🌷 Initial sound: ㅎㅅㅈ


하숙집 (下宿 집) : 일정한 돈을 내고 머물면서 먹고 자는 집. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 BOARDING HOUSE; LODGING HOUSE; ROOMING HOUSE: A house where a lodger stays, paying for a room and meals.

한식집 (韓食 집) : 우리나라 고유의 음식을 파는 음식점. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 KOREAN RESTAURANT: A restaurant that serves Korean food.

학생증 (學生證) : 어떤 학교에 소속된 학생임을 증명하는 문서. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 STUDENT IDENTIFICATION: A document proving that one is a student at a certain school.

현실적 (現實的) : 현재 실제로 있거나 이루어질 수 있는 것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING REALISTIC; BEING PRACTICAL; BEING PROBABLE: A state of being real or being able to be realized.

현실적 (現實的) : 현재 실제로 있거나 이루어질 수 있는. ☆☆ Determiner
🌏 REALISTIC; PRACTICAL; PROBABLE: Being real or being able to be realized.

환상적 (幻想的) : 생각 등이 현실성이나 가능성이 없고 헛된 것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING ILLUSIONARY; BEING DREAMY; BEING FANTASTIC: A state in which a thought, etc., is considered empty, unlikely or impossible to come true in reality.

행사장 (行事場) : 행사가 열리는 장소. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 VENUE; STAGE: A place where an event is held.

환상적 (幻想的) : 생각 등이 현실성이나 가능성이 없고 헛된. ☆☆ Determiner
🌏 ILLUSIONARY; DREAMY; FANTASTIC: A thought, etc., being considered unrealistic, unlikely or impossible to come true in reality.

헌신적 (獻身的) : 몸과 마음을 바쳐 모든 정성과 노력을 다하는. Determiner
🌏 DEVOTED; DEDICATED; COMMITTED: Trying hard sincerely to do something with one's heart and soul.

혁신적 (革新的) : 오래된 풍속, 관습, 조직, 방법 등을 완전히 바꾸어 새롭게 하는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING INNOVATIVE; BEING PROGRESSIVE; BEING GROUNDBREAKING: A state of changing an old custom, convention, organization, method, etc., into completely new ones.

형식적 (形式的) : 겉으로 나타나 보이는 모양을 위주로 하는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING FORMAL; FORMALITY: A state of focusing on the form revealed outwardly.

헌신적 (獻身的) : 몸과 마음을 바쳐 모든 정성과 노력을 다하는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING DEVOTED; BEING DEDICATED; BEING COMMITTED: A state of trying hard sincerely to do something with one's heart and soul.

핵심적 (核心的) : 가장 중심이 되거나 중요한 것. Noun
🌏 BEING CENTRAL; BEING KEY; CORE: A state of being the central or most important part of something.

핵심적 (核心的) : 가장 중심이 되거나 중요한. Determiner
🌏 CENTRAL; KEY; MAIN: Being the central or most important part of something.

항생제 (抗生劑) : 다른 미생물이나 생물의 세포를 선택적으로 억제하거나 죽이는 약. Noun
🌏 ANTIBIOTIC: A medicine that selectively suppresses or kills the cells of another microorganism or organism.

형식적 (形式的) : 겉으로 나타나 보이는 모양을 위주로 하는. Determiner
🌏 FORMAL: Focusing on the form revealed outwardly.

혁신적 (革新的) : 오래된 풍속, 관습, 조직, 방법 등을 완전히 바꾸어 새롭게 하는. Determiner
🌏 INNOVATIVE; PROGRESSIVE; GROUNDBREAKING: Changing an old custom, convention, organization, method, etc., into a completely new one.

학습지 (學習紙) : 학생이 일정한 양을 학습할 수 있도록 정기적으로 집으로 배달되는 문제지. Noun
🌏 HOMESCHOOLING WORKBOOK; HOMESCHOOLING WORKSHEETS: A workbook or worksheets regularly delivered to a student's home so as to allow student to work on them for a certain amount of time each day.

