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(日沒) : 해가 짐. Noun
🌏 SUNSET: When the sun goes below the horizon

쇼핑 (shopping mall) : 여러 가지 물건을 파는 상점들이 모여 있는 곳. Noun
🌏 SHOPPING MALL: A place where stores that sell a variety of goods are concentrated.

(戰歿) : 전쟁터에서 싸우다가 죽음. Noun
🌏 BEING FALLEN; DYING AT WAR: The act of dying while fighting on the battlefield.

(陷沒) : 물속이나 땅속에 빠짐. Noun
🌏 SINKING; COLLAPSE; CAVE-IN: A state of falling beneath the surface of water or ground.

(汨沒) : 한 가지 일이나 생각에만 집중함. Noun
🌏 PREOCCUPATION; ABSORPTION: A state of concentrating on only one thing or thought.

신출귀 (神出鬼沒) : (비유적으로) 귀신이 나타났다가 사라지는 것처럼 그 움직임을 알 수 없게 자기 마음대로 나타나고 사라짐. Noun
🌏 PRETERNATURAL SWIFTNESS; SUDDEN APPEARANCE AND DISAPPEARANCE: (figurative) The manner of appearing and disappearing suddenly as one wishes, like a ghost, without letting others know of one's movement.

(埋沒) : 땅속에 깊이 파묻히거나 파묻음. Noun
🌏 BURYING; BEING BURIED: Burying someone or something, or being buried deep in the ground.

(出沒) : 어떤 현상이나 대상이 나타났다 사라졌다 함. Noun
🌏 APPEARING AND DISAPPEARING: The state of a certain phenomenon or object appearing and disappearing.

(沈沒) : 배 등이 물속에 가라앉음. Noun
🌏 SINKING; GOING UNDER: An act of a ship, etc., sinking underwater.

(水沒) : 물속에 잠김. Noun
🌏 SUBMERGENCE; FLOODING: The state of being immersed underwater.

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