🌷 Initial sound: ㅁㅈ


밀접 (密接) : 아주 가깝게 마주 닿아 있음. 또는 그런 관계에 있음. Noun
🌏 BEING CLOSE: The state of being adjacent and very close to something, or being in such relations.

미적 (美的) : 아름다움에 관한 것. Noun
🌏 BEING AESTHETIC: A quality of being related to beauty.

미지 (未知) : 아직 알지 못함. Noun
🌏 BEING UNKNOWN: The state of being not yet known.

미적 : 아름다움에 관한. Determiner
🌏 AESTHETIC: Being related to beauty.

몸집 : 몸의 크기나 부피. Noun
🌏 BUILD: The size or bulk of one's body.

물자 (物資) : 어떤 활동에 필요한 물건이나 재료. Noun
🌏 SUPPLIES; GOODS; COMMODITIES: Goods or materials used for a certain activity.

미정 (未定) : 아직 정하지 못함. Noun
🌏 BEING UNDECIDED: The state of being not decided yet.

묘지 (墓地) : 죽은 사람의 몸이나 유골을 땅에 묻어 놓은 곳. Noun
🌏 GRAVE; TOMB: A place for burying the body or remains of a dead person beneath the ground.

마저 : 현재의 상태나 정도에서 하나 남은 마지막을 그 위에 더함을 나타내는 조사. Postpositional Particle
🌏 MAJEO: A postpositional particle that indicates the addition of the last remaining thing to the current state or amount.

면제 (免除) : 책임이나 의무에서 벗어나게 함. Noun
🌏 EXEMPTION; RELEASE FROM DUTY: Freeing someone from a responsibility or duty.

멸종 (滅種) : 생물의 한 종류가 지구에서 완전히 없어짐. Noun
🌏 EXTINCTION: The end of a species on earth.

목장 (牧場) : 우리와 풀밭 등을 갖추어 소나 말이나 양 등을 놓아기르는 곳. Noun
🌏 FARM: A place with pens, grass, etc., for raising cows, horses, sheep, etc.

민주 (民主) : 주권이 국민에게 있음. Noun
🌏 DEMOCRACY: A state in which a country's sovereignty belongs to the people.

매장 (埋葬) : 죽은 사람이나 유골을 땅속에 묻음. Noun
🌏 BURIAL: The act of interring a dead body or remains in the ground.

매진 (邁進) : 어떤 일을 온 마음과 힘을 다하여 해 나감. Noun
🌏 STRIVING: The act of doing something with all one's heart and effort.

목재 (木材) : 집을 짓거나 가구를 만드는 데 쓰는 나무 재료. Noun
🌏 LUMBER: Wooden materials used for building houses or making furniture.

명중 (命中) : 화살이나 총알 등이 겨냥한 곳에 바로 맞음. Noun
🌏 HITTING THE BULL'S EYE; HITTING THE MARK: A state in which an arrow, a bullet, etc. exactly hits the target.

Expressing gratitude (8) Dating and getting married (19) The arts (23) Mass media (47) Health (155) Watching a movie (105) Residential area (159) Purchasing goods (99) Politics (149) Comparing cultures (78) Architecture (43) Geological information (138) Dietary culture (104) Education (151) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Describing clothes (110) Introducing (introducing family) (41) Pop culture (82) Press (36) The arts (76) Describing food (78) Using the hospital (204) Inviting and visiting (28) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Performance & appreciation (8) Greeting (17) School life (208) Climate (53) Environmental issues (226)