🌷 Initial sound: ㅅㅂ


신발 : 서거나 걸을 때 발을 보호하기 위해 신는 물건. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 SHOES; FOOTWEAR: An object worn in order to protect one's feet when standing or walking.

세배 (歲拜) : 설에 웃어른에게 인사로 하는 절. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 SEBAE: new year's bow: The act of performing a traditional bow to pay respect to one's elders on Seol, New Year's Day.

수박 : 둥글고 크며 초록 빛깔에 검푸른 줄무늬가 있으며 속이 붉고 수분이 많은 과일. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 WATERMELON: A big, green, round fruit with blackish blue stripes on it which contains red, watery flesh.

선배 (先輩) : 같은 분야에서 자기보다 먼저 활동하여 경험이나 지위 등이 더 앞선 사람. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 SENIOR; VETERAN: A person who is more experienced and holds a higher position than oneself because he/she started his/her career in the same field earlier.

신부 (新婦) : 이제 막 결혼하였거나 결혼하는 여자. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 BRIDE: A female who has just gotten married or is getting married.

새벽 : 해가 뜰 즈음. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 DAWN: The time around sunrise.

식비 (食費) : 먹는 데 드는 돈. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 FOOD EXPENSES: Money spent on food.

사방 (四方) : 동, 서, 남, 북의 네 가지 방향. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 FOUR DIRECTIONS: The four directions such as north, south, east, and west.

소비 (消費) : 돈, 물건, 시간, 노력, 힘 등을 써서 없앰. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CONSUMPTION: The act of using up money, objects, time, efforts, strength, etc.

술병 (술 甁) : 술을 담는 병. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 LIQUOR BOTTLE: A bottle that holds liquor.

신분 (身分) : 개인이 사회에서 가지는 역할이나 지위. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 STATUS; RANK; POSITION: An individual's role or position within a society.

산불 (山 불) : 산에 난 불. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BUSH FIRE; FOREST FIRE: A fire that breaks out on a mountain.

손발 : 손과 발. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 HANDS AND FEET: Hands and feet

신부 (神父) : 가톨릭에서, 사제로 임명을 받아 종교적인 의식을 진행하는 성직자. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 FATHER; CATHOLIC PRIEST: In Catholicism, a clergyman appointed as a priest who performs religious ceremonies.

신비 (神祕) : 보통의 생각으로는 이해할 수 없는 놀랍고 신기한 일. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 MYSTERY: A surprising, mysterious phenomenon that cannot be understood with common sense.

수백 (數百) : 백의 여러 배가 되는 수의. ☆☆ Determiner
🌏 HUNDREDS OF: The number that is the product of several times a hundred.

서부 (西部) : 어떤 지역의 서쪽 부분. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 WEST: The western part of a region.

성별 (性別) : 남자와 여자, 또는 수컷과 암컷의 구별. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 SEX; GENDER: The distinction between man and woman, or male and female.

숙박 (宿泊) : 여관이나 호텔 등에서 잠을 자고 머무름. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 LODGING; STAYING: The act or state of sleeping and staying at an inn, hotel, etc.

수백 (數百) : 백의 여러 배가 되는 수. ☆☆ Numeral
🌏 HUNDREDS: The number that is the product of several times a hundred.

소변 (小便) : (점잖게 이르는 말로) 사람의 오줌. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 URINE: (refined) A person's urine.

선반 : 물건 등을 두기 위해 벽에 달아 놓은 긴 널빤지. Noun
🌏 SHELF; RACK: A long board hung on the wall in order to keep objects, etc.

설비 (設備) : 필요한 물건이나 시설을 갖춤. 또는 그런 시설. Noun
🌏 FACILITIES; EQUIPMENT; SYSTEM: The state of being equipped with necessary objects or facilities, or such a facility.

세부 (細部) : 자세한 부분. Noun
🌏 DETAILS; PARTICULARS: The detailed parts.

수분 (水分) : 물건이나 물질에 들어 있는 물. Noun
🌏 WATER; MOISTURE: Water in an object or substance.

선불 (先拂) : 일이 끝나기 전이나 물건을 받기 전에 미리 돈을 냄. Noun
🌏 ADVANCE PAYMENT; PREPAYMENT: The act of paying before the completion of a job or receiving of an object.

상봉 (相逢) : 서로 만남. Noun
🌏 MEETING; REUNION: An act of meeting one another.

선비 : (옛날에) 학문을 배우고 익힌 사람. Noun
🌏 SEONBI: scholar: (archaic) A person who pursues learning.

성분 (成分) : 통일된 하나의 조직체를 구성하는 한 부분. Noun
🌏 CONSTITUENT; COMPONENT: A part that forms a structure.

선박 (船舶) : 여러 시설이 갖추어진 큰 배. Noun
🌏 SHIP; VESSEL: A large boat equipped with many facilities.

선발 (選拔) : 여럿 가운데에서 골라 뽑음. Noun
🌏 SELECTION; PICKING: The act of picking out among many.

수비 (守備) : 외부의 침략이나 공격을 막아 지킴. Noun
🌏 DEFENSE: The act of guarding against the invasion or attack of others.

수발 : 곁에서 보살피며 시중을 듦. Noun
🌏 CARING FOR A PERSON: The act of serving and looking after a person.

속보 (速報) : 신문이나 방송에서, 어떤 소식을 급히 알림. 또는 그런 소식. Noun
🌏 BREAKING NEWS; NEWSFLASH: The act in a newspaper or broadcast of reporting certain news urgently, or such news.

시범 (示範) : 모범이 되는 본보기를 보임. Noun
🌏 DEMONSTRATION; MODEL: The act of showing as a model example.

승부 (勝負) : 이김과 짐. Noun
🌏 VICTORY AND DEFEAT: A state of winning and losing.

사법 (司法) : 국가나 국민에 관한 일을 법에 따라 판단하는 국가의 기본적인 활동. Noun
🌏 JUSTICE; BEING JUDICIAL; BEING LEGAL; LAW ENFORCEMENT: A nation's basic function of making a judgment on a matter concerning the country or its people according to law.

사복 (私服) : 제복이 아닌 평상시에 입는 보통 옷. Noun
🌏 PLAIN CLOTHES; CIVILIAN CLOTHES: Ordinary clothes that a person normally wears, not uniform.

성비 (性比) : 한 집단에서, 남녀 또는 암수의 비율. Noun
🌏 SEX RATIO; GENDER RATIO: The ratio of men and women or males and females in a group.

수법 (手法) : 수단과 방법. Noun
🌏 METHOD; MEANS; WAY: A compound noun meaning a means or a method.

숭배 (崇拜) : 우러러 공경함. Noun
🌏 ADMIRATION: The act of admiring and respecting someone or something.

시비 (是非) : 옳은 것과 잘못된 것. Noun
🌏 RIGHT AND WRONG: The right and wrong.

Family events (57) Introducing (introducing family) (41) Using public institutions (59) Economics and business administration (273) Daily life (11) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Social system (81) Expressing gratitude (8) Describing physical features (97) Climate (53) Ordering food (132) Health (155) Describing personality (365) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Expressing date (59) Weekends and holidays (47) Expressing day of the week (13) Press (36) Life in the workplace (197) Greeting (17) Talking about one's mistakes (28) History (92) Language (160) Describing food (78) Watching a movie (105) Religion (43) Using a pharmacy (10) Describing a dish (119) Social issues (67) Politics (149)