🌷 Initial sound: ㅇㅁ


어미 (語尾) : 용언이나 ‘-이다’에서 활용할 때 형태가 달라지는 부분. Noun
🌏 ENDING OF A WORD: The part that changes in a predicate or predicative particle '이다' (be) when it undergoes an conjugation.

어민 (漁民) : 물고기를 잡는 일을 직업으로 하는 사람. Noun
🌏 FISHERMAN: A person who catches fish as an occupation.

열망 (熱望) : 무엇을 강하게 원하거나 바람. Noun
🌏 ASPIRATION; LONGING: A strong desire or craving for something.

이면 (裏面) : 물체의 뒤쪽 면. Noun
🌏 BACK; REAR: The rear side.

안목 (眼目) : 어떤 것의 가치를 판단하거나 구별할 수 있는 능력. Noun
🌏 APPRECIATIVE EYE; GOOD EYE: The ability of someone to judge or tell the value of something.

어미 : (낮춤말로) 자식이 있는 여자를 이르거나 부르는 말. Noun
🌏 MOM; MOTHER: (low form) A word used to refer to or address a woman who has children.

영문 (英文) : 영어로 쓴 글. Noun
🌏 ENGLISH TEXT; ENGLISH WRITING: A text written in English.

예문 (例文) : 단어나 내용을 설명하기 위해 예를 들어 보여 주는 문장. Noun
🌏 EXAMPLE SENTENCE: A sentence which is shown as an example for explaining a word or something.

예물 (禮物) : 고마움을 나타내거나 예의를 갖추기 위해서 보내는 물건. Noun
🌏 PRESENT; GIFT: Things sent to someone for expressing one's gratitude or being polite.

유망 (有望) : 앞으로 잘될 것 같은 희망이나 가능성이 있음. Noun
🌏 HOPEFULNESS: The state of having a hope or potential of future success.

약물 (藥 물) : 먹어서 몸에 약이 된다는 샘물. Noun
🌏 MEDICINAL WATER: Spring water that is believed to have medicinal effects.

영문 : 일이 되어 가는 상태나 이유. Noun
🌏 REASON; SITUATION: The state or cause of a matter.

일몰 (日沒) : 해가 짐. Noun
🌏 SUNSET: When the sun goes below the horizon

인명 (人命) : 사람의 목숨. Noun
🌏 HUMAN LIFE: The life of a person.

악마 (惡魔) : 불교에서, 수행을 방해하여 악한 길로 유혹하는 나쁜 귀신. Noun
🌏 MARA: In Buddhism, the demon that disturbs monks' self-discipline and tempts them to fall into evil ways.

옛말 : 현재에는 쓰지 않는 옛날의 말. Noun
🌏 ARCHAIC WORD: An old word that is not used at the present time.

용모 (容貌) : 사람의 얼굴 모양. Noun
🌏 FACE; FACIAL LOOK: Facial appearance.

오만 (傲慢) : 잘난 체하고 건방짐. 또는 그런 태도나 행동. Noun
🌏 ARROGANCE; PRIDE: The quality of being prideful and haughty, or such an attitude or behavior.

익명 (匿名) : 이름을 밝히지 않음. 또는 숨긴 이름이나 대신 쓰는 이름. Noun
🌏 ANONYMITY; PSEUDONYM: An act of hiding one's name; the hidden name or the name used to conceal one's identity.

잇몸 : 이뿌리를 둘러싸고 있는 단단한 살. Noun
🌏 GUM: Hard flesh surrounding the roots of teeth.

알몸 : 아무것도 입지 않은 몸. Noun
🌏 NAKED BODY; NUDE BODY: One's body without any clothes on.

임명 (任命) : 어떤 사람에게 일정한 직위나 임무를 맡김. Noun
🌏 APPOINTMENT; NOMINATION; DESIGNATION: An act of assigning a certain position or work to someone.

원망 (怨望) : 마음에 들지 않아서 탓하거나 미워함. Noun
🌏 BITTER FEELING; GRUDGE; RESENTMENT: The state of blaming or hating someone because one is displeased with something.

음모 (陰謀) : 나쁜 목적으로 몰래 못된 일을 꾸밈. 또는 그런 꾀. Noun
🌏 CONSPIRACY; PLOT: An act of planning a wrongful scheme in secret with a bad intention, or such a plan.

응모 (應募) : 모집에 응함. Noun
🌏 APPLICATION: An act of signing up for a contest, etc.

외무 (外務) : 다른 나라와 정치적, 경제적, 문화적 관계를 맺는 일에 관한 사무. Noun
🌏 FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Business that deals with the political, economic, and cultural relations with other countries.

Religion (43) Hobby (103) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Sports (88) Geological information (138) Using transportation (124) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Marriage and love (28) Using a pharmacy (10) Weekends and holidays (47) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Travel (98) Hobbies (48) Performance & appreciation (8) Environmental issues (226) Making a promise (4) Describing clothes (110) Climate (53) School life (208) The arts (76) Talking about one's mistakes (28) Apologizing (7) Greeting (17) Social issues (67) Appearance (121) Social system (81) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Mass media (47) Using public institutions (library) (6) Housework (48)