🌾 End:


(食堂) : 건물 안에 식사를 할 수 있게 만든 방. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 CAFETERIA; RESTAURANT: A place for eating meals within a building.

: 집에 딸려 있는 평평하고 비어 있는 땅. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 GARDEN; YARD: A flat, empty land attached to a house.

(擔當) : 어떤 일을 맡음. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING IN CHARGE: Being in charge of something.

- (當) : ‘마다’의 뜻을 더하는 접미사. ☆☆ Affix
🌏 -DANG: A suffix to indicate "per."

(該當) : 무엇과 관계가 있는 바로 그것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING RELEVANT; BEING COMPETENT; BEING RELATED: The thing itself related to something.

(聖堂) : 가톨릭의 종교 의식이 행해지는 건물. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CATHOLIC CHURCH: A sanctified building, such as a church or cathedral, in which Catholic rituals are held.

(政黨) : 정치적인 생각이나 주장이 같은 사람들이 정권을 잡고 정치적 이상을 실현하기 위하여 모인 단체. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 PARTY: A group formed by people with the same political ideas or opinions for the purpose of taking power and realizing their political ideals.

(相當) : 어느 정도의 값이 나감. Noun
🌏 WORTH; VALUE; EQUIVALENCE: A worth of a certain amount of money.

(與黨) : 정당 정치에서, 대통령을 내거나 의회에서 의석을 가장 많이 차지하고 있는 당. Noun
🌏 RULING PARTY: In party politics, a party that has produced the president or holds the majority of seats in the parliament.

(野黨) : 현재 정권을 잡고 있지 않은 정당. Noun
🌏 OPPOSITION PARTY: A political party currently not in power.

(不當) : 도리에 어긋나서 정당하지 않음. Noun
🌏 INJUSTICE; BEING UNFAIR; BEING WRONGFUL: A state of being contrary to reason, and therefore considered unjust.

(手當) : 정해진 봉급 외에 추가로 따로 받는 보수. Noun
🌏 EXTRA PAY; BONUS: An extra payment in addition to regular wages.

(明堂) : 풍수지리에서, 자손에게 장차 좋은 일이 많이 생기게 된다는 좋은 집이나 무덤의 자리. Noun
🌏 MYEONGDANG: propitious site; auspicious place: A good site for a house or grave, believed to bring luck to one's offspring according to a theory of Korean geomancy.

(堪當) : 어떤 일을 맡아 자기 능력으로 해냄. Noun
🌏 COPING WITH; MANAGING: The act of managing something with one's own ability.

(講堂) : 강연이나 강의, 공연 등을 할 때에 쓰는 건물이나 큰 방. Noun
🌏 LECTURE HALL; AUDITORIUM: A building or a big room used for lectures or performances.

(黨) : 정치적인 사상과 목적이 같은 사람들이 모인 단체. Noun
🌏 POLITICAL PARTY: A group of people who have the same political idea and purpose.

구내식 (構內食堂) : 회사, 병원, 역과 같이 큰 건물이나 시설 안에 있는 식당. Noun
🌏 CAFETERIA: A cafeteria inside a big building or facility such as a company, hospital, station.

(慈堂) : (높이는 말로) 남의 어머니. Noun
🌏 SOMEONE'S MOTHER: (polite form) A respectful way to say someone's mother.

(充當) : 모자라는 것을 채워 넣음. Noun
🌏 REPLENISHMENT; SUPPLEMENT: An act of filling up a deficiency.

남사 (男 사당) : (옛날에) 여기저기 떠돌아다니며 노래, 춤, 짧은 연극 등을 보여 주고 돈을 벌던 남자들의 무리. Noun
🌏 NAMSADANG: wayfaring male entertainer; actors on the road: (archaic) A group of men who travel here and there, making money by singing, dancing, performing plays, etc.

불한 (不汗黨) : 돌아다니며 남의 재물을 빼앗는 사람들의 무리. Noun
🌏 HOOLIGAN; SCOUNDREL: A band of people going around and taking away others' property.

(當) : 바로 그. 바로 이. 지금의. Determiner
🌏 SOMETHING SPOKEN: This; that; the present.

납골 (納骨堂) : 죽은 사람의 시신을 태우고 남은 뼈를 모셔 두는 시설. Noun
🌏 CHARNEL HOUSE: A building where the cremated bones of the dead are stored.

