🌟 -롭다


1. ‘그러함’ 또는 ‘그럴 만함’의 뜻을 더하고 형용사를 만드는 접미사.

1. -ROPDA: A suffix that means "being so" or "deserving that" and makes the word an adjective.

📚 Annotation: 모음으로 끝나는 일부 어근 뒤에 붙는다.





Talking about one's mistakes (28) The arts (23) Using the hospital (204) Residential area (159) Dietary culture (104) Sports (88) Pop culture (52) Science & technology (91) Appearance (121) Life in the workplace (197) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Geological information (138) Hobby (103) School life (208) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Life in Korea (16) Occupation & future path (130) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Expressing day of the week (13) Human relationships (52) Weather and season (101) Exchanging personal information (46) Making a promise (4) Describing a dish (119) Family events (during national holidays) (2) Describing location (70) Describing physical features (97) Ordering food (132) Expressing time (82) Law (42)