🌷 Initial sound: ㅎㅂ


햇빛 : 해의 빛. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 SUNLIGHT; SUNBEAM; SUNSHINE: Light from the sun.

한복 (韓服) : 한국의 전통 의복. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 HANBOK: Traditional Korean clothes.

한번 (한 番) : 어떤 행동이나 상태 등을 강조함을 나타내는 말. ☆☆☆ Adverb
🌏 VERY; REALLY; EXTREMELY: An adverb used to indicate that the speaker emphasizes a certain action or state of another person or thing.

후배 (後輩) : 같은 분야에서 자기보다 늦게 일을 시작한 사람. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 JUNIOR: A person who started a career in the same field later than oneself.

행복 (幸福) : 복되고 좋은 운수. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 BLESSING; LUCK; FORTUNE: A blessing or good luck.

해변 (海邊) : 바다와 육지가 맞닿은 곳이나 그 근처. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEACH; COAST; SEASIDE; SEASHORE: A place where sea and land meet, or an area near such a place.

홍보 (弘報) : 널리 알림. 또는 그 소식. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 PROMOTION; PUBLICITY; ADVERTISEMENT: An act of promoting a product, service, program, etc., widely to a certain target; or such a promotion.

학비 (學費) : 학교에 다니고 공부를 하는 데에 드는 비용. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 TUITION; SCHOOL EXPENSES: Expenses for attending and studying in a school.

화분 (花盆) : 흙을 담고 꽃이나 풀을 심어 가꾸는 그릇. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 FLOWER POT; PLANT POT: A container filled with soil for growing a flower or plant.

환불 (還拂) : 이미 낸 돈을 되돌려 줌. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 REFUND; MONEY BACK: An act of giving back money that has been paid.

후보 (候補) : 선거에서, 어떤 직위나 신분을 얻기 위해 일정한 자격을 갖추어 나섬. 또는 그런 사람. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CANDIDATE; CANDIDACY: An act of qualifying oneself to run in an election for a certain position or status; or such a person.

흥분 (興奮) : 어떤 자극을 받아 감정이 세차게 치밀어 오름. 또는 그 감정. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 EXCITEMENT; THRILL; RAGE: A strong surge of an emotion, being exposed to a certain stimulation; or the emotion.

해방 (解放) : 자유를 억압하는 것으로부터 벗어나게 함. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 LIBERATION; SETTING FREE; EMANCIPATION: An act of releasing someone from those suppressing his/her freedom.

회비 (會費) : 모임에서 사용하기 위하여 그 모임의 회원들이 내는 돈. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 MEMBERSHIP FEE; DUES: Money paid by members of an association to be spent on its activities.

흑백 (黑白) : 검은색과 흰색. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BLACK AND WHITE: A compound noun for black and white.

햇볕 : 해가 내리쬐는 기운. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 SUNSHINE; SUNLIGHT: An effect caused by the beating sun.

할부 (割賦) : 돈을 여러 번에 나누어 냄. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 PAYING IN INSTALLMENTS: An act of paying off a debt in successive payments.

후반 (後半) : 전체를 반씩 둘로 나눈 것의 뒤쪽 반. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 SECOND HALF; LATTER PART: The latter half of a period, match, etc., when divided into two.

확보 (確保) : 확실히 가지고 있음. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 SECURING; OBTAINING; RESERVE: An act of making sure to possess something.

호박 : 잎이 크고 종 모양의 노란 꽃이 피며 크고 둥근 열매를 맺는 덩굴풀. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 PUMPKIN: A trailing vine with large leaves which produces yellow flowers and big, round fruits.

회복 (回復/恢復) : 아프거나 약해졌던 몸을 다시 예전의 상태로 돌이킴. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 RECOVERY; REVITALIZATION; GETTING BETTER: A state in which the health of a sick or weak person goes back to a normal condition.

해발 (海拔) : 바닷물의 표면으로부터 잰 육지나 산의 높이. Noun
🌏 ELEVATION; ALTITUDE; BEING ABOVE SEA LEVEL: The height of a piece of land or mountain, measured from the surface of the sea.

협박 (脅迫) : 겁을 주고 위협하여 남에게 억지로 어떤 일을 하도록 함. Noun
🌏 THREAT; INTIMIDATION; BLACKMAIL: An act of scaring and threatening another to do something against his/her will.

행방 (行方) : 간 곳이나 방향. Noun
🌏 WHEREABOUTS: A place or direction where a person has gone.