박수무 : 귀신을 받들어 점치고 굿을 하는 것을 직업으로 하는 남자. Noun
🌏 BAKSUMUDANG: male shaman: A man whose job it is to tell fortunes and hold gut, exorcisms, serving a spirit or spirits.

놀이마 : 여러 사람이 모여 노래하거나 춤추며 노는 일. 또는 그런 자리. Noun
🌏 GATHERING FOR SONGS AND DANCES; RECREATION GROUND: An occasion in which people gather in an open yard where they sing and dance, or the place for this gathering.

뒷마 : 집이나 건물의 뒤에 딸려 있는 평평한 빈 땅. Noun
🌏 BACKYARD: A flat empty land behind a house or building.

예배 (禮拜堂) : 예수 그리스도를 구세주로 믿고 따르는 사람들의 공동체. 또는 그 장소. Noun
🌏 CHAPEL; CHURCH: A place for the community of people who believe in and follow Jesus Christ as their savior.

(脫黨) : 자신이 속해 있던 정당에서 떠남. Noun
🌏 DEFECTING FROM A POLITICAL PARTY: An act of leaving the political party which one had belonged to.

뒷감 (뒷 堪當) : 일의 가장 마지막 부분을 맡아서 처리함. Noun
🌏 WRAP UP: the act of being responsible for and handling the last phase of a job or piece of work.

(惡黨) : 비도덕적이고 나쁜 행동을 하는 무리. Noun
🌏 VILLAIN; BAD GUY: An immoral, ill-behaved group.

위풍당 (威風堂堂) : 다른 사람을 압도할 만큼 겉모양이나 기운이 위엄이 있고 대단함. Noun
🌏 BEING MAJESTIC; BEING IMPOSING; BEING COMMANDING: The quality of one's appearance or spirit being dignified enough to overwhelm others.

한식 (韓食堂) : 우리나라 고유의 음식을 파는 식당. Noun
🌏 KOREAN RESTAURANT: A restaurant that serves Korean food.

(合黨) : 두 개 이상의 당을 하나로 합침. Noun
🌏 MERGER; CONSOLIDATION: An act of combining two more political parties into one.

(法堂) : 절의 가장 중심이 되는 곳으로, 불상을 놓고 불교의 교리를 가르치는 집. Noun
🌏 SERMON HALL; SANCTUARY: The central part of a Buddhist temple, containing a statue of Buddha, where the religious doctrine of Buddhism is taught.

(本堂) : 가톨릭에서, 주임 신부가 항상 머무는 성당. Noun
🌏 PARISH CHURCH: In Catholicism, a cathedral in which a parish priest stays all the time.

다수 (多數黨) : 국회에서 많은 수의 의석을 차지한 정당. Noun
🌏 MAJORITY PARTY: A political party that holds the majority of seats in the National Assembly.

집권 (執權黨) : 정권을 잡은 정당. Noun
🌏 RULING PARTY; GOVERNING PARTY: The party in political power.

(分黨) : 당파가 갈라지거나 당파를 가름. 또는 그 당파. Noun
🌏 DIVISION OF A POLITICAL PARTY; SPLIT PARTY: A political party being divided or the act of dividing a political party; a party split.

(配當) : 일정한 기준에 따라 몫을 정하여 나누어 줌. Noun
🌏 ALLOCATION; ALLOTMENT; QUOTA: An act of distributing a fixed share or portion of something according to a certain standard.

(祠堂) : 조상의 이름을 적은 나무패를 모셔 두는 집. Noun
🌏 SHRINE: A place that enshrines a wooden tablet inscribed with the name of ancestors.

(別堂) : 본채의 옆이나 뒤에 따로 지은 집이나 방. Noun
🌏 SEPARATE ROOM; SEPARATE HOUSE; ANNEX: A house or room built beside or behind the main building.

(書堂) : (옛날에) 아이들이 글을 배우던 곳. Noun
🌏 SEODANG: village school: (archaic) A school where children used to learn to be literate.

홀라 : 속의 것이 한꺼번에 다 드러나도록 완전히 벗어지거나 뒤집히는 모양. Adverb
🌏 COMPLETELY; THOROUGHLY: A word describing the motion of being completely taken off or turned over to such an extent that the things inside are visible at once.

(堂堂) : 모습이나 태도가 자신 있고 거리낌이 없이 떳떳하게. Adverb
🌏 PROUDLY: In a manner of looking and acting confident and not hesitating.

