🌾 End:


(不通) : 교통 시설이나 통신 시설의 연결이 막히거나 끊어져 서로 통하지 않음. Noun
🌏 BEING CUT-OFF; BEING OUT OF SERVICE; BEING DOWN: A state in which transportation or communication facilities do not work, being interrupted or disconnected.

(沈痛) : 슬픔이나 걱정 등으로 마음이 몹시 괴롭거나 슬픔. Noun
🌏 DISTRESS; SADNESS; MOURNFULNESS: The state of feeling deep agony or sadness from sorrow, worry, etc.

(內通) : 외부와 몰래 연락을 주고받음. Noun
🌏 SECRET COMMUNICATION: The act of contacting an enemy or opponent in secret.

(算筒) : 점쟁이가 점을 칠 때 쓰는 도구로, 대나무 막대들을 담은 조그만 통. Noun
🌏 FORTUNE BOX: A small container with bamboo sticks in it that is used for fortune-telling.

(쌀 桶) : 쌀을 넣어 보관하는 통. Noun
🌏 RICE BIN; RICE DISPENSER: A bin used to store rice.

바지 : 바지의 허리 부분의 너비. Noun
🌏 WIDTH OF WAIST IN PANTS: The width of the waist of pants.

드럼 (drum 桶) : 기름 등을 담을 때 쓰는 두꺼운 철판으로 만든 원기둥 모양의 통. Noun
🌏 DRUM: A cylinder-shaped barrel made of a thick steel plate, which is used for containing oil, etc.

: 속이 꽉 차게 자란 배추나 수박, 호박 등의 몸통. Noun
🌏 BODY: The body of a fully-grown cabbage, watermelon, pumpkin, etc.

: (놀리는 말로) 멍청하고 자기 생각만 주장하는 답답한 사람. Noun
🌏 DYSFUNCTIONAL OBJECT: A foolish person or an object that does not work properly.

: 수축 작용을 통해 혈액을 몸 전체로 보내는 근육 기관. Noun
🌏 HEART: A muscular organ which sends blood around the body through repeated contractions.

고집불 (固執不通) : 자기의 생각이나 주장을 굽힐 줄 모르고 고집이 셈. 또는 그런 사람. Noun
🌏 BEING HEADSTRONG; BEING WILLFUL: An attitude of being stubborn and insisting on an idea or opinion, or such a person.

수저 (수저 筒) : 숟가락과 젓가락을 꽂거나 담아 두는 통. Noun
🌏 SPOON HOLDER: A container that holds spoons and chopsticks.

: → 웃통 Noun

: 사람의 몸에서, 불룩하게 나온 근육. Noun
🌏 FLEXED MUSCLES: Bulging muscles in a human body.

(貫通) : 한쪽에서 다른 한쪽으로 뚫어서 구멍이 남. Noun
🌏 PENETRATION; PUNCTURE: A state in which a hole is made by piercing something from one side to the other.

(腰痛) : 허리와 엉덩이 부위가 아픈 증상. Noun
🌏 BACKACHE; LUMBAGO: A symptom in which the area around the waist and hips aches.

만사형 (萬事亨通) : 모든 일이 다 바라는 대로 이루어짐. Noun
🌏 ALL GOING WELL: The act of achieving everything as hoped.

울화 (鬱火 통) : (속된 말로) 마음속에 몹시 쌓이고 쌓인 화. Noun
🌏 FIT OF ANGER; RAGE: (slang) An anger that builds up in mind without being resolved.

(冤痛) : 분하고 억울함. Noun
🌏 CHAGRIN; MORTIFICATION: The state of feeling vexed and pent-up.

(融通) : 돈이나 물건 등을 돌려씀. Noun
🌏 LOAN; FINANCING: An act of borrowing money, an object, etc.

오동 : 몸집이 작고 통통한 모양. Adverb
🌏 CHUBBILY; PLUMPLY: In a manner of being small and plump.

(벌 桶) : 꿀벌을 기르며 꿀을 모을 수 있게 만든 통. Noun
🌏 WOODEN BEEHIVE: A container housing honeybees and storing honey.

(法統) : 법의 계통이나 전통. Noun
🌏 LEGAL TRADITION: A legal chain or tradition.

벙어리저금 (벙어리 貯金筒) : 동전이나 푼돈을 모을 때 사용하는 저금통. Noun
🌏 PIGGYBANK; SAVING BOX: A box used to save coins or small cash.

(變通) : 상황이나 경우에 따라 일을 적절하게 잘 처리함. Noun
🌏 HANDLING PROPERLY; COPING ADEQUATELY WITH: The act of handling something properly on a case-by-case basis according to the situation.

(똥 桶) : 똥오줌을 받거나 담아 나르는 통. Noun
🌏 BUCKET FOR FECES AND URINE: A bucket for collecting, or holding and carrying feces and urine.

(哀痛) : 슬퍼하고 마음 아파함. Noun
🌏 GRIEF; LAMENTATION; DEPLORATION: A state of feeling sad and heartbroken.

