🌷 Initial sound: ㅎㅈ


환전 (換錢) : 한 나라의 화폐를 다른 나라의 화폐와 맞바꿈. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 FOREIGN EXCHANGE; MONEY EXCHANGE: The act of changing one country's currency into another's.

현재 (現在) : 지금 바로 이 시간에. ☆☆☆ Adverb
🌏 CURRENTLY; NOW: Right now at this time.

형제 (兄弟) : 형과 남동생. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 BROTHERS: A compound noun for older and younger brothers.

휴지 (休紙) : 쓸모없는 종이. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 WASTE PAPER: Useless paper

혼자 : 다른 사람 없이 한 사람. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING ALONE; BEING BY ONESELF: A state of being the only person, with no one around.

한잔 (한 盞) : 간단하게 한 차례 마시는 차나 술. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 A CUP OF; A DRINK; A GLASS OF: A cup of tea or a drink that one has lightly.

현재 (現在) : 지금 이때. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 NOW; PRESENT; TODAY: The present time.

혼자 : 다른 사람 없이. ☆☆☆ Adverb
🌏 ALONE: Without another person.

환자 (患者) : 몸에 병이 들거나 다쳐서 아픈 사람. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 PATIENT; SICK PERSON: A person who is ill due to a disease or injury.

행정 (行政) : 규정이나 규칙에 의하여 공적인 일들을 처리함. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 ADMINISTRATION: The act of processing public affairs according to rules or regulations.

협조 (協助) : 힘을 보태어 도움. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 COOPERATION; HELP; SUPPORT: An act of giving support to and helping another.

화장 (化粧) : 화장품을 바르거나 문질러 얼굴을 예쁘게 꾸밈. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 MAKE-UP; PUTTING ON COSMETICS: The act of making oneself look more beautiful by applying cosmetics over the face.

화제 (話題) : 이야기의 제목. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 TITLE; NAME: The title of a story.

확장 (擴張) : 시설, 사업, 세력 등을 늘려서 넓힘. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 EXPANSION; EXTENSION; BROADENING: An act of increasing the size or scope of a facility, business, force, etc., to make it larger.

회장 (會長) : 모임을 대표하고 모임의 일을 책임지는 사람. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 PRESIDENT: A person who presides over a meeting, being responsible for handling the affairs of the meeting.

흔적 (痕跡/痕迹) : 사물이나 현상이 없어지거나 지나간 뒤에 남겨진 것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 TRACE; MARK: A mark or trace left after an object or phenomenon disappears or passes by.

화재 (火災) : 집이나 물건이 불에 타는 재앙이나 재난. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 FIRE: A calamity or disaster in which houses or possessions are burnt.

한자 (漢字) : 중국에서 만들어 오늘날에도 쓰고 있는 중국 고유의 문자. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CHINESE CHARACTERS: Chinese unique characters created in China and being used today in the country.

현장 (現場) : 사물이 현재 있는 곳. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 FIELD; SPOT: The current location of an object.

효자 (孝子) : 부모를 잘 모시어 받드는 아들. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 FILIAL SON; DEVOTED SON: A son who respects and takes good care of his parents.

학자 (學者) : 특정 학문을 아주 잘 아는 사람. 또는 학문을 연구하는 사람. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 SCHOLAR: A person who knows a field of study very well; or a person who carries out academic research.

현지 (現地) : 사물이 현재 있는 곳. Noun
🌏 FIELD; SPOT: The current location of an object.

허점 (虛點) : 충분하지 않거나 빈틈이 있는 점. Noun
🌏 LOOPHOLE; HOLE; WEAK POINT: A state in which something is not complete or has a weak point.

협정 (協定) : 서로 의논하여 결정함. Noun
🌏 AGREEMENT; DEAL: An act of making a decision through discussion.

현직 (現職) : 현재의 직업. 또는 그 직업에서 맡은 일. Noun
🌏 CURRENT JOB; PRESENT POSITION: One's current job or a role one takes in the job.

호전 (好轉) : 일의 형편이나 상황이 좋은 방향으로 바뀜. Noun
🌏 IMPROVEMENT; GETTING BETTER: A state in which things or a situation take a turn for the better.

화장 (火葬) : 장례의 한 방식으로, 시체를 불에 태워서 재로 만듦. Noun
🌏 CREMATION: As a way of funeral, the act of burning a dead body to ashes.

확정 (確定) : 확실하게 정함. Noun
🌏 DECISION; DETERMINATION; FINALIZATION: The act of making a definite decision.

황제 (皇帝) : 왕이나 제후를 거느리고 나라를 통치하는 임금. Noun
🌏 EMPEROR: The head of an empire, who rules a nation, commanding kings or feudal lords.