허비 (虛費) : 아무 보람이나 이득이 없이 씀. Noun
🌏 WASTE; IDLING AWAY: An act of spending time, money, etc., lavishly without any result or gain.

한방 (韓方) : 중국에서 발달하여 한국에 전래된 의술. Noun
🌏 CHINESE MEDICINE: The medical practice that was developed in China and passed on to Korea.

화법 (話法) : 말하는 방법. Noun
🌏 STYLE OF SPEECH; RHETORIC: The technique of speaking.

형부 (兄夫) : 언니의 남편을 이르거나 부르는 말. Noun
🌏 BROTHER-IN-LAW: A word used to refer to or address one's elder sister's husband.

학벌 (學閥) : 학교 교육을 받아서 얻게 된 사회적 지위나 신분. 또는 출신 학교의 사회적 지위나 등급. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC BACKGROUND; EDUCATIONAL BACKGKROUND: The social status or position one earns by receiving school education; or the social status or level of his/her school.

학번 (學番) : 대학교나 대학원에서, 입학 연도와 학과에 따라 학생에게 부여한 고유 번호. Noun
🌏 STUDENT ID NUMBER: A unique number assigned to each student in a university or graduate school according to his/her major and year of entrance to the school.

한발 : 어떤 일이나 행동이 다른 일이나 행동보다 시간 또는 위치가 약간의 간격을 두고 일어남을 나타내는 말. Adverb
🌏 ONE STEP: A word used to indicate that a certain event or action takes place earlier or later than another at slight temporal or spatial intervals.

헌법 (憲法) : 국가를 통치하는 기본 원리이며 국민의 기본권을 보장하고, 다른 것으로 대체할 수 없는 최고 법규. Noun
🌏 CONSTITUTION: The highest law irreplaceable by anything, which protects the people's basic rights as a fundamental principle of governing a country.

호반 (湖畔) : 호수를 둘러싼 가장자리. Noun
🌏 LAKE SIDE; LAKE SHORE: The area along a lake.

훈방 (訓放) : 일상생활에서 가벼운 죄를 지은 사람을 훈계하여 풀어 줌. Noun
🌏 RELEASE ON WARNING; POLICE CAUTION: An act of cautioning and releasing a person who commits a minor crime in a daily life.

학부 (學部) : 대학원과 상대하여 쓰는 말로, 대학. Noun
🌏 UNDERGRADUATE; COLLEGE: College, a word used to constrast with graduate school.

합병 (合倂) : 둘 이상의 기구나 단체, 나라 등이 하나로 합쳐짐. 또는 그렇게 만듦. Noun
🌏 MERGER; ANNEXATION; AMALGAMATION: A state in which two or more organizations, groups or countries are unified; the act of unifying them.

형벌 (刑罰) : 법에 따라 죄를 지은 사람에게 벌을 내림. 또는 그 벌. Noun
🌏 PUNISHMENT; PENALTY: An act of punishing a criminal for what he/she has done according to the law; or the punishment.

형법 (刑法) : 범죄와 형벌의 종류와 정도 등을 정해 놓은 법률 체계. Noun
🌏 CRIMINAL LAW: Law that stipulates the types and severity of criminal acts and punishment.

회보 (會報) : 모임에 관한 일을 그 모임의 회원들에게 알리는 보고. 또는 그런 간행물. Noun
🌏 NEWSLETTER; NEWSSHEET; BULLETIN: A written report issued by an association to give news or information to its members; or such a publication.

효부 (孝婦) : 시부모를 잘 모시어 받드는 며느리. Noun
🌏 VIRTUOUS DAUGHTER-IN-LAW; FILIAL DAUGHTER-IN-LAW: A daughter-in-law who takes good care of her parents-in-law.

햇발 : 사방으로 퍼지는 햇살. Noun
🌏 SUNBEAM; RAY OF SUNLIGHT: A ray of sunlight radiating in all directions.

흉부 (胸部) : 인간이나 동물의 목과 배 사이에 있는 몸의 앞부분. Noun
🌏 CHEST; THORAX: The front part of a human or animal's body, between the neck and the abdomen.

하복 (夏服) : 여름철에 입는 옷. Noun
🌏 SUMMER CLOTHES: Clothes worn in the summer.

화병 (火病) : 화가 풀리지 못하고 쌓여서 생기는 병. Noun
🌏 ANGER DISORDER: Mental illness occurring when anger builds up in mind without being vented.