한시적 (限時的) : 일정한 기간이 정해져 있는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING TEMPORARY; BEING FOR THE TIME BEING: A state in which a certain period of time is set for a task, job, etc.

한시적 (限時的) : 일정한 기간이 정해져 있는. Determiner
🌏 TEMPORARY; FOR THE TIME BEING: A certain period of time being set for a task, job, etc.

헬스장 (health 場) : 몸을 단련하거나 몸매를 가꿀 수 있도록 여러 가지 운동 기구나 시설을 갖춘 곳. Noun
🌏 HEALTH CLUB; FITNESS CENTER; GYM: A place equipped with a variety of exercise apparatuses or facilities to improve one's health or keep one's body in good shape.

협심증 (狹心症) : 심장에 갑자기 일어나는 심한 통증이나 발작 증상. Noun
🌏 ANGINA: A disease marked by symptoms of sudden severe pain and seizure occurring in heart.

호시절 (好時節) : 좋은 때. Noun

학술지 (學術誌) : 학문, 기술, 예술 분야에 관한 전문적인 글을 싣는 잡지. Noun
🌏 ACADEMIC JOURNAL; JOURNAL: A collection of professional articles on academic, scientific, and artistic subjects.

학습자 (學習者) : 배워서 익히는 사람. Noun
🌏 LEARNER; STUDENT: A person who learns by studying something.

희생적 (犧牲的) : 어떤 사람이나 목적을 위해 자신의 목숨, 재산, 명예, 이익 등을 바치거나 버리는. Determiner
🌏 SACRIFICIAL: Giving away or relinquishing one's life, property, reputation, interest, etc., for another person or purpose.

희생자 (犧牲者) : 희생을 당한 사람. Noun
🌏 VICTIM; CASUALTY: An innocent person who has been killed or hurt in an accident, disaster, etc.

희생적 (犧牲的) : 어떤 사람이나 목적을 위해 자신의 목숨, 재산, 명예, 이익 등을 바치거나 버리는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING SACRIFICIAL: A state of giving away or relinquishing one's life, property, reputation, interest, etc., for another person or purpose.

학습장 (學習帳) : 배운 내용을 적는 공책. Noun
🌏 EXERCISE BOOK: A notebook used for writing down what one has learned.

학술적 (學術的) : 학문과 기술에 관한 것. Noun
🌏 BEING ACADEMIC; BEING SCIENTIFIC; BEING SCHOLARLY: A state of involving academic knowledge and techniques.

해설자 (解說者) : 어려운 문제나 사건의 내용 등을 알기 쉽게 풀어 설명하는 사람. Noun
🌏 COMMENTATOR; EXPOSITOR: A person who explains a difficult or complex problem or case to another person in terms easily understandable.

학술적 (學術的) : 학문과 기술에 관한. Determiner
🌏 ACADEMIC; SCIENTIFIC; SCHOLARLY: Involving academic knowledge and techniques.

헛손질 : 정신없이 손을 이리저리 흔드는 일. Noun
🌏 WAVING ONE'S HAND: An act of waving one's hand wildly, excessively.

화선지 (畫宣紙) : 글을 쓰거나 그림을 그릴 때 쓰는 한지. Noun
🌏 HWASEONJI: A traditional Korean paper used for writing characters or drawing pictures.

행선지 (行先地) : 가려고 하는 곳. Noun
🌏 DESTINATION: A place one wants to go to.

Making a promise (4) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Sports (88) Describing food (78) School life (208) Residential area (159) Social issues (67) Environmental issues (226) Family events (during national holidays) (2) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Social system (81) Inviting and visiting (28) Hobby (103) Law (42) Climate (53) Describing a dish (119) Ordering food (132) Expressing gratitude (8) Daily life (11) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Life in Korea (16) Travel (98) Expressing date (59) Greeting (17) Hobbies (48) Human relationships (52) Using public institutions (library) (6) Introducing (introducing family) (41) Education (151) Religion (43)