🌾 End:


: 음식을 담는 도구. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 BOWL; DISH; CONTAINER: A utensil that holds food.

: 오랫동안 자꾸 반복하여 몸에 익숙해진 성질이나 행동. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 HABIT: A quality or action that has become accustomed to one's body because of repetition for a long period of time.

밥그 : 밥을 담는 그릇. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 RICE BOWL: A bowl for holding rice.

: (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 직업으로 하는 일이나 직책을 맡아 하는 역할. Noun
🌏 JOB; WORK: (disparaging) What one does as his/her occupation; or a role assumed in line with his/her position.

노릇노 : 빛깔이 군데군데 조금씩 노란 모양. Adverb
🌏 IN A YELLOWISH COLOR: In the state of being tinted with yellow here and there.

놋그 : 놋으로 만든 그릇. Noun
🌏 NOTGEUREUT: brass bowl: A bowl made of brass.

말버 : 몸에 배어 굳어 버린 말투. Noun
🌏 MANNER OF SPEAKING: A way of speaking that has become a habit.

은그 (銀 그릇) : 은으로 만든 그릇. Noun
🌏 SILVERWARE: A container made of silver.

누릇누 : 군데군데가 조금 탁하면서도 밝게 누런 모양. Adverb
🌏 IN A YELLOWISH COLOR: In the state of being tinted with slightly turbid but light yellow here and there.

종노 : 종처럼 행동하거나 그런 태도를 가짐. Noun
🌏 SLAVERY; SERVITUDE: The act of behaving like a slave or having such an attitude.

손버 : 손에 익은 버릇. Noun
🌏 HAND HABIT: The habit of using one's hands in a certain way.

파릇파 : 여러 군데가 약간 파란 모양. Adverb
🌏 BLUISHLY: Slightly blue here and there.

국그 : 국을 담는 그릇. Noun
🌏 SOUP BOWL: A bowl for soup.

유리그 (琉璃 그릇) : 유리로 만든 그릇. Noun
🌏 GLASS CONTAINER: A container made of glass.

땅을 칠 노 : 아주 분하고 억울한 일.
🌏 A SITUATION THAT MAKES ONE POUND THE GROUND: Something that makes one furious and feels is unfair.

: 대체로 미루어 생각해 보면. Adverb
🌏 IN GENERAL: Considering everything.

질그 : 잿물을 덮지 않은, 진흙만으로 구워 만든 윤기가 없는 그릇. Noun
🌏 POTTERY; CLAYWARE: Matte wares made from clay, on which glaze is not applied.

입버 : 자주 말해서 입에 밴 말버릇. Noun
🌏 WAY OF SPEAKING; BEING IN THE HABIT OF SAYING THINGS A CERTAIN WAY: A manner of speaking that has become a habit due to its frequent occurrence.

잠버 : 잠잘 때에 반복적으로 하는 동작이나 행동. Noun
🌏 SLEEPING HABIT: One's motion or action shown repeatedly while asleep.

푸릇푸 : 군데군데가 조금 푸른 모양. Adverb
🌏 IN A BLUISH COLOR: In the state of being slightly blue here and there.

술버 : 술에 취할 때마다 하는 버릇. Noun
🌏 DRINKING HABITS: Habits that show every time one gets drunk.

깨어진 그 : 다시 본래대로 바로잡거나 돌이킬 수 없는 일.
🌏 A BROKEN PLATE: Something that cannot be corrected or undone.

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