화병 (花甁) : 꽃을 꽂아 놓는 병. Noun
🌏 VASE: A bottle used to hold flowers.

향방 (向方) : 향하여 나가는 방향. Noun
🌏 DIRECTION; WAY: The direction in which one moves.

해빙 (解氷) : 얼음이 녹음. Noun
🌏 THAWING; MELTING: The melting of ice.

합방 (合邦) : 둘 이상의 나라가 하나로 합쳐짐. 또는 둘 이상의 나라를 합침. Noun
🌏 ANNEXATION; AMALGAMATION: A state in which two or more countries are unified; the act of unifying them.

항변 (抗辯) : 다른 사람의 주장에 맞서 옳고 그름을 따짐. Noun
🌏 COUNTERARGUMENT; REBUTTAL: An act of arguing over what is right and wrong against another's opinion.

혼백 (魂魄) : 사람의 몸 안에서 몸과 정신을 다스리며, 몸이 죽어도 영원히 남아 있다는 보이지 않는 존재. Noun
🌏 SOUL: Invisible substance controlling the body and mind in one's body, believed to be imperishable even after the body's death.

화보 (畫報) : 무엇을 그림으로 그리거나 사진으로 찍어서 인쇄한 종이나 책. Noun
🌏 POSTER; ART PRINT; COLLECTION OF PICTURES; BOOK OF PHOTOS: A single piece of paper that contains a picture or photograph, or a book that contains a collection of them.

화방 (畫房) : 화가나 조각가가 그림을 그리거나 조각을 하는 등의 일을 하는 방. Noun
🌏 ATELIER; ART STUDIO: A place where a painter or sculptor produces his/her works of art.

활보 (闊步) : 큰 걸음으로 힘차고 당당하게 걸음. 또는 그런 걸음. Noun
🌏 STRIDE; PRANCING; STRUT: An act of walking with long steps energetically, confidently; or such a step.

횃불 : 주로 밤길을 밝히기 위하여, 갈대, 나뭇가지 등의 끝에 붙여 들고 다닐 수 있는 불. Noun
🌏 TORCH: A fire that one can carry by igniting reeds, twigs, etc., on one end of a stick, usually to light one's way on a road at night.

후불 (後拂) : 일이 끝난 뒤나 물건을 받은 뒤에 돈을 냄. Noun
🌏 PAYING LATER; DEFERRED PAYMENT: An act of paying after the completion of a job or receipt of an object.

훼방 (毁謗) : 남을 해치려고 나쁘게 말함. Noun
🌏 SLANDER; LIBEL: An act of speaking ill of another to do harm to him/her.

합법 (合法) : 법과 규범에 알맞음. Noun
🌏 LEGITIMACY; LEGALITY: A state of being in accordance with law and rule.

하부 (下部) : 아래쪽 부분. Noun
🌏 LOWER PART; LOWER TIER; BOTTOM: The lower part of something.

혼방 (混紡) : 두 종류 이상의 섬유를 섞어서 짬. Noun
🌏 BLENDED SPINNING; BLENDED FIBER: An act of combining two or more kinds of fibers and weaving them.

한방 (한 房) : 같은 방. Noun
🌏 SAME ROOM: The same room.

흙빛 : 흙의 빛깔과 같은 빛. Noun
🌏 EARTH COLOR; MUD COLOR: The color of soil or mud.

흥부 (興夫) : 고대 소설 ‘흥부전’의 주인공. 심술궂은 형 놀부와 달리 착한 마음씨를 지녔다. 부러진 제비 다리를 고쳐 준 인연으로 큰 부자가 된다. Noun
🌏 HEUNGBU: The main character in the classical Korean novel Heungbujeon, The Tale of Heungbu, who is good-natured unlike his mean-hearted older brother Nolbu; he becomes rich for his good deed of caring for a sparrow with a broken leg.

희비 (喜悲) : 기쁨과 슬픔. Noun
🌏 HAPPINESS AND SADNESS; JOY AND SORROW: A compound noun for joy and sorrow.

항변 (抗卞) : 어떤 일이 올바르지 않거나 마음에 들지 않아 반대하는 뜻을 주장함. Noun
🌏 PROTEST; COMPLAINT: An act of raising an objection to something because one thinks it is not right or is not satisfied with it.

해법 (解法) : 어렵거나 곤란한 일을 푸는 방법. Noun
🌏 SOLUTION; ANSWER; FIX: A method of addressing a difficult or tough problem.

