🌾 End:


: 코로 맡을 수 있는 기운. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 SMELL; SCENT; ODOR: The trait of something the nose can sense.

: 몸에 깃털과 날개가 있고 날 수 있으며 다리가 둘인 동물. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 BIRD: A two-legged flying animal with feathers and wings on its body.

: 이미 있던 것이 아니라 처음 생겨난. ☆☆☆ Determiner
🌏 NEW: Having not existed already, but having just been created.

: 한 물체에서 다른 물체까지 또는 한곳에서 다른 곳까지의 거리나 공간. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 GAP; SPACE: The distance or space between one object and another or between one place and another.

어느 : 알지도 못한 사이에 벌써. ☆☆ Adverb
🌏 ALREADY; SO SOON: Very early while one does not notice.

: 다섯 날. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 FIVE DAYS: A duration of five days.

생김 : 생긴 모양. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 APPEARANCE; LOOKS; FEATURES: The appearance of something.

: 밤이 되고 나서 다음 날 아침이 되기 전까지의 시간 동안. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 OVERNIGHT: The time from the evening to the next day morning.

: 얼마 전부터 이제까지의 매우 짧은 동안. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 THESE DAYS; NOWADAYS; LATELY: An abbreviated word for these days, meaning an extremely short period from a while ago to the present.

짜임 : 짜인 모양. Noun
🌏 WEAVE: The construction of a fabric.

: 여섯 날. Noun
🌏 SIX DAYS: A duration of six days.

: 주로 사람이 사는 곳 근처에 살며, 몸은 갈색이고 배는 회백색인 작은 새. Noun
🌏 SPARROW: A small bird with a brown back and a grayish-white breast that usually lives near human settlements.

: 계절을 따라 이리저리 옮겨 다니며 사는 새. Noun
🌏 MIGRATORY BIRD; BIRD OF PASSAGE: A bird that moves from place to place according to the season.

: 벌어져서 생긴 틈의 사이. Noun
🌏 CRACK; CREVICE: The space forming in between when an object is divided.

: 어떤 일을 알아차리는 눈치. 또는 일이 되어 가는 분위기. Noun
🌏 QUICK WITTEDNESS; DIVINING SECRETS; CATCHING A HINT: Quick wittedness of someone in catching the hint of something, or having the feeling that something is developing.

파랑 : 파란 빛깔의 털을 가진, 희망과 행복을 상징하는 새. Noun
🌏 BLUE BIRD: A bird symbolizing hope and happiness.

크낙 : 숲 속 나무 구멍에 살고 부리로 나무를 찍는 소리가 아주 요란한 새. Noun
🌏 WHITE-BELLIED WOODPECKER: A bird that lives in a hole in a tree and makes a very loud noise when pecking trees.

: 말려서 지붕을 이는 데나 짐승의 먹이로 쓰이는, 잎이 긴 선 모양이며 키가 큰 풀. Noun
🌏 EULALIA; SILVER GRASS: A tall plant with long and thin leaves, which is dried and then used to cover a roof, or feed animals.

매무 : 옷이나 머리 등을 입거나 손질한 모양새. Noun
🌏 DRESS: The look of one's clothes worn or hair set.

쓰임 : 쓰임의 정도. Noun
🌏 USE; USAGE: The scope of something's usage.

(玉璽) : 국가적 문서에 사용하는 옥으로 만든 도장. Noun
🌏 NATIONAL SEAL: A seal made of jade, used for national documents.

: 참새와 비슷하나 등에 검은 갈색의 세로무늬가 있고, 배가 약간 붉은 새. Noun
🌏 BUNTING: A bird that is similar to a sparrow yet has a slightly red abdomen, and dark brown vertical patterns on its back.

바닷 : 바다에서 주로 사는 새. Noun
🌏 SEABIRD: A bird which mainly lives in the sea.

(山 새) : 산에서 사는 새. Noun
🌏 MOUNTAIN BIRD: A bird that lives on a mountain.

- : ‘모양’이나 ‘상태’, ‘정도’의 뜻을 더하는 접미사. Affix
🌏 -SAE: A suffix used to mean a shape, a state, or an amount.

봉황 (鳳凰 새) : 여러 동물의 모양을 하고 있으며, 복되고 길한 일을 상징하는 상상 속의 새. Noun
🌏 PHOENIX: An imaginary bird with the features of many different animals, which symbolizes luck and good fortune.

: 생김새는 백로와 비슷한데, 크기는 훨씬 크고 다리와 부리가 길며, 몸 색깔은 흰색이고 날개의 깃과 어깨의 깃 그리고 부리가 검은색인 새. Noun
🌏 STORK: A bird that looks like a white heron yet is much larger, with long legs and a long beak; it features a white body, black beak and black feathers on its wings and shoulders.

꾸밈 : 꾸민 모양새. Noun
🌏 DECORATION; BEING WELL-GROOMED: The state of being decorated or well-groomed.

: 등 쪽의 깃털이 진하고 붉은 갈색이며 부리가 짧고 꽁지가 길며 곤충이나 거미를 잡아먹는 새. Noun
🌏 KOREAN CROW-TIT: A short-beaked, long-tailed bird with a dark-red feather on its back that preys on insects and spiders.