(憤痛) : 몹시 억울하여 화가 나는 마음. Noun
🌏 CHAGRIN: The feeling of being mortified and angry.

(亨通) : 모든 일이 원하는 대로 잘되어 감. Noun
🌏 GOING WELL: An act of achieving everything as hoped.

보온밥 (保溫 밥 桶) : 밥을 담아 두면 따뜻하게 유지해 주는 밥통. Noun
🌏 THERMAL RICE CONTAINER: A container that keeps boiled rice warm.

생리 (生理痛) : 생리를 할 때, 아랫배나 허리 등이 아픈 증상. Noun
🌏 CRAMPS; MENSTRUAL PAIN; PERIOD PAIN: A symptom in which the lower stomach, back, etc., ache during menstruation.

: 몹시 화가 나서 크게 소리를 지르거나 꾸짖음. 또는 그 소리. Noun
🌏 YELLING; ROARING; BAWLING: An act or a sound of shouting loudly at or scolding someone out of anger.

(홈 桶) : 물이 흐르거나 타고 내려가도록 만든 물건. Noun
🌏 DRAINPIPE; GUTTER: An object through which water flows or is drained out.

북새 : 많은 사람들이 한 곳에 모여서 북적거리는 상황. Noun
🌏 HUSTLE AND BUSTLE: A state in which a lot of people are bustling in a place.

소식불 (消息不通) : 원래 알고 있던 사람이나 사건에 관한 소식이 끊김. Noun
🌏 NO NEWS; NO WORD: The state of not hearing any news from or about a friend or acquaintance, or about an event.

(疼痛) : 몸이 쑤시고 아픔. Noun
🌏 PAIN: A pain in the body.

(直通) : 전화 등이 바로 통함. Noun
🌏 DIRECT LINE: A direct connection to a telephone line, etc.

(밥 桶) : 밥을 담거나 보관하는 통. Noun
🌏 RICE CONTAINER; RICE COOKER: A container for holding or keeping rice.

소식 (消息通) : 새로운 소식이나 어떤 일의 사정을 잘 아는 사람. Noun
🌏 INFORMED SOURCE: A person who can be counted on to always have new information or to be well informed of certain situations.

(陣痛) : 임산부가 아이를 낳을 때 반복되는 배의 통증. Noun
🌏 LABOR PAINS; BIRTH PANGS: A recurrent spasm of pain that is characteristic of childbirth.

(血統) : 같은 핏줄로 이어지는 계통. Noun
🌏 LINEAGE; FAMILY LINE: The lineage of the same blood line.

(都統) : 아무리 해도. Adverb
🌏 (NOT) AT ALL; (NOT) IN THE LEAST: No matter how one may try.

: 뜨거운 김으로 음식을 찌는 조리 기구. Noun
🌏 STEAMER: A cooking device that steams food with hot steam.

나무 (나무 桶) : 나무로 만든 통. Noun
🌏 WOODEN PAIL: A pail made of wood.

배기 (排氣筒) : 기계 장치에서 쓰지 않는 기체를 밖으로 뽑아내기 위해 설치한 통. Noun
🌏 EXHAUST PIPE; EXHAUST STACK: A pipe or stack installed to expel unused gas from a machine.

: (속된 말로) 머리. Noun
🌏 HEAD; SKULL: (slang) One's head.

전화 (電話筒) : (속된 말로) 전화기. Noun
🌏 PHONE; TELEPHONE SET: (slang) A telephone.

(體統) : 자신의 사회적 지위나 신분에 알맞는 체면. Noun
🌏 FACE; DIGNITY: The pride that suits one's social status or class.

일맥상 (一脈相通) : 생각, 상태, 성질 등이 서로 통하거나 비슷해짐. Noun
🌏 HAVING SOMETHING IN COMMON; BEING IN LINE WITH; BEING IN THE SAME VEIN: A state in which one shares a certain thought, condition, quality, etc. with another.

: 몸에서 허리 위의 부분. Noun
🌏 CHEST; TOP: The part above the waist.

정보 (情報通) : 특정 분야의 정보에 대하여 자세히 잘 아는 사람. Noun
🌏 INFORMER; INFORMANT: A person who has detailed information on a certain field.

환기 (換氣筒) : 더럽고 탁한 공기를 맑은 공기로 바꾸기 위해 실내와 바깥이 통하게 뚫은 구멍. Noun
🌏 VENTILATOR; VENTILATOR PIPE; VENTILATION STACK: A hole made to connect the inside to the outside of a building to replace dirty, stuffy air with fresh air.

(心 통) : 무엇을 좋게 생각하지 않는 못된 마음. Noun
🌏 BAD DISPOSITION: The mind of someone holding on to a grudge or bad wishes for someone or something.

- (通) : ‘정통한 사람’의 뜻을 더하는 접미사. Affix
🌏 -TONG: A suffix used to mean "a well-informed person."

