 말. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 FATHER; MALE PARENT: A word used to refer to or address the man who has procreated as the male parent.

일반적 (一般的) : 일부에 한정되지 않고 두루 해당될 수 있는. ☆☆ Determiner
🌏 GENERAL; POPULAR; UNIVERSAL: Extensively applicable, not being limited to some parts.

일반적 (一般的) : 일부에 한정되지 않고 두루 해당될 수 있는 것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING GENERAL; BEING POPULAR; BEING UNIVERSAL: A quality of being extensively applicable, not being limited to some parts.

우발적 (偶發的) : 어떤 일이 예상치 못하게 우연히 일어나는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING ACCIDENTAL; BEING INCIDENTAL: The state of occuring by chance and unexpectedly.

우발적 (偶發的) : 어떤 일이 예상치 못하게 우연히 일어나는. Determiner
🌏 ACCIDENTAL; INCIDENTAL: Occuring by chance and unexpectedly.

일방적 (一方的) : 어느 한쪽이나 한편으로 치우친. Determiner
🌏 ONE-SIDED; UNILATERAL: Leaning toward one party or side.

일방적 (一方的) : 어느 한쪽이나 한편으로 치우친 것. Noun
🌏 BEING ONE-SIDED; BEING UNILATERAL: A state of leaning toward one party or side.

의부증 (疑夫症) : 남편의 행실을 지나치게 의심하는 병적 증세. Noun
🌏 DELUSIONAL JEALOUSY; DELUSION OF INFIDELITY: A morbid symptom that excessively doubts one's husband's conduct.

위반자 (違反者) : 법, 명령, 약속 등을 지키지 않고 어긴 사람. Noun
🌏 VIOLATOR; OFFENDER; TRANSGRESSOR: A person who breaks the law, an order, promise, etc.

웅변조 (雄辯調) : 웅변하는 것과 같은 말투. Noun
🌏 ORATORICAL TONE: The way of speaking in an eloquent manner.

위법적 (違法的) : 법을 어기는. Determiner

역부족 (力不足) : 힘이나 능력 등이 모자람. Noun
🌏 LACK OF ABILITY; BEING BEYOND ONE'S CAPABILITY: The state of showing a shortage of power, ability, etc.

외부적 (外部的) : 외부에 나타나거나 외부와 관계되는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING EXTERNAL; BEING EXTERIOR: The state of appearing on the outside or being related to the outside of something or someone.

외부적 (外部的) : 외부에 나타나거나 외부와 관계되는. Determiner
🌏 EXTERNAL; EXTERIOR: Appearing on the outside, or related to the outside of something or someone.

위법적 (違法的) : 법을 어기는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING ILLEGAL; BEING UNLAWFUL: The state of being against the law.

유복자 (遺腹子) : 아버지가 죽고 나서 태어난 자식. Noun
🌏 POSTHUMOUS CHILD: A child born after the father died.

유배지 (流配地) : (옛날에) 죄인이 형벌을 받고 일정 기간 동안 보내져 머물던 장소. Noun
🌏 PLACE OF EXILE: (archaic) A place to which a criminal was sent to stay for a fixed period, as punishment.

알부자 (알 富者) : 겉으로 드러나지 않으나 실속이 있는 부자. Noun
🌏 PERSON OF SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY: A rich person with substantial property, who does not look rich.

우범자 (虞犯者) : 범죄를 저지를 우려가 있는 사람. Noun
🌏 POTENTIAL OFFENDER: A person liable to commit a crime.

은박지 (銀箔紙) : 주로 식품을 포장할 때 쓰는, 알루미늄을 종이처럼 얇게 펴 만든 것. Noun
🌏 ALUMINUM FOIL; TIN FOIL: A thin, paper-like aluminum, which is usually used to wrap food.

이별주 (離別酒) : 헤어질 때 아쉽고 섭섭한 마음을 위로하기 위해 함께 마시는 술. Noun
🌏 FAREWELL DRINK: A liquor that people drink together to appease their sadness and sense of loss when they part from each other.

연방제 (聯邦制) : 자치권을 가진 둘 이상의 주나 나라가 연합하여 하나의 국가를 이루는 정치 제도. Noun
🌏 FEDERALISM: A political system in which two or more autonomous states or countries combine to form a country.

이바지 : 결혼 후 신부 쪽이 신랑 쪽으로 정성을 들여 음식을 보냄. 또는 그 음식. Noun
🌏 IBAJI: food presented as a gift from the bride's parents to the groom's: The act of the bride's family sending carefully prepared food to the groom's after their wedding; such food.

오밤중 (午 밤 中) : 깊은 밤. Noun
🌏 MIDNIGHT: The dead of the night.

익반죽 : 가루에 끓는 물을 넣어 가며 하는 반죽. Noun
🌏 KNEADING WITH HOT WATER: A dough made by kneading the flour with boiling water.

연병장 (練兵場) : 군인을 훈련하기 위하여 만들어 놓은 운동장. Noun
🌏 DRILL GROUND: A field made to train soldiers.

육박전 (肉薄戰) : 적과 직접 몸을 맞대어 하는 싸움. Noun
🌏 HAND-TO-HAND FIGHT: A fight in which both fighters use only their bodies and no weapons in an attempt to defeat one another.

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