🌟 잇-

1. (잇고, 잇는데, 잇는, 잇습니다)→ 잇다


잇-: ,

📚 Variant: 잇고 잇는데 잇는 잇습니다



Law (42) Appearance (121) Using a pharmacy (10) Pop culture (82) Describing a dish (119) Purchasing goods (99) Dating and getting married (19) Family events (57) Using public institutions (59) Life in Korea (16) Pop culture (52) Science & technology (91) Describing clothes (110) Politics (149) Making a promise (4) Press (36) Comparing cultures (78) Watching a movie (105) Expressing time (82) Language (160) Dietary culture (104) Using the hospital (204) Cultural differences (47) Marriage and love (28) Using public institutions (library) (6) Religion (43) Mentality (191) Environmental issues (226) History (92) Using public institutions (post office) (8)