🌾 End:


(破滅) : 파괴되어 완전히 없어지거나 망함. Noun
🌏 DESTRUCTION; RUIN: The state of something completely disappearing or collapsing, due to destruction.

(消滅) : 사라져 없어짐. Noun
🌏 EXTINCTION: The state of being extinguished and gone.

(輕蔑) : 매우 싫어하거나 무시하는 듯한 태도로 낮추어 봄. Noun
🌏 CONTEMPT; SCORN: Looking down on someone with an attitude of extreme dislike or disdain.

(自滅) : 스스로의 실수나 잘못으로 자신을 망치거나 멸망함. Noun
🌏 SELF-DESTRUCTION; SELF-RUIN: The act of ruining or destroying oneself with one's own mistake or fault.

(撲滅) : 모조리 잡아 없앰. Noun
🌏 EXTERMINATION; ERADICATION: The act of catching everything and eliminating it.

(擊滅) : 전쟁이나 전투에서 적을 공격하여 없앰. Noun
🌏 DESTRUCTION; EXTERMINATION; ANNIHILATION: Attacking and killing all or most of the enemy in a war or battle.

(潰滅) : 조직이나 집단이 완전히 해체되어 없어짐. 또는 무너져 없어지게 함. Noun
🌏 ANNIHILATION; DESTRUCTION: A state in which an organization or group is dispersed and terminated, or the act of making this happen.

(磨滅) : 마찰로 인해서 조금씩 닳아 없어짐. Noun
🌏 BEING WORN OUT: A state in which a part of something is getting worn out little by little from being repeatedly rubbed against something else.

영원불 (永遠不滅) : 영원히 없어지지 않고 계속됨. Noun
🌏 IMMORTALITY; PERPETUITY: The state of lasting and continuing forever.

(幻滅) : 꿈이나 기대가 깨어짐. 또는 그때 느끼는 괴로운 마음. Noun
🌏 DISILLUSION; DISENCHANTMENT; LETDOWN: A state in which one's dream or expectation falls to pieces; or a feeling of agony that one has in such a situation.

(壞滅) : 모조리 파괴되어 없어짐. Noun
🌏 DESTRUCTION; ERADICATION: The act of destroying and eradicating everything.

(不滅) : 영원히 없어지거나 사라지지 않음. Noun
🌏 IMMORTALITY; IMPERISHABILITY: The quality of never dying or disappearing.

(明滅) : 불빛 등이 켜졌다 꺼지거나 밝아졌다 어두워졌다 함. Noun
🌏 GLIMMERING; FLICKERING: A state in which a light, etc., is on and off, or brightens and then goes dim.

(死滅) : 죽어서 없어짐. Noun
🌏 EXTINCTION; DESTRUCTION; ANNIHILATION: A state of ceasing to exist due to being death.

(凌蔑/陵蔑) : 남을 하찮게 여겨 깔봄. Noun
🌏 CONTEMPT; DISDAIN; SCORN: Belittling and looking down on someone.

(侮蔑) : 업신여기고 깔봄. Noun
🌏 CONTEMPT: The attitude or feeling of belittling and looking down on someone.

(湮滅/堙滅) : 흔적도 없이 모두 없어짐. 또는 그렇게 없앰. Noun
🌏 EXTINCTION; DESTRUCTION: A state of disappearing completely without any traces, or such an act of removal.

(全滅) : 모두 다 죽거나 망하여 없어짐. Noun
🌏 BEING COMPLETELY DESTROYED: The act of all dying or perishing and disappearing.

(殲滅) : 모두 다 무찔러 없앰. Noun
🌏 ANNIHILATION; DESTRUCTION: The act of exterminating everything.

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