(酒黨) : 술을 좋아하고 잘 마시는 사람들의 무리. Noun
🌏 HEAVY DRINKERS: A group of people who love drinking and have high levels of alcohol tolerance.

(入黨) : 어떤 정당에 가입함. Noun
🌏 JOINING A POLITICAL PARTY: An act of joining a political party and becoming its member.

(新黨) : 새로 만든 정당. Noun
🌏 NEW POLITICAL PARTY: A newly made political party.

소수 (少數黨) : 적은 수의 사람으로 이루어진 정당. 또는 국회 의원 수가 적은 정당. Noun
🌏 MINORITY PARTY: A political party composed of a small number of people or that has relatively fewer assemblymen.

대성 (大聖堂) : 천주교의 종교 의식을 하며 일정한 구역에서 중심이 되는 큰 규모의 건물. Noun
🌏 CATHEDRAL: Often considered a landmark, a large building used for religious ceremonies for Roman Catholicism.

간이식 (簡易食堂) : 기본적인 시설만을 갖추어 간단하게 먹을 수 있고 값이 싼 음식을 파는 곳. Noun
🌏 SNACK BAR; DINER; CAFETERIA: A place with basic furnishing, where cheap and easy-to-eat food is served.

: 어떤 일이 벌어지는 상황. Bound Noun
🌏 MADANG: A bound noun meaning a situation in which something is happening.

경로 (敬老堂) : 노인들이 모여서 쉬거나 놀 수 있도록 마련한 집이나 방. Noun
🌏 SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER: A house or center specially built or designated for senior citizens to gather and rest or enjoy leisure activities.

퐁당퐁 : 작고 단단한 물건이 계속 물에 떨어지거나 빠질 때 가볍게 나는 소리. Adverb
🌏 WITH PLOPS: A word imitating the light sound made when small and hard objects fall or are dropped into deep water.

(創黨) : 정당이 새로 만들어짐. 또는 정당을 새로 만듦. Noun
🌏 FORMATION OF A NEW PARTY: A state in which a new political party is established, or an act of establishing a new political party.

(天堂) : 기독교에서, 사람이 죽어서 간다고 믿는 평화롭고 행복한 이상적인 세상. Noun
🌏 HEAVEN: In Christianity, the peaceful, blissful and ideal world where people are believed to go after their death.

천부당만부 (千不當萬不當) : 전혀 근거나 가망이 없고 사리에 맞지 않음. Noun
🌏 UTTER ABSURDITY: Something irrational that has no basis or practicality.

앞마 : 집의 앞쪽에 있는 마당. Noun
🌏 FRONT YARD; FRONT GARDEN: A yard or garden in front of a house.

국회 의사 (國會議事堂) : 국회의 회의가 열리는 건물. None
🌏 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY BUILDING: The building where the meetings of the National Assembly are held.

포도 (葡萄糖) : 단맛이 나고 물에 잘 녹으며 생물의 에너지원으로 쓰이는 탄수화물의 한 종류. Noun
🌏 GRAPE SUGAR; GLUCOSE: A kind of carbohydrate, which tastes sweet, dissolves easily in water, and is used as an energy source for living organisms.

공산 (共産黨) : 공산주의를 따르는 사람들이 만든 정당. Noun
🌏 COMMUNIST PARTY: A political party made by people who believe in communism.

(宜當) : 그렇게 하는 것이 옳으므로 마땅히. Adverb
🌏 JUSTLY; AS A MATTER OF COURSE; DESERVEDLY: Naturally because it is right to do so.

(果糖) : 꿀이나 과일 속에 들어 있는 단맛이 나는 성분. Noun
🌏 FRUCTOSE: A sweet component in honey or fruit.

(作黨) : 여럿이 떼를 짓거나 무리를 이룸. Noun
🌏 FORMING OF A GROUP; GROUPING; FORMING OF A LEAGUE: The act of grouping or banding together.

(割當) : 각자의 몫을 갈라 나눔. 또는 그 몫. Noun
🌏 ASSIGNMENT; ALLOCATION: The act of dividing and assigning per share; or such a share.

소강 (小講堂) : 많지 않은 사람이 들어갈 수 있는 작은 강당. Noun
🌏 SMALL ASSEMBLY HALL: A small assembly hall that cannot hold a lot of people.