흙냄 : 흙에서 나는 냄새. Noun
🌏 EARTHY SMELL; EARTHY ODOR: The smell arising from soil.

종달 : 참새보다 조금 더 크며 붉은 갈색에 검은색 가로무늬가 있는 새. Noun
🌏 LARK: A reddish brown bird that is a little bigger than a sparrow and has black horizontal patterns.

: 암말과 수나귀 사이에서 난 잡종으로, 나귀와 비슷하게 생긴 집짐승. Noun
🌏 MULE: A mixed breed of a female horse and a male donkey, which is a domestic animal similar to a donkey.

: 조금 멀어진 어느 때부터 다른 어느 때까지의 매우 짧은 동안. Noun
🌏 MEANTIME: A very short time between a past event and another event.

곰팡냄 : 곰팡이에서 나는 냄새. Noun
🌏 MUSTY ODOR: An odor from moss.

: 산이나 들에서 나서 자란 새. Noun
🌏 WILD BIRD: A bird that was born and has grown up in the mountains or fields.

차림 : 꾸미고 갖추어서 차린 모양. Noun
🌏 APPEARANCE; GROOMING: The aspect in which one grooms the face, body, etc., or does something carefully.

앵무 (鸚鵡 새) : 사람의 말을 잘 흉내 내며 여러 빛깔을 가진 새. Noun
🌏 PARROT: A multiple-colored bird that mimics the words of people.

대엿 : 닷새나 엿새. Noun
🌏 FIVE OR SIX DAYS: The period of about five or six days.

겨울 : 한국에서 겨울을 지내는 철새. Noun
🌏 WINTER BIRD: Birds that migrate to Korea to spend the winter.

그물을 벗어난 : 매우 위험하거나 어려운 상황에서 벗어났을 때 하는 말.
🌏 A BIRD THAT BROKE AWAY FROM A NET: An expression used when someone escapes from a very dangerous or difficult situation.

: 다섯 날 정도. Noun
🌏 FIVE DAYS: A period of five days or so.

원앙 (鴛鴦 새) : 부리가 짧고 물갈퀴가 있으며 수컷은 몸 빛깔이 흰색, 주황색, 붉은 갈색 등으로 아름답고 암컷은 갈색 바탕에 회색 얼룩이 있는 물새. Noun
🌏 MANDARIN DUCK: A water bird with a short beak and webbed feet, whose male has the beautiful colors of white, orange, reddish brown, etc., and female features grey spots on a brown body.

: 참새와 비슷하게 생긴, 몸집이 작은 새. Noun
🌏 BLACK-FACED BUNTING: A small bird which looks like a sparrow.

모양 (模樣 새) : 사람이나 물건의 생긴 겉모습. Noun
🌏 OUTWARD APPEARANCE; LOOK: Outward appearance of a person or thing.

소쩍 : 온몸에 갈색 줄무늬가 있고 머리 양쪽에 뿔 같은 깃털이 나 있으며, 낮에는 자고 밤에 활동하는 새. Noun
🌏 SCOPS OWL: A bird with brown stripes all over its body and horn-like feathers on both sides of its head; it sleeps during the day and is active at night.

추임 : 판소리에서 고수가 흥을 돋우기 위하여 창의 사이사이에 넣는 소리. Noun
🌏 CHU-IMSAE: Exclamatory words uttered by the gosu, a drummer, during a performance of pansori, Korean storytelling song, to arouse excitement.

이음 : 둘 이상의 물체를 이은 상태나 모양새. Noun
🌏 JOINT; JOINT; JUNCTURE: A state or shape of joining two or more things together.

옷매무 : 옷을 바르게 입은 모양새. Noun
🌏 ONE'S SHAPE AFTER TIDYING HIMSELF/HERSELF: One's appearance after adjusting his/her clothes.

향냄 (香 냄새) : 향의 냄새. Noun
🌏 SMELL OF INCENSE: The smell of incense.

(要塞) : 군사적으로 중요한 곳에 튼튼하게 만들어 놓은 방어 시설. 또는 그런 시설을 한 곳. Noun
🌏 FORTRESS: A defense facility strongly built in a militarily key location, or a place that houses such a facility.

: 이제까지의 꽤 짧은 동안. Noun
🌏 THESE FEW DAYS: A quite short period leading up to the present.

: 이와 이의 사이. Noun
🌏 OPENING BETWEEN TEETH: The space between two teeth.

두견 (杜鵑 새) : 뻐꾸기와 비슷하지만 크기가 작은, 봄밤에 슬프게 우는 새. Noun
🌏 LITTLE CUCKOO; ASIAN LESSER CUCKOO: A bird similar to a cuckoo but smaller in size that often cries mournfully on spring nights.

구김 : 종이나 천 등이 구겨진 정도나 모양. Noun
🌏 WRINKLES; CREASES; FOLDS: The extent or appearance of paper or cloth being crumpled.

: 어느 때부터 다른 어느 때까지의 비교적 짧은 동안. Noun
🌏 MEANWHILE; MEANTIME: A relatively short period from a certain point of time to another certain point of time.

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