🌷 Initial sound: ㅈㄱㅇ


즐거움 : 마음에 들어 흐뭇하고 기쁜 마음. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 JOY; PLEASURE: A feeling of being satisfied and happy.

자가용 (自家用) : 영업을 위한 것이 아니라 개인 또는 개인의 가정에서 쓰이는 것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING FOR PRIVATE USE; BEING PERSONAL: The quality of being used for an individual or at home, not for business.

중국어 (中國語) : 중국인이 쓰는 말. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CHINESE: The language spoken by the Chinese people.

중공업 (重工業) : 부피에 비해 무게가 꽤 무거운 물건을 만드는 공업. Noun
🌏 HEAVY INDUSTRY: A manufacturing industry that makes products which are very heavy in weight.

중개인 (仲介人) : 상행위를 대신하거나 상품 매매를 중개하고 수수료를 받는 일을 하는 상인. Noun
🌏 AGENT: A businessman who performs transactions on behalf of others or works as an intermediary in the sale of products in exchange for fees.

저기압 (低氣壓) : 주위의 기압보다 더 낮은 기압. Noun
🌏 LOW PRESSURE: A pressure that is lower than the ones around it.

지긋이 : 나이가 비교적 많아 듬직하게. Adverb
🌏 In a quite old and reliable manner.

제과업 (製菓業) : 과자나 빵 등을 만드는 직업이나 사업. Noun
🌏 BAKERY BUSINESS: An occupation or business where one makes cookies, bread, etc.

종교인 (宗敎人) : 종교를 가진 사람. Noun
🌏 RELIGIOUS PERSON; BELIEVER: A person who has a religion.

중개업 (仲介業) : 상행위를 대신하거나 상품 매매를 중개하고 수수료를 받는 일. Noun
🌏 AGENT BUSINESS: The act of performing transactions on behalf of others or working as an intermediary in the sale of products in exchange for fees.

증가율 (增加率) : 늘어나는 비율. Noun
🌏 GROWTH RATE: The rate of increase.

정강이 : 무릎 아래부터 발목까지에서 앞 뼈가 있는 부분. Noun
🌏 SHIN: The front bony part of the leg between the knee and ankle.

즐거이 : 마음에 들며 흐뭇하고 기쁘게. Adverb
🌏 PLEASANTLY; DELIGHTFULLY: In a happy and delightful manner.

잰걸음 : 보폭이 좁고 빠른 걸음. Noun
🌏 SCURRY: A gait of short, quick steps.

재계약 (再契約) : 계약을 다시 맺음. 또는 그 계약. Noun
🌏 RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT; RENEWAL OF CONTRACT: The act of signing an agreement again, or such an agreement.

접객업 (接客業) : 손님을 맞아 시중을 드는 영업. Noun
🌏 HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: A type of business that involves receiving and serving customers.

자기애 (自己愛) : 자기 자신을 사랑하는 마음. Noun
🌏 SELF-LOVE; NARCISSISM: Excessive love toward oneself.

자국어 (自國語) : 자기 나라의 말. Noun
🌏 ONE'S MOTHER TONGUE; ONE'S NATIVE LANGUAGE: The language of one's own nation.

재교육 (再敎育) : 이미 지식이나 기능의 습득이 끝났거나 직업을 가진 사람을 대상으로 하는 보다 전문적인 교육. Noun
🌏 RETRAINING: A more professional form of training designed for people who have already learned certain knowledge or skills, or engage in an occupation.

저같이 : 저러한 모양으로. 또는 저렇게. Adverb
🌏 LIKE THAT: In that manner or fashion.

전공의 (專攻醫) : 전문의 자격을 얻기 위하여 병원에서 일정 기간 동안 환자를 진료하는 일 등을 배우고 익히는 의사. Noun
🌏 RESIDENT: A physician learning, for a certain period of time, how to treat patients in a hospital in order to obtain a specialist license.

정권욕 (政權欲) : 정치를 맡아 행하는 권력을 잡으려는 욕심. Noun
🌏 DESIRE FOR POWER: A desire to gain the authority to deal with politics.

조국애 (祖國愛) : 조국에 대한 사랑. Noun
🌏 PATRIOTISM: Love for one's country.

지구의 (地球儀) : 지구를 본떠 만든 모형. Noun
🌏 GLOBE: A model made by copying the shape of Earth.

Religion (43) Describing personality (365) Pop culture (52) Residential area (159) Apologizing (7) Daily life (11) Occupation & future path (130) Describing clothes (110) Health (155) Life in Korea (16) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Weekends and holidays (47) School life (208) Greeting (17) Architecture (43) Describing physical features (97) Economics and business administration (273) Inviting and visiting (28) Marriage and love (28) Dietary culture (104) Human relationships (52) Dating and getting married (19) Introducing (introducing family) (41) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Performance & appreciation (8) Exchanging personal information (46) History (92) Expressing day of the week (13)