🌾 End:


(獨白) : 혼자서 중얼거림. Noun
🌏 MONOLOGUE: An act of muttering to oneself.

(餘白) : 종이 등에 글씨를 쓰거나 그림을 그리고 남은 빈 자리. Noun
🌏 BLANK; SPACE; MARGIN: A blank space left after writing or painting on a piece of paper, etc.

고단 (高蛋白) : 단백질이 많이 포함됨. Noun
🌏 HIGH-PROTEIN: Including high levels of protein.

(傍白) : 연극에서 배우의 말이 상대 배우들에게는 들리지 않고 관객만 들을 수 있는 것으로 설정된 대사. Noun
🌏 ASIDE: An actor's lines that are not to be heard by other actors but intended only for the audience in a play.

숄더 (shoulder bag) : 어깨에 메는 가방. Noun
🌏 SHOULDER BAG: A bag carried over the shoulder.

(魂魄) : 사람의 몸 안에서 몸과 정신을 다스리며, 몸이 죽어도 영원히 남아 있다는 보이지 않는 존재. Noun
🌏 SOUL: Invisible substance controlling the body and mind in one's body, believed to be imperishable even after the body's death.

(斑白/頒白) : 흰 머리카락이 반 정도 섞여 있는 머리. Noun
🌏 GRAY HAIR; GRIZZLE: Hair that is half gray.

에어 (air bag) : 차가 어떤 것과 부딪칠 때, 차 안에서 갑자기 부풀어 나와 사람을 감싸서 충격을 줄여 주는 공기 주머니. Noun
🌏 AIRBAG: A plastic bag installed in a car that inflates automatically during a collision to shield the driver and passengers and reduce the impact.

쇼핑 (shopping bag) : 가게에서 산 물건을 담아 주는, 종이나 비닐 등으로 만든 가방이나 봉지. Noun
🌏 SHOPPING BAG: A bag or sack made of paper, plastic, etc., to carry the goods bought at a store.

(潔白) : 잘못이나 죄를 저지른 것이 없음. Noun
🌏 INNOCENCE: Not having committed a wrongdoing or sin.

(千百) : 많은 수. Noun

(純白/醇白) : 다른 색이 전혀 섞이지 않은 하얀색. Noun
🌏 WHITE: A white color that is not at all mixed with other colors.

(冬柏/冬栢) : 잎이 둥글고 두껍고 윤기가 나며, 이른 봄에 붉은 꽃이나 흰 꽃이 피는 사계절 내내 푸른 나무. Noun
🌏 CAMELLIA: An evergreen tree whose leaves are round, thick, and glossy, and whose red or white flowers blossom in early spring.

청렴결 (淸廉潔白) : 마음이 맑고 깨끗하며 욕심이 없음. Noun
🌏 INTEGRITY; INCORRUPTIBILITY: The state of having a pure, clear mind and being free from greed.

(漂白) : 약품 등을 사용하여 종이나 천을 희게 함. Noun
🌏 BLEACHING: An act of whitening paper or cloth, using a chemical substance, etc.

(美白) : 피부나 치아 등을 인공적인 방법으로 희게 함. Noun
🌏 WHITENING: The act of making skin or teeth white by using artificial means.

(幣帛) : 결혼할 때 신부가 처음으로 시부모에게 큰절을 하고 올리는, 대추와 포 등의 음식. Noun
🌏 PYEBAEK: pyebaek food; food at formal greeting by newlyweds: In a wedding ceremony, food such as jujubes, beef jerky, etc., which is offered when the bride bows to her parents-in-laws for the first time.

- (白) : ‘말씀드리다’는 뜻을 더하는 접미사. Affix
🌏 -BAEK: A suffix used to mean "to tell someone in a respectful manner."

(半百) : 백 살의 반인 오십 살. Noun
🌏 FIFTY YEARS OLD: The age of fifty, which is half the age of one hundred.

피드 (feedback) : 증폭기나 자동 제어 등의 전기 회로에서, 출력의 일부를 입력에 되돌리는 일. Noun
🌏 FEEDBACK: In an electric circuit such as an amplifier, automatic control, etc., an act of assigning a part of output power back to the entry.

(畫伯) : (높이는 말로) 화가. Noun
🌏 PAINTER; ARTIST: (polite form) A painter.

(氣魄) : 씩씩하고 힘찬 정신. Noun
🌏 SPIRIT: An energetic and vigorous mind.

Introducing (introducing family) (41) Using public institutions (library) (6) Climate (53) Social system (81) Purchasing goods (99) Economics and business administration (273) Comparing cultures (78) Language (160) Talking about one's mistakes (28) Expressing gratitude (8) Cultural differences (47) Using the hospital (204) Education (151) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Performance & appreciation (8) Marriage and love (28) Describing a dish (119) Weather and season (101) Social issues (67) Hobby (103) Law (42) Mass media (47) Describing food (78) Dating and getting married (19) Exchanging personal information (46) Greeting (17) Environmental issues (226) Describing location (70) Philosophy, Ethics (86) Weekends and holidays (47)