🌷 Initial sound: ㅎㅇㅈ


할인점 (割引店) : 정해진 가격에서 얼마를 뺀 상품만 전문적으로 파는 가게. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 DISCOUNT STORE; OUTLET: A store that specializes in selling goods at a reduction from the original price.

휴양지 (休養地) : 편안히 쉬면서 건강을 잘 돌보기에 알맞은 곳. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 RESORT; GETAWAY; HOLIDAY DESTINATION: A place suitable for taking care of one's health by relaxing.

효율적 (效率的) : 들인 노력이나 힘에 비해 얻는 결과가 큰 것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING EFFICIENT; BEING EFFECTIVE: A state in which an outcome turns out to be satisfactory compared to one's efforts.

효율적 (效率的) : 들인 노력이나 힘에 비해 얻는 결과가 큰. ☆☆ Determiner
🌏 EFFICIENT; EFFECTIVE: An outcome turning out to be satisfactory compared to one's efforts.

호의적 (好意的) : 어떤 대상을 좋게 생각하는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING FAVORABLE; BEING FRIENDLY; BEING AMICABLE: A state of showing a good feeling toward a certain object.

획일적 (劃一的) : 모두가 하나와 같아서 다름이 없는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING UNIFORM; BEING MONOLITHIC; BEING STANDARDIZED: A state in which everything is the same without showing any differences.

해열제 (解熱劑) : 몸의 열을 내리게 하는 약. Noun
🌏 FEVER REDUCER: A medicine taken to lower a fever.

회의적 (懷疑的) : 어떤 일에 의심을 품는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING SKEPTICAL; BEING SUSPICIOUS; BEING DOUBTFUL: A state of considering something doubtful.

회의적 (懷疑的) : 어떤 일에 의심을 품는. Determiner
🌏 SKEPTICAL; SUSPICIOUS; DOUBTFUL: Considering something doubtful.

획일적 (劃一的) : 모두가 하나와 같아서 다름이 없는. Determiner
🌏 UNIFORM; MONOLITHIC; STANDARDIZED: Everything being identical without any differences.

호의적 (好意的) : 어떤 대상을 좋게 생각하는. Determiner
🌏 FAVORABLE; FRIENDLY; AMICABLE: Showing a good feeling toward a certain object.

후원자 (後援者) : 뒤에서 도와주는 사람. Noun
🌏 BACKER; SUPPORTER; SPONSOR: A person who stands behind another and helps him/her.

후유증 (後遺症) : 어떤 병을 앓고 난 뒤에도 남아 있는 증상. Noun
🌏 AFTEREFFECT; SEQUELA: A symptom that lingers from a certain illness after the illness is cured.

한일자 (한 一字) : 한자 '一'자와 같이 가로로 곧고 길게 뻗은 모양. Noun
🌏 STRAIGHT LINE: A straight, horizontal long line like the Chinese character "一."

합의제 (合議制) : 행정 기관의 의사를 여러 구성원이 합의하여 결정하는 제도. Noun
🌏 CONSENSUS: A system in which an administrative agency makes a decision through agreement among its members.

항암제 (抗癌劑) : 암세포가 커지거나 늘어나는 것을 억제하는 물질이나 약. Noun
🌏 ANTICANCER DRUG; ANTICANCER AGENT: A substance or drug that curbs the growth in the size and number of cancer cells.

흑인종 (黑人種) : 피부색이 검은색 또는 갈색을 띤 인종. Noun
🌏 NEGROID: A dark-skinned race.

한약재 (韓藥材) : 한약을 짓는 데 쓰는 재료. Noun
🌏 MEDICINAL HERBS: The ingredients used for making herbal medicines in the traditional medical art of Korea.

황인종 (黃人種) : 피부색이 황색인 인종. Noun
🌏 MONGOLOID: A yellow-skinned race.

흡연자 (吸煙者) : 담배를 피우는 사람. Noun
🌏 SMOKER: A person who smokes a cigarette

합의점 (合意點) : 서로의 의견이 일치하는 점. Noun
🌏 AGREEMENT; COMMON GROUND: A point at which two or more people reach an agreement.

혐의자 (嫌疑者) : 범죄를 저질렀을 가능이 있다고 의심을 받는 사람. Noun
🌏 SUSPECT: A person who is suspected of having committed a crime.

홍일점 (紅一點) : (비유적으로) 여럿 속에서 특별히 눈에 띄게 두드러짐. Noun
🌏 SINGLE RED DOT: (figurative) A state of standing out among many.

혐오증 (嫌惡症) : 몹시 싫어하고 미워하는 생각이나 증세. Noun
🌏 PHOBIA: An attitude or symptom of extreme dislike and hatred toward something.

회의장 (會議場) : 여럿이 모여 의논하는 장소. Noun
🌏 MEETING HALL; CONFERENCE CENTER: A place where people gather and discuss a topic, issue, etc.

후임자 (後任者) : 다음에 일을 맡아보는 사람. Noun
🌏 SUCCESSOR; REPLACEMENT: A person who replaces another in doing something.

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