(血糖) : 핏속에 들어 있는 당분. Noun
🌏 BLOOD SUGAR: Sugar contained in blood.

(應當) : 행동이나 대가 등이 일정한 조건이나 가치에 알맞게. Adverb
🌏 DESERVEDLY: (a behavior, reward, etc.) Appropriately for a certain condition or value.

대강 (大講堂) : 많은 사람이 들어갈 수 있는 큰 강당. Noun
🌏 MAIN AUDITORIUM; MAIN HALL: A big auditorium that accommodates many people.

안마 : 집의 안채에 딸린 마당. Noun
🌏 COURTYARD; INNER GARDEN: The yard before an inner house building.

(黜黨) : 당원 명부에서 이름을 빼고 당원의 자격을 빼앗음. Noun
🌏 EXPULSION FROM A POLITICAL PARTY: An act of removing one's name and taking away one's membership from a political party.

선무 : 서투르고 미숙해서 굿을 제대로 못 하는 무당. Noun
🌏 NOVICE SHAMAN: An unskilled and inexperienced shaman that is not good at performing rituals.

: 작고 단단한 물건이 물에 떨어지거나 빠질 때 가볍게 한 번 나는 소리. Adverb
🌏 WITH A PLOP: A word imitating the light sound made when a small and hard object falls or is dropped into deep water.

: 귀신을 받들어 점치고 굿을 하는 것을 직업으로 하는 사람. Noun
🌏 MUDANG: shaman; medium: A person whose job it is to tell fortunes and hold gut, exorcisms, serving a spirit or spirits.

발라 : 팔과 다리를 활짝 벌려 뒤로 가볍게 넘어지는 모양. Adverb
🌏 ON ONE'S BACK: A word describing one falling down backward with his/her arms and legs stretched fully.

의사 (議事堂) : 의원들이 모여서 회의하는 건물. Noun
🌏 ASSEMBLY HALL: A building where the members of an assembly gather and have a meeting.

(一黨) : 목적이나 행동 등을 같이 하는 사람들의 무리. Noun
🌏 GROUP; PARTY; GANG: A group of people who share a purpose, act collectively, etc.

(日當) : 하루에 일한 대가로 받는 돈. Noun
🌏 DAILY WAGE; DAILY PAY: A sum of money that one receives for working for one day.

(抵當) : 맞서서 겨룸. Noun
🌏 FIGHTING BACK: The act of confronting and fighting against someone.

(糖) : 포도당, 과당, 전분 등 물에 잘 녹으며 단맛이 있는 탄수화물. Noun
🌏 SUGAR: A carbohydrate that melts well in water and has sweetness, such as glucose, fructose, starch, etc.

(殿堂) : (비유적으로) 학문, 예술, 과학, 기술, 교육, 문화 등의 분야에서 가장 영향력이 있거나 중심이 되는 연구 기관. Noun
🌏 HALL: (figurative) A research institution that has the greatest influence or plays a central role in fields such as academics, art, science, technology, education, culture, etc.

성황 (城隍堂) : 땅과 마을을 지켜 주는 신을 모신 집. Noun
🌏 SEONGHWANGDANG: A house that enshrines the god that protects the land and town.

교회 (敎會堂) : 기독교에서 예배나 미사를 보는 건물. Noun
🌏 CHAPEL: In Christianity, a building to worship or go to mass in.

신사임 (申師任堂) : 조선 시대의 여류 서화가(1504~1551). 율곡 이이의 어머니로 시문과 그림에 뛰어났다. 현모양처의 본보기로 존경받고 있다. Noun
🌏 SIN SAIMDANG: A female artist (1504~1551) of the Joseon Dynasty; the mother of Yi Yulgok, she was outstanding at poetry, prose and painting; she is respected as an exemplary representative of a good wife and wise mother.

Language (160) The arts (23) Religion (43) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Climate (53) Education (151) Introducing (introducing family) (41) Expressing day of the week (13) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Making a phone call (15) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Apologizing (7) Ordering food (132) Dietary culture (104) Watching a movie (105) Appearance (121) Using transportation (124) Describing a dish (119) Daily life (11) Life in Korea (16) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Pop culture (82) Using public institutions (library) (6) Dating and getting married (19) Describing food (78) The arts (76) Making a promise (4) Marriage and love (28) Pop culture (52)