머리 : 머리의 둘레. Noun
🌏 HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: The circumference of the head.

소매 : 소매의 넓이. Noun
🌏 SLEEVE OPENING: The width of a sleeve.

(悲痛) : 매우 슬퍼서 마음이 아픔. Noun
🌏 GRIEF; HEARTBREAK: A state of feeling deeply sad and heartbroken.

산소 (酸素桶) : 산소를 압축해서 담아 놓은 통. Noun
🌏 OXYGEN TANK; OXYGEN CYLINDER: A container that holds compressed oxygen.

(숨 筒) : 숨 쉴 때 공기가 통하는 기관. Noun
🌏 WINDPIPE; BREATHING: An organ through which the air passes through while breathing.

(물 桶) : 물을 담아 두는 통. Noun
🌏 WATER BOTTLE; CANTEEN: A container that holds water.

(姦通) : 배우자가 있는 사람이 배우자가 아닌 다른 이성과 성관계를 가짐. Noun
🌏 ADULTERY; CHEATING ON ONE'S SPOUSE: The state of a married person in a sexual relationship with someone who is not his/her spouse.

(家統) : 집안의 계통이나 전통. Noun
🌏 FAMILY LINEAGE; PEDIGREE: Family line or tradition.

(bâton) : 육상 등의 릴레이 경기에서, 앞 주자가 다음 주자에게 넘겨주는 막대기. Noun
🌏 BATON: A stick that the front runner hands over to the next runner in a relay race, such as in a competition of track and field, etc.

가스 (gas 桶) : 가스를 저장하는 통. Noun
🌏 GAS CYLINDER: A container for gas storage.

(統) : 동의 아래, 반의 위인 시의 행정 구역. Noun
🌏 TONG: An administrative district of '시' (si), below '동' (dong) and above its subdivision, '반' (ban).

: 키가 작고 살이 쪄서 몸이 옆으로 퍼진 모양. Adverb
🌏 FATLY; CORPULENTLY: A word describing one’s wide body as a result of one’s being short and putting on weight.

: 작은북이나 속이 빈 통 등을 계속해서 두드려 울리는 소리. Adverb
🌏 WITH A THUMP: A word imitating the sound made when a small drum, an empty wood pail, etc., is repeatedly beaten.

(相通) : 마음이나 뜻이 서로 통함. Noun
🌏 COMMUNICATION: A state of sharing a certain mind, thought, etc. with another.

(大通) : 운수가 아주 좋음. Noun
🌏 GOOD LUCK: The state of being very lucky.

대갈 : (속된 말로) 사람의 머리. Noun
🌏 HEAD: (slang) One's head.

(煙筒) : 난로나 화덕 등에서 나오는 연기를 빼내는 둥근 관. Noun
🌏 STOVEPIPE: A round pipe connected to a stove, oven, etc., in order to let smoke out.

(술 桶) : 술을 담아 두는 통. Noun
🌏 LIQUOR BARREL; LIQUOR KEG: A container that holds liquor.

: 아주 심하게. Adverb
🌏 HARD; SERIOUSLY: Very severely.

저금 (貯金筒) : 돈을 넣어 모으는 통. Noun
🌏 MONEY BANK; COIN BANK; PIGGY BANK: A container into which money is put for savings purposes.

담배 (담배 桶) : 담뱃대의 끝에 담배를 담는 통. Noun
🌏 BOWL: The bowl at the end of a smoking pipe, which is filled with tobacco.

성장 (成長痛) : 어린이나 청소년이 갑자기 성장하면서 생기는 통증. Noun
🌏 GROWING PAINS: Pains that occur when a child or teen grows rapidly.

절구 (절구 桶) : 절구질을 할 때 곡식 등을 담는 우묵한 통. Noun
🌏 MORTAR: A bowl-shaped vessel in which crops, etc., are pounded with a pestle.

: 어떤 일이 벌어진 상황이나 형편. Bound Noun
🌏 SITUATION: A bound noun used to indicate a situation or circumstances of a certain incident.

근육 (筋肉痛) : 근육이 쑤시고 아픈 증상. Noun
🌏 MUSCULAR PAIN: Symptom of a sore and aching muscle.

(꿀 桶) : 벌이나 사람이 꿀을 모아 놓는 통. Noun
🌏 BEE HIVE; HONEY BARREL: A container where nectar or honey is stored by bees or people.

Health (155) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Daily life (11) The arts (23) Environmental issues (226) Architecture (43) Economics and business administration (273) Using transportation (124) Human relationships (255) Law (42) Residential area (159) Describing clothes (110) Performance & appreciation (8) Family events (57) Greeting (17) Housework (48) Describing events, accidents, disasters (43) Appearance (121) Education (151) Mass media (47) Travel (98) Dating and getting married (19) Mentality (191) Geological information (138) Expressing time (82) Using the hospital (204) Weather and season (101) Expressing gratitude (8) Describing a dish (119) Ordering food (132)