🌷 Initial sound: ㅎㅌ


한턱 : 남에게 크게 음식이나 술을 대접하는 일. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 TREAT: An act of treating someone with a lot of good food or drink.

호텔 (hotel) : 시설이 잘 되어 있고 규모가 큰 고급 숙박업소. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 HOTEL: A decent accommodation which is usually large-sized and well-equipped with facilities.

혜택 (惠澤) : 제도나 환경, 다른 사람 등으로부터 받는 도움이나 이익. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BENEFIT; ADVANTAGE: Help or benefit from an institution or environment, or another person.

형태 (形態) : 사물의 생긴 모양. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 FORM; SHAPE: The appearance or shape of an object.

한탄 (恨歎/恨嘆) : 분하고 억울한 일을 당했을 때나 자신의 잘못을 깨달았을 때 한숨을 쉬며 탄식함. 또는 그 한숨. Noun
🌏 LAMENTATION; DEPLORATION: An act of letting out a sigh and grieving when facing an unfair and vexing event or realizing one's own fault; or such a sigh.

허탈 (虛脫) : 몸의 기운이 빠지고 정신이 멍함. 또는 그런 상태. Noun
🌏 BEING SPIRITLESS; BEING DEJECTED; BEING ABSENT-MINDED; BEING DAZED: Draining of one's energy, leading to absent-mindedness; or such a state.

후퇴 (後退) : 뒤로 물러남. Noun
🌏 WITHDRAWAL; RETREAT: An act of pulling back in a fight, war, project, etc.

힌트 (hint) : 문제를 풀거나 일을 해결하는 데 도움이 되는 것. Noun
🌏 HINT; CLUE; TIP: Something that helps solve a problem or resolve an issue.

한탕 : (속된 말로) 한 번의 일거리. Noun
🌏 QUICK BUCK: (slang) A round of business.

혈통 (血統) : 같은 핏줄로 이어지는 계통. Noun
🌏 LINEAGE; FAMILY LINE: The lineage of the same blood line.

호통 : 몹시 화가 나서 크게 소리를 지르거나 꾸짖음. 또는 그 소리. Noun
🌏 YELLING; ROARING; BAWLING: An act or a sound of shouting loudly at or scolding someone out of anger.

황토 (黃土) : 누렇고 거무스름한 흙. Noun
🌏 RED CLAY; RED CLAY SOIL: Dark, reddish yellow soil.

히터 (heater) : 주로 가스나 전기를 이용해서 공기를 덥게 하여 실내의 온도를 높이는 난방 장치. Noun
🌏 HEATER: A heating apparatus that increases the indoor temperature by heating the air usually with gas or electricity.

히트 (hit) : 세상에 내놓거나 발표한 것이 크게 인기를 얻음. Noun
🌏 HIT: A state in which something released or published to the market gains enormous popularity.

흉터 : 상처가 아물고 남은 자국. Noun
🌏 SCAR: A trace left on the skin after a wound has healed.

혈투 (血鬪) : 죽음을 무릅쓰고 사납고 힘들게 하는 싸움. Noun
🌏 BLOODY BATTLE; DESPERATE FIGHT: An act of fighting ferociously with desperate efforts at the risk of one's life; or such a fight

한테 : 어떤 물건의 소속이나 위치를 나타내는 조사. Postpositional Particle
🌏 HANTE: A postpositional particle referring to the ownership or location of an object.

향토 (鄕土) : 자기가 태어나서 자란 땅. Noun
🌏 HOMELAND; HOMETOWN: The land where one was born and grew up.

해탈 (解脫) : 불교에서, 도를 닦아 마음속의 화, 욕망, 유혹, 괴로움 등에서 벗어남. Noun
🌏 NIRVANA: In Buddhism, an act of escaping from anger, desire, tempation, suffering, etc., in one's mind through spiritual cultivation.

형통 (亨通) : 모든 일이 원하는 대로 잘되어 감. Noun
🌏 GOING WELL: An act of achieving everything as hoped.

형틀 (型 틀) : 금속을 녹여 부어 일정한 물건의 모양대로 만들 수 있도록 속이 비어 있는 틀. Noun
🌏 MOLD; CAST; DIE: A hollow container used to give an intended shape to molten metal.

해태 (獬豸▽) : 사자와 비슷하고 머리에 뿔이 있는, 옳고 그름과 착하고 악한 것을 판단하여 안다고 하는 상상 속의 동물. Noun
🌏 HAETAE: A mythical unicorn-lion, an imaginary animal that looks like a lion with horns on its head, said to judge right from wrong, and good from evil.

흙탕 (흙 湯) : 흙이 많이 섞여서 흐려진 물. Noun
🌏 MUDDY WATER: Water that becomes murky, with a lot of soil added.

허탕 : 어떤 일을 시도했다가 얻은 것이 없이 일을 끝냄. 또는 그렇게 끝낸 일. Noun
🌏 WASTE OF TIME; NO USE: The act of finishing something without gaining anything from the endeavor, or such an endeavor.

행태 (行態) : 행동하는 모양. Noun
🌏 BEHAVIOR; CONDUCT; ACT; DEED: The way one behaves.

호투 (好投) : 야구에서, 투수가 공을 자기가 원하는 곳으로 잘 던지는 일. Noun
🌏 GOOD PITCHING; PITCHING WELL: In baseball, a pitcher's being able to throw a ball wherever he/she wants.

혼탁 (混濁/渾濁/溷濁) : 더러운 물질이 섞여 깨끗하지 못하고 흐림. Noun
🌏 TURBIDITY; MUDDINESS: A state of being muddy, not clear, with a filthy substance added.

홈통 (홈 桶) : 물이 흐르거나 타고 내려가도록 만든 물건. Noun
🌏 DRAINPIPE; GUTTER: An object through which water flows or is drained out.

화투 (花鬪) : 일 년 열두 달과 사계절을 나타내는 그림이 있는 48장으로 된 놀이용 딱지. Noun
🌏 HWATU CARDS: A set of 48 playing cards that contain pictures describing twelve months and four seasons.

흉탄 (凶彈/兇彈) : 흉악한 짓을 하는 사람이 쏜 탄알. Noun
🌏 BULLET; SHOT: A bullet shot by a villain or an assassin.

Pop culture (52) Climate (53) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Ordering food (132) Residential area (159) Using a pharmacy (10) Mass media (47) Weather and season (101) Purchasing goods (99) Health (155) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Occupation & future path (130) The arts (23) Marriage and love (28) Daily life (11) Life in the workplace (197) Sports (88) Using public institutions (library) (6) Describing clothes (110) Cultural differences (47) Introducing (introducing family) (41) Weekends and holidays (47) Directions (20) Comparing cultures (78) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Family events (57) Apologizing (7) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Politics (149) Housework (48)