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연락 (連絡處) : 연락을 주고받을 수 있는 전화번호나 장소. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 CONTACT INFORMATION: A telephone number or address via which one can contact someone else.

(近處) : 어떤 장소나 물건, 사람을 중심으로 하여 가까운 곳. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 VICINITY; NEIGHBORHOOD: A spot close to a certain place, object, or a person.

(傷處) : 몸을 다쳐서 상한 자리. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 WOUND; SCAR; INJURY: Cuts and bruises caused by being injured.

(對處) : 어떤 어려운 일이나 상황을 이겨 내기에 알맞게 행동함. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 MANAGEMENT; DEALING WITH: Acting appropriately to manage or deal with a difficult thing or situation .

: 불교의 창시자인 석가모니. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BUDDHA: Sakyamuni, a founder of Buddhism.

: 행동, 동작, 생각 등이 아직 어떠한 정도 또는 상황에 이르기 그 전에 미리. ☆☆ Adverb
🌏 BEFOREHAND: In advance, before a certain action, motion, thought, etc., reaches a certain level or state.

거래 (去來處) : 지속적으로 돈이나 물건 등을 사고파는 상대편. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CUSTOMER; CLIENT: The party to or from whom one sells or buys money or goods repeatedly.

(venture) : 첨단의 신기술과 아이디어를 가지고 모험적인 경영을 하는 것. 또는 그러한 기업. Noun
🌏 VENTURE: Adventurous management with advanced new technologies and ideas, or an enterprise doing this.

현모양 (賢母良妻) : 마음이 너그럽고 슬기로운 어머니이면서 착한 아내. Noun
🌏 WISE MOTHER AND GOOD WIFE: A compound noun for a benevolent, wise mother, and good wife.

(妻) : 결혼하여 남자의 짝이 된 여자. Noun
🌏 WIFE: A man's female partner in marriage.

(居處) : 일정 기간 동안 자리를 잡고 머물러 사는 장소. Noun
🌏 RESIDENCE; DWELLING; ABODE: A place where people live for a certain amount of time.

(到處) : 이르는 이곳저곳. Noun
🌏 HERE AND THERE: All places.

(出處) : 말이나 사물이 생기거나 나온 곳. Noun
🌏 ORIGIN; SOURCE: A place where a word or object formed or which it came from.

돌부 : 돌로 만든 불상. Noun
🌏 STONE BUDDHA STATUE: A statue of Buddha made of stone.

안식 (安息處) : 편히 쉴 수 있는 곳. Noun
🌏 SHELTER: A place where one can rest peacefully.

은신 (隱身處) : 다른 사람이 모르도록 몸을 숨기는 곳. Noun
🌏 HIDEOUT: A place where one hides oneself so as not to be seen to others.

(部處) : 정부 조직의 부와 처. Noun
🌏 MINISTRY AND OFFICE: A government department and office.

근무 (勤務處) : 근무하고 있는 기관이나 부서. Noun
🌏 WORKING PLACE: An institution or department where someone works.

(善處) : 어떤 문제를 형편에 맞도록 너그럽게 잘 처리함. Noun
🌏 ADEQUATE MANAGEMENT; PROPER DEALING: The act of dealing with a problem in a generous, proper way.

교무 (敎務處) : 대학교에서 사무와 학생 기록 관리 등의 일을 맡아보는 부서. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICE: The department that is in charge of office work and management of student records, etc., in a university.

(婚處) : 혼인할 자리. 또는 혼인하기에 알맞은 자리. Noun
🌏 MARRIAGE PARTNER; CANDIDATE FOR BRIDE OR BRIDEGROOM; MARRIAGEABLE PERSON: A prospective marriage partner; or a suitable candidate for a bride or bridegroom.

(措處) : 문제가 된 상황이나 일을 잘 처리함. 또는 그러한 방식. Noun
🌏 STEP; ACTION: The act of resolving a problematic situation or issue well, or a way of such resolution.

도피 (逃避處) : 무엇을 피해 도망가 숨어 있는 곳. Noun
🌏 REFUGE: A place to escape from something and hide in.

제스 (gesture) : 말을 효과적으로 전달하기 위해 하는 몸짓이나 손짓. Noun
🌏 GESTURE: A body or hand movement used to get oneself understood effectively.

(各處) : 여러 곳. Noun
🌏 EACH AND EVERY PLACE; ALL PLACES: A variety of places.

(某處) : 특별히 정해지지 않거나 불확실하거나 밝히기 어려운 어떤 곳. Noun
🌏 SOMEWHERE: A place that is uncertain, undecided or difficult to disclose.

(本妻) : 첩과 상대하여 쓰는 말로, 아내. Noun
🌏 LEGAL WIFE: One's wife, which is used as a word opposite of a mistress.

(他處) : 다른 곳. Noun
🌏 ANOTHER PLACE: A different place.

피신 (避身處) : 위험을 피해 몸을 숨기는 장소. Noun
🌏 REFUGEE; SHELTER: A place in which one hides from danger.

(前妻) : 이혼이나 재혼을 하였을 때, 전에 결혼했던 아내. Noun
🌏 EX-WIFE: A woman whom one was married to when one is divorced or remarried.

(喪妻) : 아내가 죽는 일을 당함. Noun
🌏 LOSING ONE'S WIFE: The state of bereaving the death of one's wife.

(後妻) : 다시 결혼하여 맞은 아내. Noun
🌏 SECOND WIFE: A new wife that one takes through remarriage.

판매 (販賣處) : 상품을 파는 장소나 업체. Noun
🌏 SHOP; STORE; SELLER: A place where products are sold or a company selling them.

접수 (接受處) : 처리할 문서나 돈 등을 받는 일을 맡아보는 곳. Noun
🌏 APPLICATION OFFICE; COMPLAINT OFFICE: An office that is responsible for receiving documents to be processed, money, etc.

피난 (避難處) : 전쟁, 자연재해 등의 재난을 피해 도망가서 머무는 곳. Noun
🌏 SHELTER; HIDING PLACE: A place where people stay after running away from such calamities as war, a natural disaster, etc.

일부일 (一夫一妻) : 한 남편에게 한 아내가 있음. Noun
🌏 MONOGAMY: A state in which one husband has one wife.

- (處) : ‘곳’ 또는 ‘장소’의 뜻을 더하는 접미사. Affix
🌏 -CHEO: A suffix used to mean a place or a location.

휴식 (休息處) : 잠시 쉴 수 있는 곳. Noun
🌏 RESTING PLACE; REST AREA: A place for taking a brief rest.

(定處) : 정해진 곳. 또는 일정한 장소. Noun
🌏 AIM: A pre-determined or definite place.

조강지 (糟糠之妻) : 가난하고 힘들 때에 고생을 함께 겪어 온 아내. Noun
🌏 FAITHFUL WIFE: A wife that stood by her husband in times of poverty and hardship.

승부 (勝負處) : 경기나 싸움 등에서 승패가 결정되는 가장 중요한 곳. 또는 그런 때. Noun
🌏 BATTLEFIELD: The most important place in which the victory or defeat is determined in a game, fight, etc., or such a time.

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