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(迷兒) : 길이나 집을 잃고 이리저리 돌아다니는 아이. Noun
🌏 MISSING CHILD: A child who has lost his/her way to a certain place or home and wanders around from place to place.

(男兒) : 남자인 아이. Noun
🌏 SON; BOY: A child of the male gender.

(齒牙) : 음식물을 씹는 일을 하는 기관. Noun
🌏 TOOTH: An organ in one's mouth that is used to chew food.

(女兒) : 여자인 아이. Noun
🌏 DAUGHTER; GIRL: A child of the female gender.

(幼兒) : 아직 학교에 들어가지 않은, 나이가 적은 아이. Noun
🌏 PRE-SCHOOLER; TODDLER: A young child before school age.

(育兒) : 어린아이를 돌보고 기름. Noun
🌏 BABY-REARING: An act of taking care of and growing a child.

(小兒) : 나이가 어린 아이. Noun
🌏 INFANT; BABY: A young child.

(孤兒) : 부모가 죽거나 부모에게 버림받아 부모가 없는 아이. Noun
🌏 ORPHAN: A child having no parents because they are dead or they have abandoned him or her.

동남 (東南亞) : 아시아의 동남부. 말레이시아, 미얀마, 베트남, 인도네시아, 타이, 필리핀 등의 나라가 포함된다. Noun
🌏 SOUTHEAST ASIA: The southeastern part of Asia, where there are countries such as Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, etc.

(胎兒) : 어머니 배 속에서 자라고 있는 아이. Noun
🌏 FETUS: A baby growing in the womb of its mother.

(飢餓/饑餓) : 먹을 것이 없어 굶주림. Noun
🌏 HUNGER: The act of starving without food.

(自我) : 자기 자신에 대한 인식이나 생각. Noun
🌏 EGO: One's perception or thought about oneself.

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