휴전 (休戰) : 전쟁을 일정한 기간 동안 멈추는 일. Noun
🌏 CEASEFIRE; TRUCE: An act of stopping fighting a war during a certain period of time.

회전 (回轉/廻轉) : 물체 자체가 빙빙 돎. Noun
🌏 SPINNING; TURNING AROUND; ROTATION: A state in which an object spins around.

해저 (海底) : 바다의 밑바닥. Noun
🌏 SEA BOTTOM; OCEAN FLOOR: The bottom of the sea.

흑자 (黑字) : 번 돈이 쓴 돈보다 많아 이익이 생김. Noun
🌏 SURPLUS; BEING IN THE BLACK: The amount of profit incurred as a result of spending less than one earns.

휴직 (休職) : 일정한 기간 동안 직장에서 맡은 일을 쉼. Noun
🌏 LEAVE OF ABSENCE; TIME OFF FROM WORK: An act of temporarily stopping what one was doing at work and taking a rest during a certain period of time.

후자 (後者) : 앞에서 말한 두 가지 중에서 뒤의 것. Noun
🌏 LATTER: The second of two things previously mentioned.

하자 (瑕疵) : 물건 등의 깨지거나 잘못된 부분. Noun
🌏 DEFECT; FLAW: The part of a product, etc., that is broken or has a problem.

한정 (限定) : 수량이나 범위 등을 제한하여 정함. 또는 그런 한도. Noun
🌏 LIMIT; RESTRICTION: An act of setting a limit to the quantity or scope of something; or such a limit.

해제 (解除) : 설치했거나 갖추어 차린 것 등을 풀어 없앰. Noun
🌏 LIFTING; CLEARING; REMOVAL: To remove something installed or in operation.

해직 (解職) : 직책이나 직위에서 물러나게 함. Noun
🌏 DISMISSAL; FIRING: An act of making someone quit his/her job or position.

협조 (協調) : 힘을 합쳐 서로 조화를 이룸. Noun
🌏 COOPERATION; COLLABORATION; COORDINATION: An act of joining forces to harmonize with one another.

후진 (後進) : 어떤 발전 수준에 뒤떨어짐. 또는 그런 사람. Noun
🌏 BEING UNDERDEVELOPED; BEING LESS DEVELOPED: A state of lagging behind in the level of development of a certain field; or such a person.

행진 (行進) : 여럿이 줄을 지어 앞으로 걸어감. Noun
🌏 MARCH; PARADE; PROCESSION: A state in which many people move forward in a line.

행적 (行跡/行績/行蹟) : 어떤 행위를 한 뒤에 남긴 표시나 흔적. Noun
🌏 TRACE; MARK; TRAIL: A mark or trace that one has left after having done a certain act.

학점 (學點) : 대학 또는 대학원에서 학생이 들어야 하는 수업의 양을 계산하는 단위. Noun
🌏 CREDIT: The unit for calculating the number of hours spent on classes a student is required to take in undergraduate or graduate school.

함정 (陷穽/檻穽) : 짐승을 잡기 위해 파 놓은 구덩이. Noun
🌏 TRAP; SNARE: A pit dug for catching an animal.

활자 (活字) : 인쇄를 하기 위해 네모난 기둥 모양의 금속 윗면에 문자나 기호를 볼록 튀어나오게 새긴 것. Noun
🌏 TYPE: For printing, letters or symbols convexly engraved on the surface of square column-shaped metals.

호조 (好調) : 상황이나 조건이 좋은 상태. Noun
🌏 GOOD CONDITION; FAVORABLE PROGRESS: A good situation or a state of good conditions.

혼잡 (混雜) : 여러 가지가 한데 뒤섞여 어지럽고 복잡함. Noun
🌏 CONFUSION; MESS; DISORDER: A state of being mixed up to be chaotic and complicated.

화자 (話者) : 이야기를 하는 사람. Noun
🌏 SPEAKER; NARRATOR: A person who speaks or tells a story.

School life (208) Purchasing goods (99) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) The arts (23) Exchanging personal information (46) Social issues (67) Architecture (43) Marriage and love (28) Mass media (47) Expressing gratitude (8) Appearance (121) Cultural differences (47) Religion (43) Describing personality (365) Pop culture (52) Weather and season (101) Using the hospital (204) Social system (81) Sports (88) Science & technology (91) Talking about one's mistakes (28) Residential area (159) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Expressing date (59) Climate (53) Philosophy, Ethics (86) Human relationships (255) Performance & appreciation (8) Education (151) Occupation & future path (130)