해병 (海兵) : 해병대의 병사. Noun
🌏 MARINE: A soldier of a marine corps.

후발 (後發) : 남보다 늦게 어떤 일을 시작해 뒤따라감. Noun
🌏 STARTING LATE; LATE ENTRY: An act of starting a certain task later than others and catching up.

후방 (後方) : 뒤를 향한 방향. Noun
🌏 REAR; BACK: A direction toward the back.

흙벽 (흙 壁) : 종이를 바르지 않아서 흙이 드러나 있는 벽. Noun
🌏 EARTHEN WALL: An earthen wall exposed as it is because it is not covered with wallpaper.

한밤 : 깊은 밤. Noun
🌏 MIDNIGHT; MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT: The middle of the night.

회부 (回附) : 어떤 문제나 서류, 사건 등을 관계 기관이나 회의, 재판 등에 돌려보내거나 넘김. Noun
🌏 SENDING; REFERRAL; SUBMISSION: An act of returning or passing over a certain issue, document, case, etc., to the relevant authority, meeting, trial, etc.

헌병 (憲兵) : 군대 안에서 경찰의 역할을 하는 병과. 또는 거기에 소속된 군인. Noun
🌏 MILITARY POLICE: The branch that acts as the police within the military; or the soldiers serving in such a branch.

학보 (學報) : 학술 성과에 대해 기관이나 학회에서 발행하는 학술지. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC JOURNAL: A journal published by an institution or society to promote academic achievements.

한번 (한 番) : 과거의 지나간 어느 때. Noun
🌏 ONE DAY; ONCE: A certain time in the past.

환부 (患部) : 몸에 병이나 상처가 난 자리. Noun
🌏 AFFECTED AREA; WOUNDED PART: An area of the body that is affected by illness or where a wound forms.

행보 (行步) : 걸음을 걸음. 또는 그 걸음. Noun
🌏 WALKING; STEP; PACE: An act of walking a step; or such a step.

향배 (向背) : 어떤 일이 일정한 방향으로 나아가는 경향. 또는 어떤 일에 대한 사람들의 태도. Noun
🌏 DIRECTION; ATTITUDE: A tendency of moving in a certain direction; or people's attitude toward a certain affair.

해부 (解剖) : 생물체의 한 부분 또는 전부를 갈라 그 내부를 조사함. Noun
🌏 ANATOMY; DISSECTION: An act of cutting the whole or one part of an organism open and examining the inside of it.

항복 (降伏/降服) : 적이나 상대편의 힘에 눌려 자신의 뜻을 굽히고 복종함. Noun
🌏 SURRENDER; SUBMISSION: An act of giving up one's freedom and obeying an enemy or opponent, controlled by his/her force.

함박 : 통나무의 속을 파서 크고 둥그런 바가지같이 만든 그릇. 함지박. Noun
🌏 WOODEN BOWL: A bowl made like a large, round-shaped gourd by hollowing out a log.

호봉 (號俸) : 직위나 근무한 공로에 따라 정해지는 급여의 등급. Noun
🌏 PAY GRADE: A salary grade determined in accordance with position or performance within a company, etc.

허방 : 땅바닥이 움푹 패어 빠지기 쉬운 구덩이. Noun
🌏 PIT; HOLLOW; HOLE: A hollow, sunken hole in the ground, easy to fall into.

화백 (畫伯) : (높이는 말로) 화가. Noun
🌏 PAINTER; ARTIST: (polite form) A painter.

화보 (畫譜) : 그림을 모아서 만든 책. Noun
🌏 ART BOOK; BOOK OF PAINTINGS: A book that contains a collection of artwork.

할복 (割腹) : 배를 가름. Noun
🌏 DISEMBOWELMENT; HARA-KIRI: An act of cutting open one's abdomen.

Introducing (introducing family) (41) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Making a promise (4) Mentality (191) Directions (20) Describing physical features (97) Appearance (121) School life (208) Social system (81) Family events (57) Inviting and visiting (28) Science & technology (91) Talking about one's mistakes (28) Architecture (43) Travel (98) Using public institutions (library) (6) Expressing gratitude (8) Using a pharmacy (10) Life in Korea (16) Weekends and holidays (47) Using transportation (124) Cultural differences (47) Expressing time (82) Describing clothes (110) Purchasing goods (99) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Housework (48) Making a phone call (15) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Expressing date (59)